10 Ultimate Rules of Good Health

Reaching total health may feel like an act of juggling. You have a chia-seed yogurt in one hand, a salad of cabbininess in the other and too often, you drop the two to catch a big flame burgaway.

But a healthier life is achievable if you turn this act of juggling into a law of equilibrium: eating right, sleep well, enough stress, work and, oh yeah, manage your daily responsibilities.

It can be done. We are here to help you, with Council of Mr. Steven Lamm, Director of Preston Robert Tisch Center for the Health of Men at the Langone Medical Center of the University of New York and author ofNo guts, no glory: the intestinal solution - the core of your total wellness plan.

Here are the 10 fundamental rules you need to become happy and healthy. STEP ONE STEM: Accommander! Even simply remember to smile is a way to stay healthy and maintain your blood pressure:


You need a doctor focused on well-being

"Receive a doctor who meets your personal needs and understands the difference between treating a disease and help you and guide you through the well-being process," says LAMM. You need to find a doctor who will be interested in the steps you have taken for revision of your total health, rather than simply treating a respiratory infection or shooting blood for an annual report, "explains LAMM.


Food should be a nutrient, not a medicine

woman eating salad

"Think of your body as Ferrari. You want to put in the best fuel you can at least 80-90% of the time," says Lamm. People often use food as antidepressant and choose treats with little nutritional value they think make them feel better, Lamm Notes.

Uncertain about the comparison? Foods containing high fructose corn syrup as well as sugar, sugar and taste enhancers can result in behavioral reactions similar to those caused by drugs such as cocaine, reveals a 2013 Francesco Leri study, Associate Professor Neuroscience and cognitive science applied at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. And in an animal study of 2013, the researchers found that the Oréos had a greater effect on brain pleasure centers than even morphine or cocaine.


Sleep is as critical as food and water

"If you can not sleep, you can not be good," said Lamm. Do not have a good night's sleep can disrupt the circadian rhythm of a person, who regulates arterial pressure and hormones, note.

Your mood and work performance are not the only things that will suffer, though. Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining the memory and sexual performance as well as avoid weight gain, says Lamm. To make enough sleep is crucial to regulate the fat storage hormone, cortisol and theI am hungry Hormone, Ghrelin-sense, get an adequate rest can make thinning easier.


Your mind and your brain need a breather

woman meditating

Take a few moments of daily grinding is essential to reduce stress, which makes you vulnerable to the disease. Ways to give your mind and brain a "time-out" including breathing exercises and meditation, suggests Dr. Gregory Lewis Fricchione, Director of the Benson-Henry Institute for the Medicine of the Corps of the Spirit Massachusetts GENERAL HOSPITAL. Better yet, try to do yoga. You will not only ban stress, but also tone your body in the process. Check7 reasons why you should do yoga now For a total race in all the ways he makes a good body.

An exercise plan should be balanced

Your regular exercise routine should include a blend of building, stretching and aerobics, which provides cardiovascular conditioning, says Lamm. The Mayo clinic recommends that a training regime have five elements: aerobic fitness, force formation, basic exercises, equilibrium formation and flexibility and stretching. Need more motivation to skip your favorite class once a week? This will help you reduce. Do not mix your workouts is one of7 fitness errors that prevent weight loss.


Recovery is as important as the exercise itself

woman stretching after workout

Recovery is an essential component of the fitness that allows the body to adapt to stress, helps restore energy reserves and repairs body tissues. "If you do not get, your pulse rate goes up every morning instead of falling, then you have a problem," says Lamm. Try to combine a high-intensity activity with periods of low intensity, what s Is proven effective for cyclists in a study at the University of Stirling, Scotland.


Keep your thin waist

Maybe you are not looking for abdominals of 6 chopped packets. It's good too. If you target a basic adjustment and health level, follow your size measurement for an easy guideline. The circumference of the size can give you a better indicator of obesity more than body weight, according to mamm. "If you can keep your size below 34 years, you're probably in good shape," he says. A circumference of size greater than 34 means "you start building enough fat that allows you to develop diabetes, heart disease or cancer," LAMM notes.


Be socially

friends having coffee

No, we are not talking about Facebook. Make a date to spend quality face-to-face time; Your body and your mind will thank you. Social people are predisposed to better health, according to Fricchione. Make sure to put the smartphone and focus on your friends once you are together. Social support and the expression of love can improve overall resilience, and your ability to give social support also tends to feed you and pay dividends at your own health, "Ericchione.

Keep achievable goals achievable

Mix a reality in your training plans as well as your aspirations for a healthy living, advises Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, founder of the Institute of Bariatric Medicine at the University of Ottawa and author ofWhy diets fail and how to do yours. This does not mean that you can not give you a good challenge, simply make sure your goals are a mixture of both. "Set goals that are not feasible is a disappointment recipe," says FreeHoff. Do not forget to go easy on yourself, either. Getting to the gym 4 days a week rather than the 7 you've had to aim is always a great result.


Think in the long run, not in the short term

father and son having ice cream

"No matter what weight or fitness form a month from now or two months; it has one year or two from here," Freedhoff said. When we talk about your healthy years on the road, we are talking about your ability to play with your children and grandchildren, traveling well in your last years and maintain some of your favorite hobby. Whether your motivation. Long-term health is more important than setting a goal of arbitrary weight loss for two months from now, according to FreeHoff. "People take these prospects really in the short term," he notes. "They are trying hard and then stopped."

It isHow Maria Menounos lost 40 pounds and kept it. She follows what she calls her "50-year-old" plan to stay in shape, happy and healthy. And it has not failed it yet.

Courtesy ofMen's Fitness

Categories: Healthy Eating
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