Dr. Faisci is certain that you have Covid
All symptoms and signs of coronaviruses you need to know.

Early in the pandemic, one thing has become immediately clear: Covid-19 is not a single virus. Some people are infected and never have a single symptom, while others are at the height of a fan. And, a small percentage of people even undergoes a lightweight infection followed by several months of prolonged and debilitating symptoms. During a presentation atInfectious Diseases American SocietyVirtual conference of 'Dr. Anthony FauciThe main expert on the infectious diseases of the nation, examined "the most disastrous pandemic we have experienced in our civilization for more than 102 years". During his conversation, he also described the five types of COVID-19 demonstrations, which everyone should know. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
Light infections

Among those who suffer from symptoms, 81% feel a mild to moderate form of the virus. "Interestingly, there is a somewhat unique smell and taste loss in some people who precede the appearance of respiratory symptoms," said Fauci. Other Symptoms The majority of people experiment include dry cough, fever, sore throat and shortness of breath.
Serious moderate infections

According to Dr. Faisci, about one-fifth of those who feel symptoms fall into the most serious category. "About 15 to 20% are fat or critical with a case mortality rate that varies from a few percent to 20 to 25% for people requiring mechanical ventilation," he revealed. He also pointed out that people at risk of serious Covid disease belong to two major categories - older adults and those who have certain underlying conditions - including those with obesity, hypertension, chronic pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease. With regard to symptoms, "the most widespread is a form of acute respiratory distress syndrome," he revealed. He added that some people also know "proteinative manifestations that may occur as cardiac dysfunction relating to cardiac inflammation, leading to cardiomyopathies of arrhythmia and sudden deaths often in relatively young individuals". In addition, some people live "a variety of neurological disorders, an acute renal injury and very particular hypercoagulability manifested by microthrombi and small vessels and thromboembolic phenomenon sometimes leading to acute features, even among young people, otherwise healthy."

A good number of people are infected by Covid-19 and remain asymptomatic, according to Dr. Faisci. "We now know that about 40 to 45% of people have absolutely no symptoms at all," he said.
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Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
Fauci also addressed a condition "A multisystem inflammatory syndrome observed in children", adding that it was "very reminiscent of Kawasaki disease".
Long-term syndrome

Finally, he discussed long transport syndrome. "Some people have what we call a Post Covid-19 syndrome," he said. This condition, "characterized by breath breathing, fatigue, muscle pain, forms of dysautany" - your nervous system badly operate - "as well as what people refer to brain fog or a real difficulty To focus and focus "can be in progress for months and months, some people always meet debilitating symptoms. If you have experienced one of the symptoms mentioned in this article, contact a health professional. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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