How can it really sugar Break your heart

All we thought we were aware of nutrition and heart health can be wrong. Experts around the world are now looking for an unexpected culprit as the leading cause of heart disease: sugar.

We have heard so many times, it comes as naturally as looking at the two ways before crossing the street: protecting your heart means to reduce salty food, salty.

It is a mantra designed by the concept easy to understand of floating grease blobs about our blood circulation and the vision of unhealthy public figures like Dick Cheney and the pre-vegan clinton invoice, imposing symbols of the political streak. and cheeseburger enthusiastic consumption. But if your cardiologist is unlikely to pass gift certificates at the cheese plant, more and more cardiac experts come to realize that fat and salt are only part of the story. The real danger for our hearts can be Snewnier. And sweeteer.

For the first time, scientists have connected the amount of sugar in a person's diet with his risk of dying of heart disease. People who were eating between 17 and 21% of their calories an added sugar had a higher risk of dying of heart disease, compared to those who consumed 8% or less of their calories an added sugar, according to one recently published study in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL.

The case against sugar is so convincing that last year, the Advisory Committee contributing to the creation of US food guidelines has been relaxed on its lasting position of fat and its cholesterol, recommending strong limits on sugar. Added (the government will publish the official guidelines later this year). The group suggested that Americans limit sugars added to more than 10% of daily calories (12.5 teaspoons for a person with a diet of 2,000 calories). The American Heart Association takes an even harder position, recommending more than 100 calories a day from added sugars or 6 teaspoons for women for women and 150 calories (9 teaspoons) for men. On average, we now get 22 teaspoons a day.

But what exactly is "added sugar" and why do the experts believe suddenly that it is a threat to your heart?


When they talk about sugar, cardiac experts do not talk about things we consume to eat whole foods. "Added sugars are made when processing or preparing food and beverages," says Rachel K. Johnson, Ph.D., RD, Professor of Nutrition at the University of Vermont. So, lactose, the sugar naturally found in dairy and dairy products, and fructose, sugar that appears in the fruits, do not count. But the ingredients used in foods to offer gentleness and added calories, fructose corn syrup with more healthy surveys such as Agave, date syrup, cane sugar and honey are all considered as added sugars.

But are all sugars created equal? Not really, let's say experts. Even if added sugars and natural sugars are chemically similar, it's more on the total package. Fructose, sugar in fruits, seems to be the most problematic of health; However, it is generally considered harmful than high concentrations. "It's almost impossible to overcome fructose by eating too much fruit," Johnson said. Consider this: You would need to eat five cups of strawberries to get the same amount of fructose as in a coke can.

Another major difference - fiber in fruits helps you fill, slow down digestion and prevent fast blood glucose tips. In addition, the fruit is also a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants against disease. Here's what you want to limit: fruit juice, which is devoid of fibers and leaves you too much sugar and too much satisfaction. It could also not affect your dried fruit portions, which are also easy to overwhelm about 1/4 cup are considered a portion size.

Ultimately: You do not need to be afraid of a mango. ThisPumpkin Spice Latte is another story.

A spoonful of problems

You already knew that the substance is wreaking havoc on your teeth and do nothing to help your diabetes risk. In addition, these added calories are just adding to your size, without providing substantial nutritional value back. But did you know that added sugar:

Increases your blood pressure

Sugar can be worse for your blood pressure than salt, according to a paper published in the newspaperOpen heart. Just a few weeks on a rich sucrose diet can increase systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Another study revealed that for every sugar beverage of extra sugar, the risk of developing hypertension increased by 8%. Too much sugar leads to higher levels of insulin, which activates the sympathetic nervous system and leads to increase blood pressure, according to James J. Dinicollantonio, pharmacist, cardiovascular researcher at the Cardiology Institute Mid America Saint Luke in Kansas City, Missouri. "It can also cause sodium to accumulate in the cell, which causes calcium to build in the cell, which leads to vasoconstriction and hypertension," he says.

