Secret side effects of eating apples, says science

If you have to decide between two snacks and one is an apple, your decision is simple.

Except that God has made small green apples, America's most abundant fruits are responsible for nutrients in favor of health.antioxidants, vitamins, minerals,fiberand other compounds of good for you. It's hard to go wrong when you start your day shining a Mac, delicious red or crisp honey on your sleeve. It is not surprising that the smart Welsh Bloke of Pembrokeshire had the wisdom to meditate the adage that was finally shortened: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away. "

This pearl of wisdom is always true. In the pantheon of snacks, the Apple reigns in supreme as the largest source of fruit antioxidants consumed in the United States. These plant-based compounds containing phenols can end the reaction of free radicals with other molecules, thus preventing damage to your DNA, which can in turn slow aging and protect against chronic diseases.

But that does not mean that there are no negative side effects associated with the consumption of food apples. There are, but consider alternatives before making apples a forbidden fruit. First, take a bite of these high quality side effects and not so good food apples, according to science. And for more eating more fruit counseling, consult our story onWays to eat fruits can help you lose weight.

Prevention of chronic diseases

apple cinnamon overnight oats

Apples are a rich source of phytochemicals: powerful compounds that studies showhave a strong antioxidant activity, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and reduce the oxidation of blood fats. And epidemiological observations suggest that eating apples can reduce the risk of certain cancers. A review of studies published inPlanta Medica I found that people who were eating one or more apples a day had less risk of multiple types of cancer than people who have eaten fewer apples.

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Low cholesterol and blood glucose

almond butter apples

Never peel an apple. Why? Two-thirds of the fiber and most of these free radical antioxidants are in the skin. The apples are agood source of pectin, which is a soluble fiber found in fluff that can help support Cardiac health by lowering LDL's "bad" cholesterol and improving the fight against blood sugar, thus reducing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Water in the digestive system, pectin forms a gel that slows down digestion and prevents carbohydrates from being quickly absorbed into the blood.


green apples

"Apples are mainly made of water and fiber and are relatively small in calories, making it afill in and perfect for losing weight, "saysLisa R. Young PhD, RDN, author ofFinally, finally, thin: 30 days to lose weight permanently a game at a time.

Try to eat a small apple as an aperitif before dinner instead of cheese and crackers or bread - you will save calories and fill your belly. In a clinical trial published inNutritionThe researchers gave three overweight women's groups one of the three foods with whom their meals supplement: apples, pears or oat cookies and asked them to eat their supplement three times a day. After 12 weeks, only fruit eaters lost weight (an average of 2.7 pounds!).

Regular intestine movements

bowl of apples

If you find yourself have a regular difficulty to stay steady, start cracking on this natural laxative. The insoluble type of fiber in apples will help prevent constipation by pulling water into your intestines and adding mass to your stool, which allows it to pass through your bowels faster. Apples also contain sorbitol and fructose, which also attract water into the intestines and soften the stool.

Read more:The best supplements for digestion, according to dietitians

A healthier microbiome

apple slices cheddar cheese

Eating apples can fertilize a healthier intestine. In a study inBorders in microbiologyResearchers have discovered that the typical Apple provides 100 million bacteria to your intestine, 1,755 different types, that is, if you eat everything, including peel, fruits, stems and seeds . But even if you have jumped the seeds and stems, you will always get an abundance of different strains of bacteria to cultivate a diversified microba garden, the brand of good health. A healthy and diversified gut microbiome has been linked to aStrong immune system and reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Sweet teeth and cavities

apples peanut butter

Apples have been called "toothbrushes of nature. The thought was that chewing fibrous fruit scrubs away from food particles and dental plaque. But by crunching an apple after the dinner will probably disline of this boring piece of spinach between your teeth, he does not take the place of a good brushing. A 2018 report Plos one found that apple consumption, which are very acidic, is associated with teeth wear in the enamel and at the beginning of the exposure of dentin under the enamel. Eating apples creates an acidic environment in the mouth, which causes a lowering of the pH of the plate. Long periods of low pH allow the cavity bacteria to grow, research has shown.

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