That's what soda can be done to your body

This cheating meal, the soda is not as harmless as you once believe it.

Order a cup of coca next to your weeklycheating meal May seem harmless, but you may want to rethink your thirsty choice if you are looking to maintain your weight.

While you probably guess that consume a portion ofa soda one day would contribute to weight gain over time, would you have the same hypothesis on the crushing of a single channelone week? Because exactly the result of Harvard researchers found in a lightingnew study.

For two years, researchers followed and analyzed the amount of soda (regular varieties and varieties of plan) 11,218 Mexican women consumed and how it affected their weight and turn of size.

The results revealed that participants whoNixé just a week of their diet wonalmost a pound of less that those who have made no changes to their sparkling drink.

TheAmerican Journal of Public Health The study also found that women who have increased their consumption of SODA by a portion per week have seen an increase of 0.66 pounds on their scales compared to women who have not made any modification of their consumption of carbonated beverages .

And when he arrived at women whodrunk a box of sugary substances daily? The study showed that theirWeight stirred an average of 2.2 pounds- Add to add width to their size compared to their peers.

Since the opening of the eyes has examined only soda consumption, without considering other food factors and fitness, it is clear enough that throwing a coke, even once in a blue moon, do not Do not wonders for your size. The next time you need a sparkling pickup, take one of those refreshing people12 sodas that are in good health.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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