15 most scandalous food products that have failed

From the bacon soda to the frozen dinners of Colgate, discover exactly what funky restoration returns we all respected.

Have you ever wondered why some new supermarket products successful and others fail? To eat this, not that !, We think we know the answer: Ketchup Red, win. Ketchup green, failure. Yet this does not stop manufacturers dreaming crazy concoctions to prolong their brands - and their arms in your wallet. I mean, when a toothpaste giant decides to start frozen dinners and a media brand invents its own yogurt, you know something is standing.

I hope that when it comes to these foreign edible inventions, history is not repeated. Read it to discover food and hilarious beverage products and especially unhealthy) got started. And speaking of evil, click here to discover the150 The worst food packed in America.


Heinz E-Z Squirt

Heinz E-Z Squirt

Have you ever wondered why Ketchup is red? We do not have ... because the tomatoes are red, it seems like it looks like a data. In addition, this condiment is approved by the color wheel, perfectly contrasting the green ribbons of lettuce on your hamburger. So, why in the world, Heinz decide to release green, purple, blue and - the most frightening of them - colored ketchup of mystery?! Maybe we will never know. But it took six years of delay so that it does not fall on shelves in 2006.


Bacon sodium

Bacon Soda

A soda Is obviously bad for your health, but bacon soda? It seems simply toxic. Good thing we can no longer find this strange drink, but on Amazon.com, otherwise the supermarket hubbies can begin to justify why they picked up a bottle of bacon solda instead of baking soda.


Drinking orbitz


Doubbés by marketing specialists as "textually improved alternative drink", the majority of the population clearly gave this infuse beverage of coil coil gelatin, referring to orbit.


Wow chips

wow chips

The lists of ingredients on these colorful bags of frito-laity chips would have definitely made us say "wow". In order to achieve a virtually bold, frito-laïve snack decided to fry its spuds in Oletra, an oil that caused serious complications of the stomach, including "leaks".



Frito-Lay Lemonade

In addition to the chips inducing the diseases they created, this stranded drink proves that the story did not very well treated frito-laity. We guess the artificially Tangy taste was not the biggest thing to follow an salt bag of chips.


JEll-O salad

salad jello

Courtesy ofVintage ads

Veggie Chips, Veggie Burgers, Veggie Jell-O? We will visit you. Unless you are one of the few who would appreciate a Bundt style gelatin salad, we would prefer that the brand keeps this innovation in retirement.


Coca-Cola Blak

Coca-Cola Blak

Who in the world has already thought we needed more caffeine in the soda? Clearly not much, since this Java aromatizing gaseous drink was interrupted less than two years after its creation.


Kellog's small mats


Since the violation of cereals and milk in a bowl, a tedious task for people in 1998, the cereal giant has come with an invention floating breakfast buddies, which combined all two ingredients and a spoon in a box tiny. Americanization at its end.


Pepsi Crystal

crystal pepsi

Crystal Pepsi was just your old average peps, minus opacity. Although he was spotted on shelves of 1992-1993, the rumor has for this drink to come back to a store near you. Second time charm?


New coke

new coke

In 1985, Coca-Cola was convinced that it could bring "new coke", an even softer version of the toxic drink, to store shelves everywhere. But it was very wrong. You do not like an American classic!


Funky fries

Funky fries

Between 2002 and 2003, Orde-Ida really believed that hungry children would like to blur the fries "Kool Blue" or cinnamon. Apparently not.


Colgate Frozen Meal

colgate meals

Toothpaste is not really something that makes water from your mouth. In fact, a study in the Journal of NeurogastroroEnterology and the motility discovered that peppermint reduces appetite, so brushing your teeth is one of the8 daily habits that prevent desires. No wonder why the colgonoms have been struck at the edge of the sidewalk.


Cosmopolitan yogurt

Cosmopolitan Yogurt

Cosmopolitancan offer readers all sex, beauty and career advice that a girl could want - but yogurt ? May be Cosmo had a bit of an identity crisis in 1999.



Life Savers Soda

We notice a trend on this list, and it does not look like soda drinkers like their altered sparkling drinks.


Maxwell House Brewed Café

Maxwell House Brewed Coffee

Coffee lovers are serious about their java, so why promote this unique blunder - all blockers? Two words: no thanks. (PSST: If you do not already know what all the hype do the media, check these 25 things happening to your body when you drink coffee .

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