To grill mistakes that make you sick

We had experts to weigh so that you are not burned by these food security defects in your next barbecue.

Just put, almost all about the grill season makes it one of the best moments of the year. You can enjoy the outdoors while you prepare your meal, almost every barbecue recipe is supremely shared and it's a casual and fun way to entertain. Unfortunately, cooking is also ripe with opportunities to make major importance.Food security errors If you are not armed with the appropriate grill tips, which can leave you and your customers from your summer party more susceptible from foodborne diseases and stomach ache.

More than 128,000 Americans are hospitalized each year as a result of a disease of food origin, according to theDisease Control Centers (CDC)and the most commonCulillonous culilloniars Are almost all things you could grill (produce, meat and poultry are the first three).

To guarantee you that you send everyone at home satisfied rather than sick, turn off these GOOF-UPS crickets to your next barbecue.


Error: Turn on the grill without cleaning it first.

Cleaning grill with a brush

Make a clean sweep before heating things, it's as simple.

"When you first use the grill in summer, clean it with a metal brush. The high heat of the grill should kill all pathogens, but this extra step will help you make sure you are safe," said Deirre Schlungger, CEO of the Nationwide Not-for-ProfitStop the original food disease. "Most of what you remove will be from the earth, but it could potentially be barbirds or other creatures." Our stomachs are already turning thinking about ingesting accidentally.

After preheating the grill, use a grill brush to give the grids a good scrub and wipe the grilles with vegetable oil before adding food, "says Morgan Bolling, senior publisher toCuisse country magazine(Part of America's test cuisine) in Boston, Massachusetts. In addition to deleting any "Ingredient" bonus of nature ", a unclean cooking grill can transmit flavors in your food. Oil the grill grills prevents from paste."

No need to reach something too scientific either, says Vincent Sturgis, a leader evaluator atAuguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts In Boulder, Colorado.

"I'm trying to stay away from chemicals on my grill. This helps prevent cross-contamination if all chemicals are not deleted correctly," he says. Who wants to nibble meat that has been tinged with chemicals?


Error: skip the preheating phase.

fire preheating grill

After brushing on your grill preparation, make sure to increase the heat early enough.

"Make sure to preheat your grill in depth - we suggest 5 minutes for charcoal after adding the burning coals, or 15 minutes for the gas on the high heat," says Bolling. "This helps scratch all the residual food stuck to grill grids and is another extra step to prevent the impediment of the food to stick." It also ensures that the grill is warm enough to cook evenly and cook your food. While waiting for the heat to be hot enough, you do not guess if your food is over or not. It would look like putting your food in the oven when it always preheats, so why is it risque?


Error: Store incorrect ingredients before grilling and going out too early.

storing meat at home

Your refrigerator is a great tool for combating foodborne disease in barbecue.

"When you go home and store the meat in your refrigerator, do not picken meat parcels on each other," says Schlungger. Keep them in a single layer on the lower level so nothing falls On your other objects on the ice. Ideally, you want to be sure to keep your (products) cool.

"Keep food in the refrigerator until you are ready to grill. Do not let the raw meat sit outside while preheating your grill, especially for a hot day, as it can grow bacteria" , "said Bolling.


Error: Wash your chicken.

Woman washing chicken

TheCDC andUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA)are on mission to cancel the advice that Julia Child has passed in the 1960s. It is not only useless; It's Dowright Safe to wash your chicken before cooking. This will simply broadcast potential pathogens around the bird - and possibly your kitchen as well as you prepare other items for the tail.

"The interesting thing is that there is no level of E. coli allowed in the chopped beef that is sold. You can sell chicken with salmonella levels, so it's crucial to be very vigilant with Poultry, "says Schlungger. Imagine that you rinse with your chicken, the germs fly everywhere, then you cut the onions of your burger on a cutting board that was in the bacteria spray. It does not sound too much appetizing, is not it?


Error: slicing in fruits and vegetables without washing first.

Wrong cutting knife

Think you're in the light withpineapple, peppers and other products you throw on the grill? Still think. Fruits and cut vegetables were involved in a series ofReminder of food Lately, because all the bacteria on the skin can be easily introduced inside the ingredient if you cut before cleaning.

"Carefully clean vegetables and fruit before cooking. If you grill meat and vegetables on the same grill, use different utensils and plates to handle them and transport them to avoid cross-contamination," says Bolling.

Schlungger recommends using a brush for items with a rough or robust exterior, such as a cantaloupe or potato, to enter the crevices and dislodge dirt picking. You may not think about the safety of the grills when it comes to meats, but vegetables, starches and fruits could also cause you to get sick if it is not properly manipulated.

RELATED: Easy, Healthy, 350 Calorie Recipe IdeasYou can do at home.


