This tip of the CDC will execute your races faster and safer

Contact-free payment decreases your risk of contracting Covid-19 - Here's how to use it.

Pandemic coronavirus made almost every facet of modern life more difficult, including paying for things. You may have already left the use of money to run your critical races. It is widely understood that the currency carries all kinds of germs and science shows that theCoronavirus can live paper money for several days. But the newly released guidelines for disease control and prevention centers (CDC) to stay safe also promote the seizure of your credit and credit cards. No, it does not mean that you have to limit your expenses to shopping exclusively online. During this uncertain period, the non-contact payment is the safest way to pay things in person - and that can go racing more quickly and easier.

The CDC advises in its"Daily life and face" Section of its Covid Hub-19 that consumers rotate to use non-contact payment methods if possible because they prevent you from touching money or keyboards or doing something to the person at the counter. There is also the additional advantage of speed - do not have to deal with a keyboard or wait for change means that you can be out of the store a little faster, limiting your exposure to others.

So what is the contactless payment (or without contact) and how do you know if you have it? Well, that's exactly what it sounds like. There may be a chip integrated with your credit card or credit card that allows it to communicate with a payment system only by holding it on a sensor. Some financial institutions emit fobs or mini-cards that you can perform on your keychain that serve the same goal. You can also use your device for a contactless payment, if you haveGoogle pay WhereApple. These two services involve the connection of your credit card number to your account, then pull the application on your phone to "tap to pay". You can also have several saved cards to choose for each purchase.

Credit card with contactless payment symbol
Shutterstock / Alexander Yakimov

Most cards with a contactless payment chip will have a symbol on the back that looks like radio waves. You will see a similar symbol in stores that accept these types of payment - there may also be a hand holding a card to the waves. And if you do not know if a store accepts contactless payment, simply ask. This is the other half of the equation, after all, not only you must have the chip or application to your end, the supplier must also have a payment system that can receive the signal.

If your current card does not have a chip, you can contact your bank to see if you can get a new one that is activated for a contactless payment. Otherwise, you can register for Google Pay or Apple Pay, with which you can use just about any type of card. So, the next time you close on the grocery store or you run a race, you can simply assert your card or device and be on your way! And for more on unnecessary risks,It's the only thing the CDC says you should not make this summer.

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