11 things you should never go outside

Your sunscreen also needs protection.

All you own is designed to brave items. In fact, even items specificallyDesigned for the outdoors-The toys of your children and your lawn mower - should not be stored outdoors or otherwise they could stop working. Thus, for all your valuable affairs to be in advanced shape, we have rounded all the things you should never go outside.


A Bicycle in Someone's Yard Things Never Leave Outside

Sure,garage is sacred and using a large amount for the bike collection of your family is far from ideal. However, this is much better than the alternative: leaving your bikes outside and let them fall victim of the natural elements.

"Storing [your bike] on the outside, leaned against the wall or locked at a fence is not a solution", note the experts at the outdoor essential retailerREI. "Do this and you expose your way to the weather that could damage the components and affect the bike longevity."

Lawn mowers

person mowing lawn with electric lawnmower, backyard dangers
Shutterstock / Kurhan

Lawn mowers can cost a nice penny to repair - and you'll just learnHow? 'Or' What expensive if you leave yours outside. Between rats with a penchant to nibble cords and hard temperaturesCan connect the jets and ports of your machine, Keep your lawn mower in the grass is a disaster recipe.

Electroportating tools

power drill, increase home value

Another thing you should never leave outside, it's your power tools. Not only can precipitation can make them rust, but if the water enters the battery compartments or near the cords, they could stop working completely.

Bottles of sunscreen

Bottles of Sunscreen Things Never Leave Outside

Ironically enough,Solar cream-The even substance that protects you from the sun - does not work well when it is exposed to direct sunlight. In fact, theMAYO Clinic On warning that when solar cream containers are exposed to excessive heat or direct sunlight, they can change coherence and become less powerful. Unless you want to risk gettingskin cancerYou should never leave bottles of solar cream outdoors - and if you do by chance, it is better to throw it.

Toys for children

Kids Toy in the Lawn

One of the worst things you can exit is your children's toys. This is because your yard is full of bacteria, which can lock on your child's toys and eventually make them sick if you are not careful.

A 2013 study of theUniversity of Buffalo discovered specifically that bacteria cause viruses likeStreptococcus pneumoniaeandStreptococcus pyogenes Can live for hours on inanimate objects such as toys, so be sure to clean the cars and legos of your child after being in the open air.

Dog toys

Dog's tennis ball sitting in the yard

Unless your dog's toy is specially designed for the outdoors, it should never be left outside. The precipitation will transform the toys of your dog into a breeding ground for mold and mildew, and the extreme sunlight will change the texture of toys and could even expose your puppy to hazardous chemicals in materials such as plastic.


Basketball on a Basketball Court Things Never Leave Outside

External temperatures and atmospheric pressure can affect the rebound, inflation and outside of a basketball flask. According toDick's sports goods, When a basketball is left outside, extreme temperatures and conditions "can ruin the quality of the ball [la] and make it lose its handle" plus "distorting the shape of [la] ball and affect the performance."

Basketballs retain their shape and pressure best when stored at room temperature, so bring it inside when you have finished using it or keep it somewhere in the garage where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight.


Shoes sitting on a doorstep things never leave outside

Whether your little sneakers left after playingin the court Or your seating rain boots at the door to try to dry them, leaving shoes sitting outside is never a good idea. Why? Well, not only can they be wet and damaged from morning dew or overnight, but it is also possible thatSmall creatures and bugs decide to take the residenceIn what they perceive to be comfortable, vacant homes.


clothes hanging on a line

Although suspended from yourlaundry To the dry is arespectful of nature Alternative to the use of a dryer, you should not leave your clothes outside for long periods. This makes them vulnerable to rain - and as paper published by theUniversity of Nebraska in Lincoln Notes, "clothes and sheets stored when they are wet and / or dirty are ideal environments for mold growth." The mildew is hard to get rid once he grew up, so if you know an approach approach, be sure to bring clothes objects inside.


Towel drying on the side of a porch things never leave outside

The towels are composed of the same materials as clothing items - and like your shirts and shorts, they should not be left outside of you want to face mold. It's going to leave yourBeachTowels hanging on the balustrade of your porch during the day - But come night, do not forget to store them safely inside.

Spare keys

Spare Key Sitting Under a Doormat Things Never Leave Outside

This spare key under your spike can be useful every time you lock yourself, but it also puts a giant target at home. In fact, according to the data compiled by the detective agencyIntelligenceBut houses with replacement keys outside are one of the most common burglary targets.

At the end of the day, you'd better block and wait for someone else to come home than to leave an alternative key outside and essentially inviting burglars. Instead, ask if you can leave a replacement key at the house of a friend who lives nearby. And for more information on protecting your home, your property and your loved ones safe, follow these27 amazing personal security tips that will change your life.

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Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Garden / Home
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