22 winter personal care advice to keep you happy and healthy

Invest in sunlight, skin skin and around a support system.

During the winter months, it's easy to meet you in a seasonal crisis. The fall of temperature and the lack of sunlight can make a number on our daily life, affecting everythingOur sleep habits ToOur bodies. And with five percent of the Americans livingSeasonal emotional disorder (sad) Every year, it can be difficult to control our mental, physical and emotional health during the colder months. To help you take care of you this winter, we talked to the professionals and we gathered all the best advice for the months when many of us need it the most.

Establish a regular routine.

woman stretching after she wakes up in the morning

This can be a challenge to have a routine during the winter. With days of work leave or schooling, holidays and seasonal races that must be done, many people find themselves waking up and will sleep at very different times each day. According toMegan JohnsonAn authorized psychologist in California, this lack of routine can increase our anxiety and stress during the winter.

"Set a routine and set a regular sleep cycle," recommends to Johnson. "Our brain really likes motifs, living lives according to a routine helps the brain to flourish. Keep a regular sleeve-shirt cycle will help regulate your neurotransmitters and establish an effective sleep model to keep you at an optimal alert. along the day. "

And make sure you get out of your summer routines.

man walking to work with briefcase

Although we can be used to doing some things during the summer, it is important to change routines in winter to specifically answer our needs for the season, declares the psychiatristVinay saranga, MD, founder ofSaranga Full Psychiatry.

For example, if you take the metro at work, Saranga recommends going down early and walking the rest of the way in winter. This simple routine change can add more exercise and exposure to sunlight in your day, which is something you need more winter and less in summer when you get naturally more sun and d 'exercise.

Try to leave the house every day.

woman applying moisturizer after getting out of the shower

Whether for a five-minute walk around your neighborhood or a simple trip to the grocery store, Johnson recommends being dressed and leaving your home at least once a day during the winter. As she explains, "Our inner world often reflects our outdoor experience", so if you stay inside pajamas all day, you are more likely to feel worse than if you have to shower and spend time at 'outside.

And when you work, leave the office building when it is light.

woman taking a walk during her lunch break

Many people above the day of the day in winter, they can have time to pass with their loved ones. But if you are focused in an office all day, you probably do not get sunny because it usually attaches before leaving the job.

"An autonomous tip for the winter I give to my clients is to escape the office building for 20 or 30 minutes to walk during the afternoon hours when the sun is at its peak", saidJulie Gurner, a doctor in psychology. "Many traditionally use this as a personal duration during lunch, but it is also a wonderful opportunity to weave this in a" walking meeting ", you may have already programmed."

Engaging full conscious techniques.

man staring out the window in his office

Jenn Stefla, an old therapist and founder ofTake them out, knows that going out during the coldest months is often easier than to do.

"It does not mean you can not take a few minutes to breathe and refocus on the outside world," she says. "Take a few minutes to breathe deeply while you look at the window. Be aware of the nature you see and try to focus on details like getting your attention to the dance of the leaves, the size and motifs of the fall of the snow, cloud texture or, or counting the different shades of colors that you see. Give yourself a moment to breathe deeply and that you are aware of nature, allows you to reduce your stress levels, help you refocus and to remind you of your connections to the great outside world. "

Add more movement to your routine.

man doing yoga in his home

Exercise releases endorphins, which can help reduce daily stress. So, according to the psychologistAnna YamThe best self-guard board for winter is just moving during the day.

"If time permits, take fast walks," says Yam. "If it's dark outside, go to the gym, sign up for a dance class, buy a stationary bike or treadmill, or dance in your living room. There are tons of superb free and paid videos available online, including yoga, aerobics, cycling and bodybuilding. Take your sweats and sweat it on your carpet at home. All that goes, as long as you move. "

Expose to more light.

light bulbs on a wooden table

With longer days of darkness in winter, it can be difficult to get the amount of sun we need during the day. After all, exposure to light causes positive changes in the brain's chemical balance, says Saranga.

"Using a light box or a box with fluorescent lights installed, can be used to expose yourself to the bright light early in the morning before sunrise, and later in the evening after sunset" he recommends. "This can considerably reduce the symptoms of depression. Keep your blinds and window shades open as much as possible, and cut trees or shrubs that hinder windows if more natural light fill the room."

Stick to regular eating habits.

man dancing in a grocery store, worst things about the suburbs

Do not be styled by a holiday home. Although it's no crime to indulge in delicious treats during the holiday season, do not do too much on relying on food delivery services or holiday remains.Nora gerardi, a New York clinical psychologist, recommends following regular grocery races as "an irregular or unhealthy diet can contribute to negative moods".

Eat food with a goal.

dark leafy green vegetables on a table

Do not have enough sun during the winter? NutritionistNatalia Rose Has a simple solution: bring the outside. She says, "Bring the sun into your plate while eating foods that store sunlight." Its special recommendation is dark leafy greens such as curly cabbage, spinach or collar greens.

Limit your alcohol consumption.

older man holding a wine glass of red wine

Although it can be easy to want a few cocktails when collecting friends and familyduring the holidaysThis can cause more problems for you in winter. According to Saranga, since alcohol is a Downer, it does not "exasperate your depression" if you already know SAD symptoms. Instead, it recommends transporting your water consumption over these months.

