25 foods that keep you young forever

Add these superbaches to your shopping list and you will never feel old.

My father was a very old man when he died.

Not chronologically. It was only 52 years old - almost 40 years younger than Tony Bennett, and Tony continues to make records and run the country so far. But because he was morbid obese and eaten terribly, my father's old age has arrived very young.

In addition, do not miss: 5 easy tips for losing weight in your 40s.

Thanks to him, I spent my life fighting the weight gain and aging forces - for myself, and for those who wish to live live lives of health, youth and freedom that accompanies them. Flat belly, a flexible body and a strong heart - not to mention the glossy smile, firm skin and complete hair that come with young people - you will freely keep you to continue your dreams or start again in a new life, no matter what your age.

Each of the food on this list is packaged with one or more crucial nutrients reverse by age; not just vitamins and minerals that you already know, but less known (and totally crucial) nutrients with names that you may not have been heard before, including healthy fats, antioxidants difficult to find like L Elegiac acid and preserving young compounds such as nitric oxide.

And I can not guarantee that the foods in this list will make you follow the Lady Gaga at the age of 90, they will certainly keep you looking for and feel dynamic for decades to come.



These glutinous crustaceans can not be proven to make you feel Frisky, but science says they will help age muscle loss and protect your peepers. In addition to being an excellent source of muscle protection proteins, oysters are also a main source of zinc. "This mineral helps to convert vitamin A, a vital eye health nutrient, into a usable form and transporting it by blood, says Chip Goehring, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the US Foundation of Macular Degeneration (AMDF). " Recent studies also suggest that zinc can slow down the progression of macular degeneration, "he adds.

Green tea

overhead shot of green tea, pot, and plants

Okinawa, an island out of the Mainland Japan, houses more centennials than in the world. In fact, about 7 out of 10,000 citizens live to blow 100 birthday candles! What do they all have in common? They drinkgreen tea Every day - and it's probably one of the reasons why they live so long, say experts. Norwich Bioscience institute researchers have recently discovered that polyphenols, a type of micronutrient in green tea, blocks something called VEGF, a traffic molecule in the body that triggers a plaque accumulation in the arteries that can lead to heart attacks. , a stroke and a vascular disease. The prolonged brunette of life can also expand wrinkles by combating inflammation and improving the elasticity of the skin, keeping you young inside and out.

If you could not already say, we are big fans from the brondola. In fact, we love it so much, we created theThe 17 day green tea diet!



And speaking of anthocyanas, the grapes are also filled. In addition to their anti-arthritis properties, they also help to stimulate collagen in the retina, which protects the eyes against age-related macular degeneration.

Shiitake mushrooms

shiitake mushrooms

The gray hair is beautiful when it is suitable for age, but for people who start with Sel-Pepper before having finished the main course of life, it can make them feel old before their time. A cause of early gray: a lack of copper. A study in the newspaperOrganic trace Elementary research found that graying individuals prematurely had copper levels significantly lower than those of a control group. Your body requires copper to produce pigment for your skin and hair and that Shiite mushrooms are one of the best food sources. Just half a cut supplies 71% of your recommended daily copper intake and only 40 calories!

Cheddar cheese

stacked cubes of cheddar cheese

Good news, Cheddar lovers: Your favorite dish can help you maintain your smile at the end of life. As we get older, our smile tends to lose its brilliance. Although it is a hard spell to avoid, you can reduce the appearance of yellowing while maintaining the pH levels of your mouth. A study in the newspaperGeneral dentistry Among the people who did not brush the teeth for 48 hours found snacks on cheddar cheese raising the pH of the mouth at freshly brushed levels. Like cavities, discoloration is increased when you have an acidic environment in the mouth. In addition, compounds in cheese that adhere to teeth enamel, like a white band, help get rid of acid.



We know that you have never had a problem with an occasional failure of the engine, but if you have heard that it happened to a friend cough - the reason can be a low level of vitamin B12. A recent report from Harvard University highlighted a study that connected low levels of B12 to erectile dysfunction. Although an exact causal link has not been determined, vitamin B is used by each body system, particularly in cellular metabolism and blood production - two essential factors to obtain and maintain an erection of quality . BioSTER bivalves are also high in L-arginine, an amino acid that turns into nitric oxide (NO), the Gaye Marvin of gas naturally present: it causes blood vessels to relax and facilitate blood flow, What helped you get and stay hard. In fact, no is so powerful that it is used medically to treat erectile dysfunction.


detox water

Puffy, the dark circles under the eyes often become worse with every birthday passing - and being dehydrated doing things even worse. Salt foods, alcohol, hot weather and do not drink enough water can strip your moisture body and create inflammation, which gives the Rocket Raccoon complexion. To restore your body, cut citrus (dung included), soak them in a pitcher of ice water and drink copiously. Citrus fruits improves not only the flavor of water, but the skins contain a powerful anti-inflammatory compound called from Limonene, which helps the liver flush toxins of the body, according to the World Health Organization.



