20 employees reveal the real reasons to leave their jobs

Bad patrons with hostile work environments, here is what has made them hit the road.

At some point in your life, you will most likelyyou find a job that you really can not stand. And while many of us for all kinds of reasons, have fantasized on the call impulsively it closes to unsatisfactory work, these 20 peopleActuallydid exactly that. The reading of these captivating "I Quit" stories could just be the thrust you need to make a similar change in your own life or maybe help you realize that your job is far from being as bad as you thought.

"My manager told me that she wanted us to have a mother-in-law relationship. »

female boss and female employee discussing work together

WhenMarlly Crowe Leave his job in a marketing research company, she was really having left her director. "My manager was what I want to call a" mature, "she says. "She told me textually that she wanted her and I have a mother-daughter relationship. I told him I do not need a mom, I need a manager. »

Even after this exchange, Crowe's boss told him like a parent would talk to their child. The bizarre dynamics created aHostile work frame which has become the drop of water. "I'm a real testimony that people do not really leave jobs, they left the managers," she says. If his director had been different, Crowe would probably have stayed instead, she started hisown.

"My boss called me stupid. »

angry boss yelling at his female employee

Shortly after getting,Brittany Gamble Taken a job in a local veterinary clinic while she was looking for a job in her field of study. During his second week of work, at the request of the veterinarian of the clinic and the owner, Gamble faxed the file of a patient to the other clinic who needed it. With the task completed properly, she was surprised at what came next.

"The veterinarian came to see me and told me that I was" stupid "and that I did not have a common sense," she says. She had apparently sent too much information, says the veterinarian. "After defending, saying that I do not sense, he began to tell me that I do not have it. »

If it was not enough, other colleagues in the office attached to verbal violence on gamble until it could not take anymore: "I went out during my lunch break and never returned," she said. "Once the leader attacked me, I am an easy target for everyone. She said nothing would make him want to stay after having endured these difficult abuses.

"I'm going to have the people of fire, I did not think. »

two middle aged black colleagues talking at work

Jonathan twill had worked for a media company for four years when he became head of his department. There had been layoffs before his promotion, but Twill could assure the team's jobs, he succeeded. However, when his new boss proposed another reorganization eruption that would force himto draw some members of his teamHe traced the line.

"They wanted me to fire three people that I did not think of being let go," said Twill. "I tried to get up for them, but my boss was inflexible, and I could not see me win the confidence of my team if I did it. So he decided to resign, even without any other employment aligned.

"Of course, I wish he had been more premeditated," he said. "But I do not regret anything. The only way I went is if I was given more confidence and direction my decisions. But it has never been going to happen, it was clearly time to leave. »

"If I have to drink Kool-Aid at work somewhere, so I prefer not just. »

Businesswoman Being Gossiped About By Colleagues In Office

Before becoming general manager ofVision Board Planner,Ricci fisherWorked as a turnover associated with an Apple store. However, it found the giant technology to have a revolving work culture. For example, Fisher remembers an incident whenTaylor Swift was the spokesman for Apple's music. Some colleagues of colleagues have heard that they are not the biggest fans of SWIFT music. The group was quickly taken by management and said they were allowed to express these opinions as promotion was happening.

Then there was the pressure that came to work for such a high profile brand. "Several people I know to leave because of the pressure that Apple puts on their employees," Fisher said. "I found myself in the bathroom to cry for my eyes several times because of stress. Finally, she left.

"I loved the people I was working on," she said. "But if I have to drink the Kool-Aid to work somewhere, so I prefer not just. »

"As an entrepreneur, I would not have received a return salary. »

woman interviewing for a new job

WhenDee Burrell, an entrepreneur in a government agency, began hearing rumors from a government stopped at the end of 2018, she leaves her job. "As an entrepreneur, I would not have received any salary or back to the back that full-time workers receive," she said. "I polite my curriculum vitae, I sent my interview costume to The Cleansers and started applying for new jobs."

The decision was prepared in his favor and taught him an important lesson. "I was hired on the spot at my first interview after," she said. "One of the most important things I have learned from all this stopping situation was to pay me first. It means with my next check, I will start adding to an emergency savings account. If the government was a little more stable, I would not want to resign. "

"I absolutely loved the job, but I despised my boss."

An angry, upset boss running a meeting.

