Grocery errors to avoid when cities rely

Continue taking these necessary precautions to stay safe after shelter lifts.

Before May 15,Many cities will have already reopened Consumer and retail services. If there will be a rapid increase in new cases or not to become very clear at the beginning of the reopening, it is important that everyone continues to take the necessary precautions to stay safe.

With the end of the stay at home approach, many can be under the impression that life will rotate that it was before thepandemic started, but that's just not true. In fact, a study published in the journalScienceBy researchers from Harvard University's T.h. School of Public Health Projects CHAN that social distancing measures will continue to be in 2022.

However, your actions are currently what matters the most. To reduce your chances of contracting Covid-19, you will want to avoid doing these three mistakes during the grocery store when your city reopens.


Go to the store without mask.

Female shopper checking food labelling in supermarket

It's not because restaurants and other companies get the green light to reopen does not mean you have to ignoresafety precautions You take the grocery store since the beginning of the pandemic. The port of a mask is a great way to make sure you do not spread the germs and not infect others. It can also help prevent you from becoming sick too.


Forgetting to bring a hand disinfectant with you.

hand sanitizer

Once again, you should continue to clean up regularly during the grocery store, especially after touching several foods and the truck handle. Although it was not even clear if you can transmit the coronavirus objects, it has been shown thatSurvive on plastic surfaces For up to three days, make sure to act accordingly.

READ MORE:Click here for all our last coronavirus coverage.


Touch your face during the store.

woman shopping

This phone call can wait! Unless you have headphones, avoid picking up a call while you are in the grocery store so your hands do not touch your face. In addition, if you touch your phone when shopping, then continue to put it against your face, that's another way to be exposed to the virus. Decrease your chances by simply pulling the person and do not forget to disinfect your phoneOnce you come home from the grocery store.

Categories: Groceries
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