Among these people aged 65 and over, a five fall causes a serious injury as a broken bone, according to the disease control and prevention centers. Although you have probably heard that sipping milk can help keep your bones strong and healthy, as well as grapefruit juice, tell the researchers at Texas University A & Mr. des Education show that juice can improve Bone density and slow down the bone loss rate. Juice a fresh grapefruit or eat a whole to harvest the benefits.


Cooked Sardines

Packed with vitamin D of calcium and skeleton in the skeleton, sardines are a manner of the neglected OFT to prevent osteoporosis and keep your body strong for life. Although they are not exactly easy to achieve, they are one of the best sources of calcium without dairy products.
Look for canned varieties of bones, which are sweet and completely edible. Sorry, it's non-negotiable. The bones are where all calcium! So, although it may seem difficult to swallow, it is the variety you need to consume if you want to harvest the benefits. Mix the fish in a rough green bed with a tomato, cucumber, olives, feta and red wine vinegar. The combo makes for a tasty dish and inspired by the Mediterranean.



Of all walnuts at the bar to get home with, what will be the best for your ticker? The walnut, researchers say. Ironically, or maybe the way of mother nature to give us an index, heart-shaped nuts are overflowing with omega-3 antioxidants and fatty acids that can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease - an umbrella term that Refers to a number of deadly complications, including heart attack and cerebral vascular accident. The more complete examination of clinical trials on walnut consumption with respect to cardiovascular diseases has shown only one oz of nuts from five times or more per week - about one everyday handle - can reduce diseases Cardiacs of nearly 40%.



More than five million Americans are estimated at Alzheimer's disease - a number that should almost triple by 2050 if there is no significant medical advances, depending on the Alzheimer Association. There is a genetic base on Alzheimer, and if the disease circulates in your family, it is particularly important to make changes to your lifestyle to minimize your risks. Just add more blueberries to your diet can help you. Rich in antioxidants that give them their violet or deep red color, the berries protect the cells from the damage by changing the way the neurons in the brain communicate and reduce the accumulation of the most frequently observed protein loops in Alzheimer's disease. In a study, older adults that complement with blueberry juice for only 12 weeks have been marked above on memory tests than those receiving placebo. The researchers found the same thing in animals: these nourished blueberries undergo a cerebral cell loss significantly a cerebral cell loss when exposed to oxidative stress like that felt at a neurodegenerative disease.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos Tea

Living a life in high stress is a good recipe for aging. In addition to making you look older (hello, facial wrinkles), stress can make you feel older by zapping your energy levels. Chronic stress also increases the chances that you will develop a disease that can further accelerate the aging process. To counteract the pumping cortisol from stress, make yourself a cup of rooibos tea. The plant is rich in a flavonoid called aspalathin that has been demonstrated to reduce stress hormones that trigger hunger and grease storage and are linked to hypertension, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, resistance to the resistance to Insulin and type 2. Diabetes is also a good source of polyphenols that help protect the skin from premature aging.

Whole grains

whole grain bread

Not only does the exchange of refined grains such as white bread and pasta for whole grains help you reduce, giving you a younger silhouette, it will help keep your skin younger. The refined grains cause the rise of blood glucose, which accelerates the formation of wrinkles. How? 'Or' What? When you eat a refined carbohydrate, the body converts glucose sugar, a nutrient that damages collagen and other ride control proteins.


Spinach and banana smoothies

It can be green and leaflet, but spinach are not nutritional clove. This muscular manufacturer noted a rich source of Omega-3 and herbal folate, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. Bonus: Folate also increases the blood flow to the nether regions, helping to protect yourself from sexual problems related to age. Aim for 1 cup of fresh spinach or 1/2 cup cooked per day.