At the beginning of his career,Phil La Duke Worked for a company as a rental writer. After a little research, he had launched his own model to give a rate, and things went smoothly - until his boss told him to reduce his rate, if not. "I told him why I had sought my rate this way, and he said he did not care and that I do not care about silent and reduce my prices," he remembers. Refuse to give the demands of his boss, the Duke went to the owner of the company. "When I started to tell him what my boss wanted me to do, he cut me off and told me that I had no choice but to listen to my boss."

The next day he turned his opinion. "I watched the owner in the eyes and I said," Ialways have the choice, "said the Duke." Six months later, the company was wrong. "

"I stopped after five months because I realized that I was unhappy."

50 compliments

College law,Urszula Makowska Has become a social media manager for a Bridal designer, quickly realizing that she had made a mistake to accept work. Makowska says its boss has consistently reprimanded its entirety, emphasizing impossible standards.

"I stopped five months because I realized that I was unhappy," she says. "She often spoke of my colleagues in front of me. It was not a place of work, I wanted to be in what I left. If she was a different person and was flexible with me, I would have stayed."

"He went down to work at his hippover computer and in his underwear."

woman working from a home office

Like a teenager,Amber Rose Thomas I had his dream work working as a blogger for a small design business. It sounded wonderful, until she realized she would work at the house of her boss. out of his private house.

"The team was really small," Thomas said. "We were three young women and he went down to the work of his hippover computer and in his underwear."

And that was not all. "I was the last employee to leave the original team and the final straw was when I was expelled from a business networking event that we hosted because it perceived me too overweight and "Damage the mark", she said. "Had there been a distance work opportunity or an average manager as a buffer, I would have considered staying."

"The current leaders were more interested in creating a boys club than doing work."

male employees shaking hands in a conference room

T.L. Robinson, founder and owner ofEden mass, has obtained its first job in a business in the finance sector in the graduate industry, but has been faced with the challenge of navigating a toxic work environment that was hostile to women. "I had to find smart ways, such as still having a third party, to cope with the question," she said.

Over time, however, Robinson revealed that the culture of society had a serious problem on itPhysical and emotional health. "I had to ask me," What value does this job? "" She says. "Every time I asked myself, I could not find a good answer. I knew I was worth and I brought a lot of skills at the table, but the current leaders were more interested in creating a boys club that doing work. "

Robinson called it leaves a Friday and never looked back. "I was honest in my exit interview on why I started," she said. "The decision, to be honest, was not entirely about me. I learned later that my honesty has resulted in the necessary changes in culture."

"I was in a very small department and there was really anywhere so that I can leave."

Man stressed and agitated while working at his desk

When things have become too stagnant to the company, he worked for,Marc Andre-Who would continue to createVital dollar-Decided T0 make a change, leave his job to start something of his own. "I stayed in my job, at least a little longer, if I had the potential for growth and career advancement, but I was in a very small department, just me and my boss and there really was Nowhere for me to go, "He said.

The choice of André to create his own opportunities turned out to be the best thing he could have done for himself. "The frustration led me to start my own part-time business," he said. "When he great enough, I leave my job. I have been independent for more than 10 years, without regrets. »

"My employer did not want to study part-time. »

college girl studying and working on table

When she was still at school,Jazmin Gaither, Now a licensed massage therapist atPeace and harmony, Discovered that his employer at the moment disputed the idea of ​​hisjuggle with his studies and work at a time.

"I worked for a big well-known massage company," she says. "The owner of my franchise was so selfish to the point he said," Why do you have to choose this calendar for the school? He then decided to put me on a suspension until my school schedule changed ".

Gaither was furious. "I leaned on the back for my clients and for the company, and I deserved to be able to continue my studies without fear of losing my financial stability in the process," she says.

"The owner was incredibly disrespectful and greedy. »

businessman working and counting money

According to an SEO strategist who wanted to remain anonymous, his former boss had no problem at the scope of his wealth, while damaging key customer relationships. And finally, all this has become too much.

"The owner spoke very much and proudly at the senior management on the Mercedes brand or any new house in the suburbs, he just bought while we had hardly the vital salary for a big city," the strategist said. "It continuously oversight and overpowering customers on the services we offer, who ended up compromising our customer retention capabilities, thus causing him a lot of our employees. After three years, I was happy to go out from there, "he said. Had a manager was another person, the strategist says he could have stayed.

"I would have stayed if I had not been a micromanagement. »

high angle shot of boss micromanaging team

Wanda Esken Leaving his job in a newspaper, citing mental health problems, she said, were caused by a violent manager that her reason to leave.

