How often should you clean the coffee maker?

This may not be the first cooking device you think give a good scrub, but according to an expert, it should be.

Many people have to start their morning with a cup ofCoffee For this rapid kick of caffeine (we can tell). Those who participate in such a morning ritual often choosebrew their own coffee at home, as it's cheaper and faster than a trip toStarbucks. If you are brewing a good cup of Joe every morning, a fundamental part of your morning routine, then to know when and how to clean your coffee maker is essential to make the best tasting (and without bacteria).Cup of coffee.

We called an expert, Beth McGee, author ofGet your own home now: the home cleaning method that anyone can masterTo better understand how often you should clean this kitchen appliance on a daily basis.

How often should you clean your coffee maker?

"If you use your coffee maker every day, it should have a good cleaning about once a month," says McGee. "Coffee fields leave residues in the brewing basket and water stains and bacteria can collect in the brewing components."

The brewing basket is not the only one guilty to trap bacteria. According to a study on germs in the household led by theNational Foundation of Science, 50% of the observed households had a yeast and a mold located in the tank of the coffee maker, which is the room that holds the water. Yuck!

Which parts of the coffee maker should you clean?

"For regular coffee brewers, eliminate all the baskets and soak in a hot water sink and a cup of vinegar," explains McGee.

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What is the best way to clean a coffee maker?

Here is a step-by-step guide that you can follow:

  1. Fill the coffee maker for an entire pot with 1 piece of water and 2 parts of white vinegar and prepares a pot without cause.
  2. Repeat, run the same water by the second time.
  3. Rinse your baskets with drinking water and run a pot of more with water and a ground tank in the basket to get rid of all the taste or smell of remaining vinegar.
  4. Once completed with the coffee maker itself, spray the interior of the pot with a spray whitening cleaner and let yourself be rest for a minute.
  5. Wipe the inside and rinse with hot water.
  6. If you burn coffee inside or outside the pot, you can useBar guards friend With a sponge or cloth without scratch to rub these clean spots.

If you do not have a traditional coffee maker, it does not mean that you earn a free cardboardallCoffee makers need a good gum.

"Coffee makers, such as a cup and keeuristic machines, must also be cleaned. These can be done using the same method but without pod. You can also use aDescaling product Specifically for this purpose, "McGee explains." French presses are usually cleaned after each use. However, it is advisable to take the screens away and wash or soak them in white vinegar once a month, especially if you use flavored cafes. Do not forget to rinse completely after soaking the appliance the vinegar.

Why is it important to clean your coffee maker often?

"Cleaning your coffee maker will improve the taste of your drinks," says McGee. "Coffee usually has a lot of acid in and your coffee maker can have a burned smell that will affect the flavor of everything you brewed me."

She also says that limestone, which is a hard white substance made mainly from calcium carbonate that depositing pipes to coffeemakers with kettles, can accumulate and inhibit the pace at which your coffee maker breaks your coffee. Cleaning your coffee maker also increases its longevity and you want to keep your coffee maker as long as you can, right?

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / tips
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