15 worst foods to eat when you are sick

Avoid griming on things that will make you more congested and dehydrated.

When you are sick, your immune system is your best ally. It will make you pass in theRECENT CURRENT AND GRIP Without a lot of help on the counter. The only thing you need to do to help your body fight the disease is to stimulate your immune system and give it vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs.

Keeping yourself optimally powered as patient also involves avoiding foods that may exacerbate your symptoms and aggravate them. Some common offenders in this category are foods rich in histamines, which cause additional inflammation and congestion in the body; Foods that dehydrate you because they are raised in sodium; or foods that are gaining ravages in the body if they are consumed in large quantities such as sugar and gluten.

Here is a list of foods to avoid exactly to recover faster disease. Instead, nibbles these30 best immune foods instead of.



Avocado dip

Put this lawyer! The high fat content can be difficult to digest if your stomach is disintegrating. Not to mention, this fatty fruit is rich in histamines, which means consuming it in large quantities could make your congestion even worse.



Bread loaves

You can feel good after eating bread normally, but even those who have a minor gluten sensitivity can undergo inflammation after eating wheat. It is better to fire gluten until you recovered since inflammation can lead to an increase in mucus production.



Candy jar table

This one is probably pretty intuitive - wearing highly transformed sweet foods when you are sick or if you are going to take longer to recover. The consumption of sugar causes inflammation that can weaken the production of white blood cells that combat infection. If you want your immune system to work optimally, go on the candy.



French fries table

Fries like French fries cause inflammation in your body every time you consume them, which is particularly harmful when you are sick. In addition, if your stomach is upset, the consumption of fried fat is not desirable. Great fat foods take longer to solve and your stomach works much stronger when it is already sensitive.



Skim milk

It has also been shown that the whole milk stimulates the production of mucus, the opposite of what you want when you are sick. Dairy products can temporarily thicken mucus, which will result in allergens to stay in your body longer.



Latte mug

You may feel like you if you need the extra boost of CaffaEin more than ever when you feel under the weather, but drinking coffee when you are sick is a serious idea. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it dehydrates also faster. Combine this with other symptoms like a low quality fever or an upset digestion, and you head to a seriously painful recovery.



Thin crust pizza

The pizza consists of three things that can aggravate the symptoms of the cold. It is therefore a triple threat for your efforts to take over. Gluten and carbohydrates in the dough, grease and dairy of the cheese, and the histamines of tomato sauce will let you feel soft and cluttered.



Dark chocolate

MoreChocolate The bars have high levels of saturated fat, which can increase inflammation and exacerbate the symptoms of cold and flu. As a rule, refined foods can help yeast to multiply in your body, resulting in a proliferation of bacteria.


Processed meats

Bologna deli meat

Meats processed like hot dogs, bacon, bologna and ham are a major fake diet when you are sick and trying to stay hydrated. They pack a high sodium content and too much salt can lead to dehydration during a disease. The excess salt pulls fluids from your cells, leaving your dehydrated cells and with a worse or prolonged cold.


Potato chips

Potato chips

Grass potato chips are always a bad idea, but especially when you feel sick. They are raised in sodium and saturated fat, which will make you feel the lousier because you will be more dehydrated and that you will be more good. They can also irritate your throat and gums, then nibbling with a sore throat is a bad idea.


A soda

Diet soda
Courtesy of Shutterstock

Only drinking soda if you want to make inflammation in your body worse. Heavy foods with sugar like soda breathes the immune response from your body and you are less able to fight an infection. You must increase your immune system as much as possible and avoid everything that can hinder its function.



Avocado kale tofu

This substitute for meat is made almost entirely out of gluten, which can be extremely problematic if you have a sensitivity. Gluten has the potential to cause inflammation and increased mucus production if you have problems that diges it. Stay away from Tofu, Seitan and other soy-related products until you feel better.


Soya sauce

red chopsticks and bowl of soy sauce on dark background
Evgeny Karandaev / Shutterstock

Similarly, you should avoid soy sauce. It is high of gluten, sodium and contains a substantial amount of histamine, all things you want to avoid when you are sick and congested.




Seafood such as clams, mussels, squid, crabs and shrimp are raised in histamines, which is why so many people are allergic to them. If you encounter symptoms of congestion and sinus, they will probably be worse with the consumption of one of them. Save the chic seafood dinner for when you feel better.



Pouring whiskey drink into glass

It goes without saying but please do not drink alcohol when you are sick. Nothing good can come out. Alcohol is a toxin that affects your immune system and also dehydrate you substantially. Imagine a hangover ten times worse because you also fight a cold. Drinking while sick is a way to compromise your immune system and stay ill longer.

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