Error: Using the same cutting board for the ingredients of meat and non-meats.

cross contamination on cutting board

Once you are hostility and you placed on Slice, make sure to keep your poultry, produce, seafood and separate meat. Invest inDifferent cutting boards For everyone, and make them clearly to make sure you use for each job. Your safest bet is to use the same table for each category each time to avoid potential pathogens hidden inKnicks and Score lines.


Error: Use the same trays and utensils for raw cooking and cooked.

contaminated utensils with raw meat

Cross-contamination is the most common fault of counterfeit food security, Schlungger says, and this step, in particular, is easy to forget. Do not use the same tray and the same utensils for raw meat and cooked. Once you have transferred raw animal products to the grill, go to a new set of clips and exchange in a fresh tray. Yes, it means going back to the kitchen, but it's better than being sick later!

"Clean utensils such as clamps, brushes and thermometers immediately after handling raw food. If you have two sets of pliers, we suggest scoring one with a masking strip and use it only for fully cooked foods "," says Bolling.


Error: Grill products too close to meat.

raw meat kebab close to vegetables

A good zone defense is not just for the sport, but it is also a major key to beat a disease of food origin.

"Use different areas on a grill to cook meat and non-meats to avoid cross-contamination. For example, you do not want raw chicken next to the baked broccoli. This can also cook a variety of ingredients to different Temperatures. For example you could get up steaks in the hottest area, while grumbling delicate vegetables in a cooler area, "says Bolling.

If you have multiple racks, Sturgis recommends using the upper rack for separate items than the bottom.

"Cook fruits and vegetables last, as they coo do quickly," he says. If you do not have grid space levels, you can also use aluminum baskets or grill baskets when cooking fruit and vegetables. This helps keep them together without falling into the fire. "In addition, aluminum baskets or grilled baskets allow to keep them separated and far from the meat to avoid cross-contamination.


Error: Tanning with the same marinade as you are used to savoring raw meat.

basting meat on grill

We are all forStimulate the flavor of the OL chicken 'But not at the risk of getting sick. Fortunately, there is an easy solution to mastering marinage.

"Mariner in the refrigerator, then throw this. Rather than eating with this marinade, mix a new lot with the same ingredients and amounts," says Schlungger. You do not want to brush the same marinade you rubbed on raw meat on a Partially cooked or fully cooked meat on the grill.


Error: Apply a sauce too early.

south carolina bbq ribs with spicy sauce

Speaking of Saucy, Bolling says you have to do it time.

"If possible, apply meat sauces after cooking made, as opposed to it, keep your brush down to become contaminated with uncooked meat," she says. Once again, you do not want to use something that touched the unailed meat on something cooking.


Error: Guess the temperature of your finished product.

testing meat temperature on grill

Thermometers are not just to test if you have fever. The three of our professionals promote investing in aMeat thermometer Monitor your meat to make sure it reaches the correct internal temperature that is safe to eat.

"Even if the chicken has nice grill brands, it can always be raw in the center. An instant reading thermometer is the most effective tool to check cooking," says Bolling.

"Cooking at the right temperature should destroy one of the pathogens," adds Schlungger.

His team at the sickness of food origin has designed aFood safety chartSummarize the numbers to monitor on your thermometer playback. Here's what you need to keep in mind for current items of good to-grill:

  • Burgers / earth meat (except poultry) at 160 ° F
  • Chicken and poultry (including ground varieties, such as turkey burgers) at 165 ° F
  • Integer sections of meat, including pork, at 145 ° F, with a rest time of 3 minutes before serving
  • Fish and crustaceans at 145 ° F

Error: allowing the remains to sit too long.

leftovers on kitchen counter sitting out

Sometimes your grill error can occur after fire and finished cooking. To avoid inviting E. coli, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Campylobacter and other brilliant party promoting foodborne diseases in the barbecue, the USDA says to keep food out of the"DANGER ZONE" 40 ° F and 140 ° F as much as possible. Do not leave the food to sit at room temperature for more than two hours, or an hour if you serve outside and the temperature is 90 ° F or higher.

"People often leave remnants outside or on a buffet table for hours. But grilled foods of remains should be refrigerated quickly, "says Bolling. This means cooking to order or serve everyone at the same time is preferable, as opposed to the preparation of a large batch of hamburgers and let them sit down and let people use during your barbecue an hour .


Error: Saving Remains When they may have landed in the danger zone.

Putting leftovers away

Bring a cooler filled with ice if you eat out of the site or transfer everything to the refrigerator as soon as possible, once the finished people use.

"I always say to people not to leave food in the hot summer sun for more than 30 minutes to be safe," says Schlungger. Uncertain whether the area was raped? Follow the schlungger basic tips: "If in doubt, throw it away."

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Cooking Tips
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