Gluten-free gluten-free diets

We will explain how without grain is intrinsically gluten free, but all gluten-free foods are not free of grain.

You have heard of agluten free diet, but did you hear about a grain-free grain? Thepale Calls for the elimination of all that is treated, which includes cereals, but a specifically grainless diet is less popular.

We wanted to know what is the difference between a grain and gluten-free diet, so we called Ben Frohlichstein and Stacey Marcellus, Cofounders and CO-CEO ofCappello, a pasta, pizza and gluten-free pizza and cookie dough company, as well as Kelli McGrane MS, RD for the Food Tracking ApplicationLoose it!, for an overview of the health benefits of a cereal diet.

What is the difference between a diet without grain and gluten-free?

"Gluten is a protein found in many grain grains, including wheat, barley, rye and triticale. In a gluten-free diet, grains and gluten-containing products are eliminated," says McGrane. "A cereal-free diet eliminates all grains, including those with gluten-free, including rice and corn. As a result, the grainless diet is much more restrictive."

Marcellus points out that theCouncil of the nutrition of grains and legumes Select the grains into three categories: grains containing gluten, gluten-free grains and gluten-free cereal weights, which include quinoa, buckwheat and amaranth. Gluten-free cereal cereals, also known as pseudograins, are cultivated with a pseudocereal with long flower leaves. Conversely,Grains are grown grass.

"Most who embrace a grainless way of life seeks to facilitate digestive problems, relieveinflammationand balance the health of the intestines. Going without grain means that it exceeds an extra step beyond gluten without gluten and eliminate all grains, including corn, rice and quinoa, "she says.

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime that cures your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.

What are the health benefits of a grain-free diet?

Marcellus says that the grains are known to elevate blood glucose and contain antinutrients, or plant compounds that hinder the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients.

These compounds are difficult for the body to have digested, especially for those who suffer from a celiac disease, a chrons disease and even those who have gluten sensitivities. Transformed grains such as white rice also have aUpper glycemic index, which means that it raises blood glucose, which can be problematic for those with diabetes. In addition, as Frohlichstein points out, "the quality of gluten-free alternatives is often always nutritionally lower than gluten-containing products".

McGrane explains that if grain-free diets are supposed to reduce chronic inflammation, contribute to weight loss and even mitigate the search for long-term bloating that supports these demands in healthy people do not currently exist. . In fact, what's existresearch This suggests that whole grains help reduce inflammation.

"However, theSpecific carbohydrate speed, which is a type of grainless diet, has been demonstrated to help reduce symptoms in people with inflammatory bowel disease, "said McGrane.

As is the case with just about any diet requiring some types of food, which current long-term research on healthy people exists or not should not dissuade one of the food. If they feel as if they help them specifically.

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