Get your influenza shot.

man getting a flu shot at the doctor

When you do not feel your best mentally, it can be easy to let your physical health fall on the edge of the direction.Teri dreher, founder ofNshore patient premiums, says staying over your influenza shots should be at the top of your health care list during the winter. And the numbers save this advice: theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention Reported that the influenza vaccine prevented nearly 7.1 million influenza cases last year.

Use your days of illness.

Cold woman warming up with a cup of coffee and a blanket

During the holiday season, many employees are reluctant to lack work, or because they need money, either because too many people have already taken time. By the opinion of the licensed therapistKatie Lear However, if you arefeel sick during the holidays, Take your days of illness.

"So many people are trying to harden him and continue to appear to work with cold or worse, which leads only more wild exhaustion like continuing winter," says Lear. "I see so many parents in my office around the holidays that are totally sunbed after ignoring their own health needs. Personal care is not all bubbles and manicure: it also takes practical steps every day to stay in good health."

And go to the doctor.

Man having his blood glucose levels checked by his doctor for diabetes

In addition to not wanting to take their days of illness, many people have left their health without entirely during the winter because they become too busy. Gerardi says one of the most important ways to feel better this winter does not forget to deal with physical health concerns. Regular planning and attend the doctor's appointments, as well as follow all the ordinances, is one of the most important personal care of care.

Try the therapy.

woman talking to therapist

While many people know how to be with friends and family during the holidays, it may not be so mucheasy time for everyone. If you are someone who finds the holidays to be aparticularly stressful time, Advisor based in GeorgiaBrent sweetzer Recommends searching for professional help.

"The beginning of January is a hard time emotionally for many people," Sweitzer said. "They may have encountered the stress on the holidays in family relations, and the shorter days and the cold weather can take toll on moods. If you have never done therapy or advice, it's a Excellent way to take care of you andyour relationship. If you have already done so, there is no asset, winter is a good time to restart and take care proactively for yourself. "

Stay connected to your support system.

two men meeting for coffee at a coffee shop

It's ironic that, in a season, for friends and family, many people often find themselves too busy in winter to spend quality time with their loved ones.Rachel Elder, a mental health advisor in Washington, reminds people to stay related to those who care throughout the season.

"Time time to chat on the phone, meet coffee or find a way to see the ones you feel to support you," she says. "Personal care does not always mean individual care. You can use your support system to help you get your needs encountered and take into account your health goals."

Keep away from the screen.

man using his phone in his bed

There may be nothing more relaxing than being wearing on the couch with your favoriteNetflix Show when it's cold outside. But too much screen time is never a good thing, especially when it keeps you inside during the winter, says Gerardi. Take the time to actively limit your screen time - which includes phones, televisions and video games - so unplug each day can make a world of difference.

Take a hot bath.

woman taking a relaxing hot bath

With holiday traffic jams, cold weather and increased sedentary time, our muscles can tend a lot of time during the winter months. An easy solution? Take a hot bath, recommend a therapistEmma Donovan. She explains that even a small amount of time spent in a hot bath can help reduce stress and relieve muscle tension.

Or take a cold shower.

shower heads

Although it may seem counter-intuitive to jump into a cold shower after being outside in the cold, it can actually be a rejuvenating experience during the winter.Sofia Din, a certified doctor from the New York Council, recommends taking a cold shower of 60 seconds every day to improve skin problems, traffic and metabolic rates - and to strengthen your immune system.

Take the skin care creams.

woman applying moisturizer, using objects wrong

One of the easiest ways to take care of you in winter isTake care of your skin, saysYocheved Golani, a coach of life toE-advisor. With dry and cracked skin becoming more prevalent in winter, Golani recommends transporting your use of moisturizer in winter to fight against that. And while you add more moisture, do not doForget your sunscreen! UVA rays, which contribute to the development ofskin cancer, are just as high during sunscreen so that the sunscreen is always necessary.

Do not buy gifts.

shopper stressed as they're shopping

Many people assimilate the holiday season with shopping gifts, but spend money that you do not have extra stress for an already stressful season. Golani recommends not buying gifts this season, but to give people what they really need.

"People do not need things, they need relationships. Create invitations to spend time together, volunteer to go shopping for a person who would appreciate this, or repair something favor to someone who Would appreciate your time and effort, "Golani recommends. "Responding to these obligations. The portfolios will remain more complete, and the meaning of mutual happiness is."

Take the time to travel.

man packing his suitcase for travel

The winter ruts are hard to get out of, especially when your environment is not suitable for good experience.Joe Bunting, author ofCrowdsourcing Paris, recommend taking time to travel in winter. If you live in a dark or dark area, travel somewhere more Sunnier. Take the time to travel for yourself, and not just to visit the family, can really help during the coldest season, says Bunting.

And take everyday time to focus on yourself.

young woman sitting in her bed with arms raised

No matter how many personal care advice you read or take note of, if you do not spend time every day to focus on what personal care means for you, you will never find the relaxation you want.Leslie Nifoussi, a mental health defender, recommends spending at least 15 minutes every day to focus on yourself.

"What does it look like? Maybe it's a hot bath with new bath salts, maybe it's a face at home, or a face far from home, "she says. "No matter what it is for you - and be specific - place it in your calendar and when this reminder goes out, it's" you "time."

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