The 3 key places that need to close in hot spots of COVID, say experts

These locations must be closed in difficult areas to stop coronavirus case numbers.

Pandemic coronavirus has brought closures and reflexes. In March, most of the United States were closed to helpMitigate the propagation of COVID-19. Barely two months later, states and companies began to reopen - a decision a lot of blame for theResurgence of coronavirus cases this summer. Like August, this overvoltage has not decreased yet, and some states have even begun to close places again. But how can areas contain a coronavirus thrust without turning off completely? According to experts, Covid's hot spots still need to close three places to help offend the Caisses de Coronavirus Shift:Indoor dining room, bars and gymnasiums.

"Key entry Political leaders are acting on the belief thatLeaving an indoor dining room, bars, open gymnasiums is a good deal, "Ashish k. jha, MD, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, tweeted on August 1st. "This willBecause schools will be closed all falls, Winter."

JHA is not the first to increase the alarm around keeping meals covered, bars and open gymnasiums. When four doctors were invited toEvaluate the level of risk of 36 activities, bars, indoor dining room and gyms all marked above one 5 on a level of 1 to 10. According to these doctors,The bars were the risky absolute, especially since "after some drinks, [people start] to feel a little more invincible"Nasir husain, MD, says.

Gymnasiums have also been greatly assessed because peopleFree more respiratory secretions When you work and breathe strong, and the indoor dining room is risky because theThe same air is recycled in a building. Since people can not wear masks and eating at the same time, it is easier to spread the virus to people who are even further than six feet.

Waiter serving food in a luxury restaurant with face mask Covid 19

And the data seems to show that states that have experienced a push in coronavirus cases are the same as those who reopened these three locations early.Yelp's economic report Wanted for data from the second quarter of 2020 and compared the search business of people looking for restaurant pages, bars and gymses as COVID cases increased. What they have discovered is that the 10 states with the highest increase in Yelp's research activity in May (indicating that they renovated these places) were Florida, Idaho, Nevada, L 'Oklahoma, South Carolina, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, Kansas and Alabama - all of which it has experienced a sharp increase in COVID cases during the month of June.

In comparison, many states that have seen a decrease in cases of Covids the same month-Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Virginia and Illinois - all had no increase in the Consumer research activity for restaurants, bars or gymnasiums.

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The feeling that these places are the most risky has also been saved byLinsey Marr, Professor of Engineering at Virginia Tech with expertise in airborne transmission of viruses. Marr tweeted on August 2 that "the problem is not people at the beach or the parks; it'sPeople inside in restaurants, bars and parties of the house, "After a photo of social distancing on a beach appeared next to a home page article ofThe time of New Yorks on coronavirus surges.

Some states listened to the experts, it appears. California, the state with the most coronavirus business of the country, has seenGOV. Gavin Newsom Issue an emergency order on July 13th toReheat the dining room immediately and the interior bars. He also forced 30 hard counties to close the gyms. According toThe New York Times, three ancient state-Texas hotspots, Arizona and Florida - alsorolled on their openings for bars. The Arizona gyms are also closed, but the three states always allow an indoor dining room in the restaurants.

However, even some closures seem to make a difference. The four of these states have seencases decrease or remain the same Since receiving at least some of these three risky locations. And for more information on the overvoltage of national covidation,This state previously "safe" has just seen a thrust in cases of COVID .

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Tags: Coronavirus
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