"Throughout my time as a director of this company, the owner treated his small team of employees so badly," said Esken. "On many occasions, I saw him standing on the chairs of my employees and tell them exactly what to say in their correspondence down daily email to grammar, even. Finally, was enough, and Esken leave. "At the end of all this, I would have stayed if I had a micromeration less," she says.

"When I asked for an increase, I basically said they could not offer one. »

man walking to work with briefcase

ForIan WrightIt was not to be paid equitably for the work he was doing. Working for a company where it should "increase income," Wright and its team did exactly what eight different times in two years actually.

"However, when I asked for an increase, I basically say they could not offer a Wright reminds. "The actual kick in the teeth was when they sold a part of the company a year later, and I realized what I created was worth $ 20 million. I did not see anything close to this allowance. I promised myself from this day to always be responsible for my own destiny ". It's when Wright left and continued to launch his own business,British Business ENERGY.

"There was a general crop of the disrespect and lack of appreciation. »

annoyed coworkers talking in a group

Before becoming senior engineer of the project atTARCY SYSTEMS,Flanagan Joe had left his previous job for the "only reason for a culture in toxic workplace. »

"The salary was good and flexible hours," he said. "However, there was a general crop of the disrespect and the lack of appreciation of the decline of management to employees. »

Over time Flanagan had realized that not onlywas the culture that affects its productivity And mental well-being, his co-workers who had also said he did not like this culture defended now. "I realized that my mental health and happiness were much more important, so I leave," he said.

"Many of my food was stolen in the refrigerator. »

office break room with fridge

During his learning days,Mike Falaheeowner ofMARYGROVE AUVENTSWorking only three months in a business before realizing that a lot of food it has brought for lunch disappear from the shared fridge. The final straw leading to his departure? Stolen lasagna he had done for the entire office.

"I stormed in the office of my boss to say that something more must be done about this ASAP, and there is on his desk in all his glory, my half eaten lasagna," said FALAHEE. "I stopped there and then."

"I was transferred without discussion or warning."

man on laptop at work

Brion Clark, founder ofSide of the career, Quit his former job abruptly when they transferred it to a new role without even chatting with him first.

"They did not do a good communication work on this, sending me or ask for how I felt about it, so I started looking for jobs looking for a job immediately after the Mutation and left as soon as possible, "he said.

And while the company was "frustrated and taken out of custody" when Clark gave his two-week notice, he said that they could have avoided the whole situation if they had treated better and considered it a "resource for allocate . "

"We only started until 10 h. And they would always be late. "

woman outside office waiting

AUser reddit Left his job after making the judgment that many people in his society do not act responsibly. "I was indulking in non-profit human rights," she said. "I was so happy to be there. However, the people of my specific office were awful. We only started 10am and they would always be late and I did not have the key to the office. "

She often had to arrive an hour early because of the train schedules and could not wait until 10 years, but a few days, people would not start showing up until 11 or even noon.

"Have they ever warned me when they were going to be late? No, I asked them to leave? Yes," she added. "The last day he struck 11 hours and asked when someone would be there. They said 11:30, he knocked noon, and I just left the objects I had with me with me at the Exterior of the door and I left. I sent. An email telling them that I can not deal with that anymore, and they never answered. "

"I did not like corporate culture."

corporate meeting with employees

WhenA REDIT user Starting his work in a local video game store, he felt the sense of camaraderie and community he shared with his colleagues and clients. "We were 100% out of brand, but we also did very well like a store," he said. "Unfortunately, we did not do it like that [the company wanted us]," he wrote.

When a new regional head has completely changed the culture and that the work environment has become more sterile and much less fun, it knew would not be able to last.

"Everything I took charge is that the work I loved, where I liked and that the people I liked were completely thrown," he said. "I wrote" leave "on the day of the day of the day, led to another nearby place to lay down my keys with one of the other managers and I never looked back."

"I could not take a job from nine to five."

woman feeling drained at desk job

ForHilary birdIt was not a bad boss or a hostile work environment. SheI just knew it was not the work for her.

"Even if he has provided a stable income and decent benefits, my heart was not in - and he finally started showing my attitude," said Bird. "I was not enthusiastic about new projects or even get into work. It took me a moment, but eventually, I finished my work to make the jump to independent work."

Bird says she now has a completely flexible work schedule, runs remotely and has never had "greater job satisfaction".

Additional report of Kali Coleman.

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