Doctors never eat these 9 superfire foods

With regard to patient care, doctors formulate educated and calculated recommendations on the basis of scientific research to ensure the best results. They also use a similar approach to make decisions about their own health.

Because every m.D. Know that their diet plays a major role in their health and longevity, we wanted to learn more about what ends on their plates - and what they would not touch with a 10-foot stick. To familiarize yourself, we contacted some of the best Cardiologists, Gastroenterologists, Plastic Surgeons, Obgyss, Sports Medicine, Obesity and Specialists in Preventive Medicine. Many of them hierarchise to eat a range of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, dairy products and healthy greases - no shocking, however, what theynot Eating was a little more surprising. Get a peak in the eating habits of those who live and breathe health and medicine every day and fly their health and size secrets for your own diet. Here we say to all! And then do not miss things that push the fresh advantages in our exclusive report on21 nuerences admit their pepts!



flavored oatmeal

"I try to avoid foods containing trans fat, corn syrup and added sugars," saysEugenia Gianos, MD, a cardiologist at Northwell Health. "Often listed hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, synthetically transcentable trans-fat increases your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and reduce your good cholesterol levels (HDL), using your risk of heart attack and stroke. " While simple steel oats are integrated into the Dr.Gianos diet plan, Quaker Fruit and Instant Oat Cream are an example of a product that does not do it. Each aroma pack in the box contains ingredients on its list "Do not eat". Need a flavor thrust? Add fresh fruit, a touch of honey or an oz of nuts to your bowl instead. Click here for50 night oat recipes for weight loss!


Cream-based soups

cream of mushroom soup

"Although I love them, I try to stay away from the cream-based soups. They disturb not only my stomach, but are also charged with empty calories and often have charges like hydrolyzed proteins, food dyes and corn syrup that I know about later! " said,Dr. Taz Bhatia, integrated health expert and author of21-day belly.




"There is no food that I avoid entirely. A cheeseburger has never killed anyone unless they suffocated me," Blase Carabello, MD, President of Cardiology at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital . "However, I'm limiting one per month since the dish is high in heart disease, causing saturated fats and served in a sophisticated bread into refined carbohydrates." (And up the top with a green. Here is a list ofThe 10 superfoods healthier than Kale, so you can mix your salad rut.)


Bakery products packed with low fat

peanut butter cookies

"I avoid any product marketed as" weak fat ". Typically, these elements are treated expanded and packaged with chemicals that are added to attempt to obtain consistency or reproduce the flavor of the full fat models on which They are based, "says Rebeckah Gross, MD, a gastroenterologist at Joan H. Tisch Center for Women's Health at the Nyu Langone Medical Center." I prefer to indulge in a smaller part of a naturally high food in grease or sugar only to ingest an artificial substitute. In most cases, the real affair tastes better, is more satisfactory and does not cause gastrointestinal upheaval that can be associated with highly transformed foods. "


Nutrition bars

nutrition bars

"As a plastic surgeon, I always think of my figure," said the doctor based in New York,Lara devgan, ®. "To this end, I never eat energy bars or granola bars. Although they can be tasty, for the amount of carbohydrates and fat calories and fat, you could also eat a chocolate bar . Many of these bars are filled with simple sugars, and they do not fill enough enough to substitute a meal or a snack. "And dive from yoghurt into one. No need to read every label at the store; We did homework to follow theBest branded yogurts for weight loss!

Giant coffee cups

cup of coffee

"I'm trying to avoid excessive caffeine," says Dr. Mamta Mr Mamik, an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction at the ICAHN Medicine School at Mount Sinai. "An adult can safely consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day (equivalent to four 8 ounce coffee cups), but drink more than what can cause calcium excretion, which can lead to osteoporosis . Avoid excess caffeine also helps to move uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms such as lethargy, insomnia, headaches and irritability. "


ham sandwich

"I eat a very clean and plant-based diet, so the avoidance list is long for me. However, even for those who eat meat, transformed varieties are a bad choice", warns David L. Katz, MD, MPH, Director of Research Center for the Prevention of the University of Yale and President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. "Although the link between meat and chronic diseases is quite tenuous, the link between processed meats of salt, sugar and chemical and chronic risk is strong and consistent. If you eat meat, it should be pure - As you want your own muscles to be. If you eat highly treated and adulterous meats, they can pay it to meat on your own bones. "

A soda

two glasses of soda

"I did not drink soda. A long time ago, Cola had cocaine, and that has probably even more unhealthy since:" saysGuillem Gonzalez-Lomas, MDSpecialist in sports medicine and assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at the Nyu Langone Medical Center. "Most sodas contains phosphorus, which binds to calcium and increases the loss of calcium, which is terrible for bone health. In addition, only one can be filled with 40 grams of sugar - the equivalent of 20 cubes of sugar - which makes it difficult for the body to maintain healthy levels of glucose and insulin. And the dietary soda is potentially worse. Diet drinks contain low doses of carcinogens and artificial sweeteners that have potentially dangerous effects On the brain and metabolism. Although everything is reasonable, I want to a high risk of soda., No reward. " And seeWhat happens to your body when you give up the soda!


Soy milk

soy milk

"I avoid Somilk," Note Gonzalez-Lomas. "Yes, horror stories connecting the overconsumption of soy products to estrogen-resembling effects - such as expanded breast development in otherwise healthy men - are exceptional. However, the fact is that soy imitates estrogen and active Estrogen receptors in the body. Do you want to take this risk? Moreover, there are many other milk substitutes - like almond milk, which do not wear the same potential side effects. "

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