Load your shopping cart with these nutritive packaged foods to shred your abs as soon as possible!
Load your basket with these nutrients packagedFood to get abs AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!
Four days at ABS. Yes, it's true. All you need to do is follow these new ABS rules, then learn how to apply them.
Old rule: eat more polyunsaturated greases
New rule: avoid polyunsaturated fats and ignore the USDA Dietary Guidelines
Meanwhile, they have been saying to eat less saturated fat, the good people of the USDA have been sending their advice so that any fifth grader can understand it. But doing so, they failed to explain exactly what a "poly-unsaturated fat" is, and why eat more is not necessarily as good as the government would bring you to believe. In fact, the most commonly consumed polys in the American diet are actually bad for our bellies. The most common form of polyunsaturated fat in our diet is linoleic acid, or the, which comes mainly from soy and has actually been linked to weight gain and inflammation. Eat this, not that! For you shows abs how easy it is to avoid this inflatable trap of the belly.
Old rule: eat less red meat
Rule new: Enjoy red meat, especially beef!
In the end, see your ABS is less on the construction of this rippling mountain range, and more on the excavation of the white substance that is covered their vertices. And by the white substance, I mean fat. And that's why a protein-rich diet is so critical.
But wait: is it not bad red meat for me? And what about fat? In fact, red meat, as well as dairy products and eggs, we provide others in good health, weight loss fats, particularly conjugated linoleic acid or trans cla-fat that actually helps to improve Cardiac health and reduce grease and belly stearic acid, saturated grease that effectively reduces cholesterol. (Beef and dairy products nourished with grass is higher in CLA, stearic acid and omega-3 fatty acid, and lower in the unhealthy palmitic acid, than traditionally high ox.) And eggs The beef and duck are also the main sources of arachidonic acid, a powerful muscle building of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Rule old: turkey and chicken are pretty much the same
New Regulation: Turkey Builds ABS, Chicken Builds Flab
Like beef, the turkey is particularly high in conjugated linoleic acid or CLA-trans fat that really helps to improve the health of the heart and reduce belly fat. Chicken, on the other hand, is devoid of CLA, but it is the source number one of our worst enemy abs, linoleic acid. All nutritionist who directs you to the chicken and rice weakens your abs!
Old rule: drinking skim milk and low-fat yogurt
New rule: extend the whipped cream on this point!
And if all we have said about fat in particular saturated fat foods in dairy products produced is completely wrong? In fact, a 2015 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition aims to the idea that we need to reduce saturated fats. They looked at Food History 26,930 people between the ages of 45 and 75, and their incidence of diabetes. What they found was shocking: dairy products richer in fat The subjects consumed, the higher their risk of diabetes. In fact, the subjects that consumed the cream and the fermented milk with high fat, and the women who consumed fat cheese, had the lowest incidence of diabetes; Those who have eaten a lot of low fat dairy products had the highest impact. The researchers have hypothesized that if calcium, proteins, vitamin D and other nutrients in dairy products are indeed good for us, we need the fat that goes hand in hand with them to get their protective effects.
Rule old: we have too much eating because we lack discipline
Rule new: we are too much eating because we stoned on food additives
What scientists have recently discovered is that poly-unsaturated greases in vegetable oils disrupt our sensations of fullness and hunger. It seems to change the way ghrely and work within the Leptin body, which increases our hormones of hunger and the variation of our satiety hormones. When consumed in excess, vegetable oils contribute to the overproduction of lipid brain control called endocannabinoids that are responsible for brain signaling hunger. Like THC, the active ingredient of marijuana, endocannabinoids activate the sensors of pleasure in the brain, sending us to search for food to answer these sensors. Your brain is literally stoned on linoleic acid!
Rule old: all the fish are good for you
New rule: some fish make you fat!
In addition to the protein, the large fish nutrient is omega-3 fatty acids, which are derived from the same substance of the ocean food chain and work in the muscles of cold water fish like Halibut, the mackerel and the tuna. But much of what we eat today is a breeding fish like tilapia, catfish and even most forms of salmon. Unless you know that your fish was wild, you'd better get the hamburger because these creatures live on a soy meal diet and are particularly high in the promotion of fat.
Old rule: watch fatty foods and calories
New Rule: Eat a lot of fat and calories - but make sure they are the right guy
Foods rich in energy like walnuts have had bad rales in the past, but they are packaged with exactly the kind of calories we need. Coconut, because it is mainly saturated fats, practically his face plastered on the wall of the post office. And the macadamia nuts also received suspicious glances thanks to their high fat content. But nuts are packed with protein, to support your AB muscles; Harded healthy greases to reduce inflammation and promote weight loss; and filled with fibers to feed your good bacteria and help reduce belly fat and bad cholesterol.
High calorie and adipose foods healthy as nuts help crowd the unhealthy foods. When you eat a rich diet, your fat cells fill up higher levels of fatty acids than when you eat a diet with the same number of calories, but with a better oil balance.
Old rule: starches make you weight
New rule: starches help you melt your belly
Some starches, like lens, peas, beans, oatmeal, bananas, corn and potatoes (especially with the skin) are called "resistant starch". They pass through the small inside intestine and are digested in the big intestine, where our healthy gut microbes have shown them. This action makes our microbes release a fatty acid called butyrate, which helps to extinguish the genes leading to inflammation and resistance to insulin. A 2015 study in the functional food log found that when you eat resistant starch, your Biome gut becomes stronger. Health bacteria literally get a training session digesting business, becoming more dominant and leading to a healthier intestinus.
Old rule: eat more food for diet
New rule: Nothing labeled "diet" is good for you.
In many ways, a frozen lean kitchen Lasagna is like a pop quiz with all the answers already written. Your body does not have to do work at any time - the fiber has been removed, the nutrients extracted (then added back into chemicals as dissolved), and the food is completely decomposed. In fact, a study in the Food Nutrition Research review revealed that processed foods require only 50% as many calories to treat as whole foods. So, while you maybe eat the same number of calories as another person, you will gain weight faster if the majority of your food come out of a bag, a box or a box.
Old rule: cut carbohydrates to cut
New rule: stack on grains to find your abdominals
Like their cousins, starches, grains are often disinveloped to the most exclusive dinners and for the same reason: they are raised in carbohydrates. But the grains and their cousins, the legumes, are packed with the magnesium of the minerals and the chromium, which both fight the hormonal cortisol of stress. Whole grains also contain an amino acid called betaine, which positively influences the genetic mechanism for insulin resistance and grease storage. And cereals are the unique source of fiber in the American diet. In 2014, a team from the Imperial College London identified an anti-appetite molecule called naturally released acetate when the grain fiber is digested. The acetate acts on the brain, telling us to stop eating.