32 things that men learn when they live with women

A man captured the essence of student cohabitation in a wildly viral twitter.

We do not want to generalize, but those who have already lived with a member of the opposite sex will not fail to notice that there are certain fundamental differences in some of the rituals they make at home. In fact, sometimes cohabitation coed can be like living in a documentary of nature (David Attendagh Optional narration) that you muse on the mysterious customs of the other sex. To takeRobbie StowersFor example, a UCL 20-year-old student who recently found in an anthropological experience when he was with three Girls Roomed named Charlotte, Abbie, and "Fish" on a school ski trip to Tignes, France. It cataloged 32 observations in atwitter Which was so hilarious on the point, he went viral, raising more than 100,000 retweets quickly in a few days. Here, for your convenience, we collected the source of the wisdom that stowed picked up. And for more tips on how sex works more right, learn the17 worst things can a man tell a woman.


"When girls gets since a night out of, literally everything is the funniest thing that has never happened. «OMG Hahahaahaah I just eaten a carrot» »


woman shushing

"When girls try to be quiet, they make most of their noise with the" ssshhhhhhhhhhh ""

The designated mom

mom of the group

"There is a designated mom in each group. She takes everyone forces off, provides water and makes everyone at home. »

Shower hair

hair in the shower

"I went for a shower and he had organized tufts of hair on the wall ????? »


Travel, travel toiletries

"They bring a huge amount of toiletries. I'm talking about masses and masses. Shelves, bags and even the ground were littered with many bottles. »

Breast life ribbon

breast duct tape

"Then the boys, I discovered the girls have the actual band that goes on their breasts when they wear a top cut to make the shape of their beautiful tits or something like ?? glorified tape conduit. »

Nipple Pasties

nipple pasties

"In addition, there were these bizarre flower-shaped things on the table. I discovered that these things are really stuck on girls' nipples. Found on these cooking table. »

Gel mammary enhancer

gel breast enhancers

"There are things called chicken nets and they are not the ones you eat. »

Preparations takes a whole evening

dua lipa new rules

"From 17 hours to count I saw the entrance in the toilet area because it was reserved until 23 hours to take a shower and about 3 hours of makeup. "No Robbie you can not go for a shower we need the mirror !!!!!! »"

Endless clothes for rent

woman trying on clothes

"Girls all clothes to share like a big free for all ?? "You saw my pretty black black? »« Oh baby yeh A on ATM »


how to be single

"The night out does not end when they are. Oh no. As I tried to sleep at 5am there was an enlarged bathroom session what happened with boys and how the burgers were good. »

with snacks

romy and michelle
"These girls are just so hungry when they came back, he was crazy. Mayo pasta? Yes please baby "

Leave the women's speak

men decides to stop talking

"All I said was wrong automatically because I had a penis, so I just learned to accept my fate. »

Spooning Free-For-Alls

girls hbo

"The spoon girls the other. Lot A. "


sex and the city

"The girls literally tear apart from each text a guy sends them. If you think you are a boy that it has not happened, your daughter is probably laughing at your text right now. »


woman smelling armpit

"Girls sniff their armpits to see if they feel." Nah not too bad "

Time is just a concept

girls night out
"So every night these girls gave me once we were all going out. I worked on the second day that if I added 2.5 hours at that time suggested, I knew what time would we actually go out. »

Deodorant man better worth

over 40 myths

"At the end of the week, my deodorant was empty because" deodorant boys feel better. »

Designated Eyeliner Applicator


"A girl in the group is usually the designated" Eye-Liner "applicator. The others seem unnecessary. »

Birth law on control

breast cancer prevention, birth control

"If you forget to take your pill two consecutive days in a line you have shit your cycle. I became the reminder of the pill. »

The pre-foundation

snatched is a term people under 40 use

"Always remember putting forward before starting your makeup. »



"OMG Im so plethoric that I can not wear this" was a sentence heard every hour during the evening is ready. »

OUTFIT Changes

bachelorette film

"OUTFIT changes will occur the boys. Do you have a favor and go to sleep. Think she's finally done because she is on his third outfit? Ha. »

Underwear or not?

thongs are no longer a thing after 40

"Do I have to wear trousers in this area? »

Last minute packaging

Packing suitcase

"Girls do not pack up to 30 minutes before having to leave because they need half of their suitcase every minute. »

Make-up back-up bag

makeup bag

"Girls have two makeup bags. A bag with all the makeup they actually use and has absolutely no use on which is filled with makeup ever touched but is always brought."

Give compliments is an art

80s slang no one uses

"I tried to give compliments but I was told of & * $ ^ € apparently I was sarcastic."


hair ties coed

"The hairstyles wherever you look. Floor? Cooking. Bed? Hairstyles? Shower? Shower? Cabins."


hair loss bad hair coed

"There will be hair. Everywhere."

No wake up

alarm clock how to sleep better coed

"Wake up girls in the morning at your own peril. Robbie transforms your alarms" "

Practical jokes

girl plays joke on boy coed

"On the right, these girls thought it was $ * (# * and hilarious to get all the hair of the hair brush and put it on my head."


woman plucking boy's eyebrows coed

"Robbie I promise that it does not go wrong."

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