The 21 best coffee bags for the planet

Get your Caffeine Fix-while the best interest of the earth of the earth of Mother Earth.

Have you ever thought about the idea that your favorite coffee brand could potentially benefit or harm the environment?

"Are you serious?"
"Say it's not the case!"

Yes, it's true. We do not want to be dramatic, but your Joe's ritual municipality cup could very well be the cause of deforestation, as well as the reduction of the valuable biodiversity of the Earth. Of course, these side effects will never be marked on the label of your Folir's tin. Fortunately, there is another way to indicate whether your coffee helps or injure the environment. The answer? Sink. If a coffee indicates that it is grown in the shade, it means that it is cultivated in a sustainable way, that is to say that this benefits the earth. Before 1970, coffee was cultivated in a traditional (and natural) way by being grown in tropical and mountainous areas. In this configuration, it flourishes under the comfort of a canopy of trees and- according to the organization of the international coffee - like a persistent shrub, the coffee contributes to the elimination of carbon dioxide of the atmosphere and also allows the preservation of initial biodiversity in this direction. region specified.

Unfortunately, demand has become so high for a coffee a few decades a few decades ago that producers have begun to practice a method called "sun cultivation" because it gives the largest amount of coffee in a shorter period. This easy start-up approach calls mega fertilizer to accelerate along the process and here are the worst trees to cut in part. So, this cheap coffee on the shelves could look like your portfolio, but it contributes to the environmental problems of the planet. On a happier note, there are a lot of amazing adult shading coffee brands and eat this! Brought together 21 of them for you! And as a bonus, they are all equitable certified! Check them below, then keep your quality-quality choices of quality by discoveringThe best coffee in each state.


Coffee Counter Culture

counter culture coffee

The counter-culture is the first of our list for a reason: they are committed to transparency with regard to where they grow coffee, as well as tax and social considerations such as equality of remuneration. Splurge on their Colombian variant called "El Moral" for a rich cup of coffee adorned with notes of red grape, dark chocolate and almond. You can buy a 12 ounce bag For $ 18.95! We know it's steep, but it's worth trying!


Just chest

just coffee co-op

Similar to the fight against culture, the coffee cooperative also applies to transparency so that they have launched their own "transparency project" in 2006, which includes all of their contracts with the farmers, the prices they pay them , their returns of profit and loss, and after! There are really no secrets with this cooperative. If this part does not tickle you your fantasy, wait for you to hear some of the radish names of their cafes. They have something of The Ethiopian, a light roast called "Holder" to the "Electric Monkey Expresso" Roasted Dark "and even a named after a Podcaster Marc Maron companion called" WTF Roast ". You can buy one of These 12 ounce coffee bags, with others, For only $ 14!

Icymi:21 foods that you can add coffee to


Birds and beans

birds & beans

There is a bird on the cover of this coffee bag for a good reason! It is actually certified by the Smithsonian migratory bird center because it comes from 100% of biological farms that meet the strict criteria of biodiversity. Their "roast breakfast at the wooden zuquette" comes from what the company calls "some of the coffee farms best managed in Latin America - full of birds and good conditions for the workers". You can buy this light and Nutty coffee from for $ 12.50.


Reasons for change

grounds for change

The name of this coffee is incredibly accurate. When you lay on one of the gastronomic exchange mixtures for change, you can be reassured that you drink 100% organic infusion, cultivated shading, carbon without equitable. Wow! Discover this credentials. They even have a seasonal winter mixture on the market which is a blend of coffee grown in Central America and South America and East Africa! You can find a 12 ounce bag of this single coffee coffee cup for $ 10.60 on And speaking of winter drinks, do not miss these6 comfortable winter cocktails that are not belly bombs.


Equal exchange

equal exchange

Equality of trade also respects the cultivated policies of the shadow, but the company does something on the social side of things that deserve to mention. For each coffee bag that is sold, equal exchange gives $ 2 to the Panzi Foundation, which submits money for women who have been sexually abused in the Democratic Republic of Congo. So far, equal exchange increased by $ 39,000 to the Panzi Foundation, which funds medical care, advice, literacy education, etc. If it pique your interest, you can buy a bag at a coffee book at for only $ 12.00.


Silver Bridge Coffee Company

silver bridge coffee company

If you are on the whirlwind for a coffee to go with one of yourHealthy breakfast ideas, then it can be the perfect match. Silver Bridge Coffee Coffee Company has a wide variety of water roasts in the mouth, including mixtures called, "Jamaican me crazy" and "farmer's market mix". However, a roast falls above the rest, and it's his Sumatra mix. This dark roasted coffee is hand on one of the most popular and popular coffee selections of society. The land is known to capture the essence of Indonesian tropical island. And the best part? It has a low acidity, unlike most cafes! You can buy a 12 ounce bag of this mixture with all its sweet tips of caramel and chocolate for $ 11.99.


Planet Java

java planet

Java + Planet = Advantages The environment. You do not need to be a mathematician or philosopher about this to interpret this equation. The slogan of Java Planet is: "Best coffee on the planet, best coffee for the planet!" See for yourselfJPORGANICCOUFFEE.COM With bags of a book ranging from $ 14.99-15.99!


Liquid planet

liquid planet

Liquid Planet has enough roast, but the one who really shines in the flavor is his variety of Mexico shade shade! Associate a cup of this full-bodied roast with floral accents with a cup ofgroats And berries for a morning meal filled with antioxidants. You can hang a 12 oz bag from this roast from for $ 12.95.