Sweet potatoes

Baked sweet potato

As we get older, it is common that the skin loses its natural gilded glow. Fortunately, however, it is possible to find your young chandelier without exposing your skin to UV rays. In fact, it has been shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables creates a more healthy and more attractive gilded glow than the sun, according to oneEvolution newspaper and human behaviorto study. Researchers have found that people who ate more portions of red and orange fruit and vegetables per day had a more sun-kissed complexion than those who do not consume as much - result of compounds against disease called carotenoids that give These plants their colors. Little food are as rich in beauty as soft potatoes; A medium half-potato with the skin provides 200% of your recommended daily consumption.


Cherry tomatoes

New research found that the reason why melanoma rates are so low in areas such as the Mediterranean - where to go topless on the beach is part of the summer summer, has to do with the Mediterranean diet. Foods rich in antioxidants, especially deeply colored fruits and vegetables, can help combat the oxidizing effect of UV rays. A study in theBritish Dermatology Journal The participants found who ate five tablespoons of tomato pulp (a very concentrated form of fresh tomatoes) daily showed 33% more protection against sunburn than a control group. And tomatoes work doublely duty to stimulate beauty: while carotenoids and antioxidants help the body to combat oxidation that ages cutaneous cells, they also stimulate pro-collagen collagen, a molecule that gives the skin its skin. Structural and young structure.



Various cultures claim yogurt as its own creation, but the 2,000-year-old health benefits are not disputed: the fermentation appears hundreds of millions of probiotic organisms that serve as reinforcement for the battalions of beneficial bacteria in your body. This helps increase your immune system and protect against cancer. All yogurts are not probiotic, however, make sure the label indicates "live and active crops". Aim for a cup of the spoon of calcium and protein a day.


Peeling a Carrot

Most vegetables and fruits of most vegetables and orange fruits are spicy with carotenoid-bold compounds associated with a reduction in the wide range of cancers, as well as reduced risks and severity of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, but no easy to prepare or have a caloric density as low as carrots. Aim 1/2 cup a day.



If you or your partner have already suffered erectile dysfunction (a common side effect of aging), try adding this "natural viagra" to your shopping list. The powerful antioxidant agents of the browse of arres and juice can help reverse oxidative damage to the vascular system, according to researchers. This condition-which nutritionist oz Garcia, Ph.D., calls "natural rust" - plays a major role in the ability to reach and maintain erections. That may be the reason why some theologians believe the grenade - not the apple - was the fruit for defended in the Garden of Eden.



There are not many things that make up a better choice for the collalation on apples. A medium size fruit is packed with four grams of soluble fibers-17% of the daily value (DV). "This is important for the health of the Colon and the control of blood glucose", "said Elson Haas, Mr.D., author of staying healthy with nutrition. Bonus: Red apples also contain a compound called quercetin that can maintain arthritis and pain associated with the bay.

Wild salmon

Raw Salmon

Filf fish, such as tuna, wild salmon, mackerel and sardines, contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, nutrients that have been proven to reduce overall mortality risk up to 27% and decreases The chances of dying heart disease of about 35 percent. They also offer many anti-aging benefits. Eating a few portions of fat fish weekly has been demonstrated to help protect against Alzheimer's disease and help reduce pain and joint stiffness by removing the production of enzymes that erode cartilage.

Cherry pie


If mounting and down, the stairs are not as simple as both, or that your back is always a little acid, this is probably due to inflammation. In fact, most age-related diseases (such as obesity, heart disease and cancer) and discomfort are the result of inflammation. To relieve your evils and pains, add tart cherries to your diet. They are a good source of anthocyanas, antioxidant compounds that block the flammatic enzymes.

Fortified vitamin D

Glass of milk

Although there are many sources of calcium to bone strengthening, none is also easy for the body to absorb as dairy products enriched with vitamin D like milk, cheese and yogurt. (Vitamin D helps the body to use calcium). Aim for three servings a day to expand osteoporosis and fragile bones later in life.



Aging can be a pain literally. As we get older, the evils and pain of our joints become all the more common. But fortunately, eating this delicious fruit can help. Ripes contain antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins that combat inflammation. They are also a good source of ellagic acid, another antioxidant that helps fight against inflammation that exacerbates articular pain.



Thanks for their high vitamin k, noshing content on leafy vegetables like Kale, Collard and Greens of mustard can help slow cognitive decline, according to new research that has examined the regimes of nearly 1,000 participants. In fact, the researchers have discovered that the people who have eaten one by two portions of the Greens daily had the cognitive ability of a person 11 years younger than those who have eaten none.

Categories: Health
Tags: food / nutrition / wellness
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