The most dangerous omelette method

If you cook omelettes this way, be careful!

I am currently planning a camping trip in a few weeks and some of this research understands what we will eat. It's going to be a lot of meals you can fry in acast iron, or boil in a pan of water, so I plunged on the internet (especiallyPinterest) for intelligent ideas. One of the most scandalous ideas I have seen so far involves omelettes ... boiled in a plastic bag.

My curiosity was thwarted, so I went digging on plastic bag omelettes. And do not you know,This method of boiling food in plastic bags has a name. It's called theUnder Video Method, and it can be used for all kinds of food. Yet, although it is practical (especially if you cook in the middle of the woods), it is not exactly the safest way to cook an omelette.

What is the under vacuum method?

"In vacuo" means "under vacuum" in French, which refers to the food being sealed in a plastic bag under a particular type of pressure. If you have Google "under vacuum", you will actually have some machines that allow you to cook properly in this way. The water bath it comes with controlled temperature, allowing your food to cook in the water at a slower pace. Food can cook in a plastic bag or glass jar.

Although this method is effective (and many find it delicious), if you are not careful, there could be a lot of harm to your food, especially if you cook it plastic.

Why cook food in plastic could be dangerous

According to an article ofHarvard Health Publishing, "Studies have found that some plastic chemicals can bind out of plastic and food and beverages we eat. Some of these chemicals have been linked to health problems such as metabolic disorders (including Obesity) and reduced fertility. This leaching can occur even faster and in a greater extent when plastic is exposed to heat. "

This means not only that food in plastic containers you heat in the microwave, but also for the bags you use to cook a video omelette under vacuum.

Now it seems that the solution can buy a bag for free, which means that the plastic would not have these harmful chemicals attached to it. However,A study shows Whether it's plastic that claims to be leachated chemicals without BPA such as "estrogenic activity", which means that bags had similar chemicals to those of human estrogen.

Even though this method of cooking an omelette works nicely for those who drag in a campsite, be suspicious. This is not the safest way to cook an omelet with chemicals that plastic bags could free up. Instead, it may be justFry an omelette in a pan.

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