Masses with your cholesterol levels

Eating a high sugar diet can make a number on your blood lipid rate, according to a 2010 study published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. Adults who consumed the most added sugar (an average of 46 teaspoons a day!) Were more than three times more likely to have a low rate of good cholesterol HDL compared to people who have kept the sweet things to a minimum , according to the researchers at Emory University who analyzed the blood of more than 6,000 men and women. Scientists have also found a link between more added sugar consumption and increased risk of high triglycerides.

Strains your heart muscle

"Americans have increased their caloric intake over the last 30 years, mainly in the form of carbohydrates and sugars," says Johnson. And these additional 256 calories a day that we consume in the form of sugar probably result in weight gain, which can directly damage the heart, according to a new study. Obese adults have high levels of an enzyme that indicates the injured heart muscle, has found researchers from Johns Hopkins-demonstrating that, well before a heart attack can occur, those who wear additional weight experience damage. directly to their hearts. And you should not be severely overweight for risk-risk damage gradually increased with the BMI.

sugar and heart disease

Shake the sugar

Reducing the amount of added sugar can only be hard? Well, some foods rich in sugar are evident-dr. Pepper, Twizzlers and Ben & Jerry, Natch. But an even bigger problem maybe the sneaky sugar that hides where we expect it. "It's in everything, even apparently healthy foods like vinaigrette, whole wheat bread, and tomato sauces," says Brooke Alpert, RD, owner ofB nutritional and author ofDetox sugar. In addition, it is impossible to know how a lot of sugar added a food contains by looking at the Nutrition Facts panel because the labels do not distinguish between added sugars and the natural.

What can you do to reduce sugar? Here are six steps.

1. Read the labels

"There are more than 70 different names for sugar," says Alpert. Search the list of ingredients on any food you buy words like sucrose, barley malt, beet sugar, brown rice syrup, agave, and cane juice.

2. Buy plain

Foods are often flavored code for "added sugar. If Strawberry Flash Flashing Chobani 15 grams of sugars, there is no way to know how much is added sugars and the quantity is lactose of natural origin. Stick with simple version, and it will be easy to see that the 4 grams of sugars are supposed to be there. Add fruit flavor or really shake your taste buds with tasty filling instead. "It's the same idea as the dressing command on the side. In this way, you get to be in control of the amount of sweetness is added to your food, "says Alpert. (Here is our6 Burn fat ways to eat yogurt.)

3. Drinking sugar

"Nearly half of the consumption of the Americans of added sugars comes from drinks," says Johnson. So, for many people, which limits drinks like soda, iced teas, lemonade, and fruit punch is a simple way to reduce a lot of time. And healthy drinks at consonance like kombucha and vitamin waters are no exception. Do not forget your Starbucks race, whether it says Alpert. "Coffee and tea are not supposed to be dessert. »Try one of them14 detox waters instead of.

4. Pass juice and smoothies

Without fiber to dab the sugar load, natural fructose, for example, an orange, is a very different animal. A cup of juice can be equivalent to about four oranges-an amount that you would be quite unlikely to eat in the form all fruit. As for smoothies, they are a step in the right direction because they contain entire fruit, but the research of the Purdue University has found that liquid calories are not also fulfilling as masticables. And mixing fruit into a dough, it's easy to get more fructose than you are trading for.

5. Cut the condiments

Add-ons like ketchup, barbecue sauce, flavored vinegar, and some mustard (like honey mustard) can be loaded with sweetener. If you are going to dress your meal, read the labels to be certain that there is no surprise-dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, and ticking sauce are usually good options. Or useful products: salsa of pineapple, onions vidalia, and tomatoes are all simple means without a softening additives of a plate.

6. Add herbs, spices and extracts

They are tasty and low calorie additions to a meal. "Cinnamon, vanilla, ginger and nutmeg are some of my favorite" sweet "spices," Alpint said, who recommends adding them to oatmeal, yogurt, or even nuts. "Point a lot of spices also help to regulate your blood sugar level and can even reduce the amount of age (of advanced glly of advanced terminals) that result from too much sugar in the blood," she adds. For more ideas, consult our report on the5 best spices for fat loss.

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