The 40-year-old study discovers that taking more days of vacation will prolong your life

Do not let these days of power get lost!

Arecent study found that 52% of Americans arealways Do not use all the holiday time they earn, and much of those who took off time do not use it for travel. It's a real shame, since the same study revealed that people who used their PTO to see that the world said to be much more satisfied with their work, their business, their personal relationships and their physical health. and their well-being.

Now,A new study presented At the European Cardiology Congress company found that taking vacation days does not just affect your satisfaction of life and your emotional well-being, it also has a major impact on your longevity.

In 1974 and 1975, the study of Helsinki's businessmen recruited 1,222 middle-aged male frameworks, all with at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease (such as smoking, high blood pressure or high cholesterol). Half of the men were placed in an intervention group that encourage them to participate in physical activity, to eat healthy, to maintain a good IMC and quitting (What are four of the five things that a recent Harvard study said would guarantee a longer life) The other half was placed in a control group and brought their lives as usual.

As expected, those who had been placed in the intervention group experienced a reduced risk of 46 percent of cardiovascular diseases. However, quite curiously, when the researchers followed participants in 1989, they found that there had been more deaths in the intervention group than in the control group.

For the next 25 years, researchers examined national death records and data on the lifestyle of participants to determine the source of this divergence and managed to establish a link between the amount of vacation days as men. have taken and their risk of death. Even if they had adopted all the techniques that help people live longer, the men of the intervention group who took three weeks or less vacation time a year had a chance of more than 37% death in 1974 -2004 that those who took more than three weeks.

The results indicate that, in order to live a long and happy life, it is not enough to take care of your body. People,especially those who are in high power jobs, tendency to treat holidays as if it were a frivolous indulgence that they can engage when they have time (which is never). And the rise of "hunting" means that more and more people do not really disconnect even when traveling abroad. This long-term study is therefore important by providing evidence to suggest that taking a work break are not a luxury, but an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.

"The harm caused by the intensive lifestyle plan was concentrated in a subgroup of men with shorter annual holidays"Dr.Imo Strandberg, professor at the Ministry of Medicine at the University of Helsinki and head of the study,noted. "In our study, men with shorter holidays have worked more and more than those who have taken holiday longer. This stressful lifestyle may have exceeded any advantage of the intervention."

Like all studies, it has its limits and Stranberg theory that it is possible that there were more deaths in the intervention group because "the intervention itself may also have had an unfavorable psychological effect on These men adding stress to their lives. " But he also added that people should not "think about having a lifestyle otherwise healthy compensates to work too hard and not taking a vacation ... The holidays can be a good way to relieve stress".

For what it is worth it, you do not always need to travel very far or take a lot of time, in order to harvest the benefits of your holidays. And for greater tips on life longer, checkThis guide to watch and feel younger than ever before-directly from the CEO of America.

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Categories: Health
Tags: aging / vacation / wellness
By: desiree-o
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