Is there a chance you already had Covid-19?

Take careful eye of the symptoms, you might think there is a chance you had Covid-19. And you are not alone.

These are the warning signs that you have not ceased to hear about: a high fever, a dry cough that simply does not seem smoking, breathing, fatigue, loss of appetite and loss of taste and smell. If you meet these symptoms,You will want to belong to the quarantine As there is a chance that you can have contractedCOVID-19 [Feminine.

TheDisease and Prevention Control Center announced the first case of the coronavirus novel in the United States on January 21, 2020. This should believe that the virus had not been part of America.

But there are still people who are wondering themselves, "I had months of coronavirus before?"

Is it possible?

Well, the answer is not as clear as you might think, but there is a lot of reason to believe that you have just had just Covid-19 and did not even know.

RELATED: Click here for any our last coronavirus cover.

Mysterious disease

It is always difficult to locate exactly where, how, and when someone may have contracted a contagious disease, be it aCommon recent, influenzaor the throat of stress. The same can be called Covid-19-it is proved to be very contagious and there is a good luck chance those who have contracted are not exactly safeHow? 'Or' What They caught it.The CDC says the flu season We occur in the fall and winter of the USS with a maximum influenza activity that took place between December and February. It is important to note that even the CDC reminds us thatThere are many other respiratory viruses that circulate during the flu season This can lead to symptoms similar to those who get influenza.

Sounds like coronavirus, right?

Many have led to social media to document their journey with Covid-19, as well as those who believe they also had the virus, well before the start of the global pandemic. On Twitter, users shared their stories, explaining as far asDecember andNovember that they have experienced a sudden and rather intense disease, unlike everything they had before. For two weeks, they also had a high fever, a cough and a difficulty in breathing - among other flu symptoms connected to Coronavirus - and the doctors they saw could not really offer an appropriate diagnosis.

The same can be said for a new 27-year-old Jersey woman who fell ill at the end of September. She is a teacher who suddenly ill at the beginning of the school year, with her sister, who knew the same symptoms.

"I remember being extremely tired and when I started checking my heart rate on my Fitbit, I noticed a difference," she explained to us and asked to remain anonymous. "Usually, my resting heart rate is about 70 BPM and [suddenly] it was up to 105 MPM. If I walked in my classroom or in the living room, he pulled up to 135 BPM. I could feel my heartbeat in my chest and I was out of breath often enough. I had a fever for a solid 14 days. He flew about 102 degrees and remained consistent enough for these two weeks. "

In addition to dealing with these symptoms and do not really feel better, she also dealt with the fact that doctors really could not locate what she was fighting.

"When I went to urgent care, they tested me for the flu, but she returned negative," she said. "They were not sure what was happening, so they told me to call a few days if I felt sick. I called five days after my visit with the same fever, fatigue and the same concern From heart rate, but again, there were no answers. I went to see my primary care doctor who sent me a chest radiography. It did not show anything, but she was concerned about my heartbeat. "

A blood test was then ordered, which unfortunately did not reveal any new information.

"When they tested my blood, the only thing that came back was the Epstein-Barr virus (called Mono), but I had almost ten years before in college and that certainly did not feel that. More, I know that Does it remain in your system once you've had it, I'm not sure what's what caused all that, "she said." My sister has never had any answers from His doctors either of his doctors and as a person with a compromised immune system, which was frightening for her. After about two weeks [however], we both have completely recovered. As we hear more about the coronavirus now, I have the impression that it is possible, we both had a less severe case back in autumn. "

It is not alone in dealing with a rather mysterious disease that could possibly have been a case of coronavirus. A 25-year-old woman who lives in Brooklyn, New York, who also asked to remain anonymous - reminded us how she and her boyfriend 28 fell ill in mid-January.

"I slept for most of the week, the fight against offshore fever. I remember crying because I was so tired and it took so much energy to do anything, "she says. "I constantly juggle and comes between having chills and sweats, and had the slightest cough. My boyfriend went down with her a few days later, with similar symptoms and fatigue, and he had the worst cough I've ever heard anyone A and he dwell on for at least two weeks. "

She explained that her boyfriend needed using an inhaler at a time when he started to cough, and he does not normally use an inhaler. While the couple has not been tested for the flu, they had both the time spent with a member of his family a week and a half before getting sick, and he too had the same symptoms. He went to a doctor and negative tested for the flu, so they assumed that they did not have the flu.

"It is obvious that, without having been tested, or getting one of the new anti-body tests that unfold, we will never know with certainty [if we had coronavirus], but I do not know we were both sick during A week, a week and a half and are both healthy, "she says.

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Could you have had coronavirus and did not know at the time?

As we know, the flu season highlights many diseases that are not necessarily influenza, and if your influenza-test is negative back, you wonder what you have exactly.

Thus, was a problem in the United States before in the CDC officially diagnosed the first case?

Well, the bottom line is thatthere is no way to know if you had coronavirus if you did not do it test it. This is the only way to know certainty - you test and the results are positive. Now that more information is shared every day on coronaviruses,There is a chance that you have hadEven -Tu could have been asymptomatic.But it's also very likely that you can not have had coronavirus month agoBecause there is not much research there yet to support these allegations that it spread in the United States before the first case. As long as you stay at home, took care of yourself, and that you are (I hope!) Recovered now,live the life of quarantine As everyone should be at this time, while what matters most.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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