Torbillons Hauts Molded

higher ground roasters

One of the three higher roaster goals is to invest in the future by supporting the preservation of the environment. Similar to all the coffee producers mentioned in this article, the rise in torrebillons raised at coffee grown in shade allows forests to remain a natural habitat for indigenous animals and insects that reside in these regions. You can sip on one of their succulent mixtures and simultaneously promote the conservation of the wildlife of the Earth. You can choose a roast your choice their 12 ounce bags range from 11.99 to $ 12.99.


Coffee domaz

doma coffee

The creators of Doma Coffee reflect the type of start method Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had for Apple - their successful business started in their own garage. Since its creation in 2000, each DOMA decision is rooted in sustainability. Give their "bicicletta", a whirlwind, which has a mixture of fruity flavors and chocolates, for $ 14.14 on Fun Made: The product of this cafe will support the competitive cycling of local women!


Peace coffee

peace coffee

The Café de la Peace was one of the first equivalent certified coffee companies equivalent to the United States and this year celebrates 20 years of sustainability and "uncompromising commitment to coffee producers and innovation in the trade". Jumpstart your day with the "Morning Glory mix breakfast" that has an irresistible aroma of butter, maple syrup and apples. Associate a cup of this luscious infusion with a room or two toast withalmond butter, honey and cinnamon! You can take a 12 ounce bag For $ 11.00.


Level of ground negotiation

level ground trading

This admirable company started in 1997 by four families who met to make a difference by improving the lives of disadvantaged producers through trade. Their descriptions for their coffee selections are short, sweet and absolutely delicious. Take the description of the roast "tanzania bio" as an example: a deep, wild and flavored mug with pleasant territy, juicy acidity and a dark chocolate finish without fear. Is your mouth still watered? You can buy a bag at a book from this decadent coffee and one of their other flavors for $ 16.00.


Just Haiti

just haiti

Just Haiti works with coffee producers in Haiti, but what makes their business demarcated is the fair model and the model they institute. With this method, they pay not only farmers a fair commercial price for their coffee, but they are also an extra step to make all the benefits to the community. In 2012, 64% of each consumption dollar was returned directly to the people who grew up. Unbelievable. You can buy a 12 ounce bag for only $ 11.00 on

RELATED:12 D.I. Flavors to stimulate your coffee at home


Grumpy mule

grumpy mule

This original name is not a joke when it comes to coffee. Grumpy Mule is based on the UK and gets his beans from around the world. A particular region that has an epic structure of shadow is the city of Ataco, Mauricio, which is wrapped by the AsiaMatepeq mountain range. The flavor is called, "El Salvador Santa Rita Natural Honey" and has an eclectic combination of flavors, including rhubarb, grape grapes and nectarine. Are you ready to take up the challenge? You can buy a bag from you for $ 7.99.



café mam

Café MAM (Say Mom) includes fair trade cooperatives of Aboriginal Mayan farmers living in the Chiapas Highlands, Mexico. These groups of farmers workers strongly believe in taking soil because, finally, this benefits the entire biosystem. Not only do they strive to maintain the natural environment, they also work diligently towards the creation of a higher quality of life for their families. If you are moved by their story and want to give to one of their cafes to try, check out the bag of semi-pound samples! You can choose the variety you want to savor for only $ 5.25 on


Allegro coffee

allegro coffee

Allegro Café was one of Colorado's leading coffee producers, practicing traditional methods of shading growth since 1977. The company believes that the big coffee is not to overwhelm your mouth, but to give the senses a Renaissance. We love the Zen-Sondant promise of this, is not it? If you are intrigued, With roasts ranging from 4.99 to $ 14.99. And speaking of Zen, calm down with these32 foods that extinguish the stress hormone that makes you magnify!


Coffee Radous

ramble coffee

The owners of the railing coffee are surely something special. Tote their two children in a camper of tears, they left to explore and feed their obsession to travel the world of coffee. You can check what they With each 12 ounce bag varies from 13-15 $.


Conscious cafes

conscious coffees

Another Colorado-based coffee company strikes the list with its diverse network of coffee blends. Currently, the company retains 28 direct relations in 13 countries of coffee cultivation. Check which countries are represented in their mixtures, which are all at a price of $ 12.90-16.50 on


Kickapoo coffee

kickapoo coffee

This Wisconsin-based coffee company is a roast selection. The selection Kenya Gathaithi is a more recent addition, originally from the southern slope of Mount Kenya, it offers the mixture with notes of lemon, honey and mandarin orange. Associate this sweet cup of citrus coffee with a healthy portion ofNight oats Before having to rush the door for work. You can buy a 12 ounce bag For $ 18.00.


Larry's coffee

larry's coffee

Larry is a green guy. The capacity in which it roasters its coffee used, "Passive solar construction, active solar systems, radiant floors, heating zoned, composting and harvesting rainwater to minimize our impact on this great planet". Discover its wild flavors, such as "fire in the belly" worth $ 14.99 on


Mounting coffee torrebillons

rise up coffee roasters

The climb is the last in the list because after reading this article, I hope you want to get up over the coffee box that costs $ 3 and investing in something that benefits from the times to hard workers who produce it and that the land resides us. Discover the list of cafes available atSMETUCOFFEE.COM, where the average 12 ounce bag is $ 15.00. Cheers!

Categories: Groceries
Tags: coffee
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