7 foods that damage reverse DNA

Thanks to a branch of biology nicknamed the epigenetics, we now know that the modification of our DNA can be as simple as purchases of these ubiquitous and healing curative foods.

Having good genes depends on luck. Although you are stuck with brown eyes and you are surprised at your mother, many are surprised to learn that any DNA is not negligible. Epigenetics - The study of how external factors modify DNA by turning the genes on and off, tell us exactly how our regimes can affect our genetic codes.

"" What you eat, and do not eat, can influence what genes are lit and when "Kevin L. Schalinske, Ph.D., Professor in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition of the 'Iowa State University told David Zinczenko inZero Yellow Diet. "" Eating bad foods, bad gaps in diet and lifestyle choices like smoking, can transform things. "

So, rather than damaging your DNA by blowing tobacco, tanning excessively or storing processed foods, you can change your habits to improve your genetic makeup and, therefore, possibly avoid chronic diseases such as diabetes, L Obesity and Alzheimer's disease.

Yes, you read it correctly: the genetic hand that you have been distributed at birth is not your destiny.

So, instead of wishing you have won the gene lottery, you can start by reorganizing your grocery list. Some foods, like those we compiled below, have been scientifically proven to prevent and repair the damage caused by DNA caused by many of thesebad habits make you fat. Take a look at these foods that reverses DNA damage, throw them together for dinner and hit the bad habits at the edge - and you will be on your way to healthier genes, a double helix to that time.




Crowress, a delicate leafy green that you have probably seen at the supermarket, but also reluctant to throw in the basket, is our topSuperfood it's better than Kale For good reason. In a study published inThe American Journal of Clinical NutritionThe researchers observed that the participants showed a significant reduction in the damage of basal and oxidizing DNA, as well as reduce their risk of cancer, after completing their diet with a flood cup per day. In addition, the beneficial changes were more widespread among participants who smoked.



Fresh blueberries plastic pint

If you already mix them in a smoothie and appear in the mouth like a snack, give yourself a series of applause because the blueberries are severely nutritious superstars. In addition to blasting belly fat, these humble bays are powerful enough to cancel DNA damage. According to a study inNutritional research, only one part of 10.5 ounces rich in antioxidants has significantly reduced DNA damage only one hour after consumption.


Soy milk

Soy milk

We resume all the myths out there that duby soy milk like one ofworst alternatives of milk you can buy. How? 'Or' What? A study in theEuropean nutrition newspaper Discovered that the milk based on beans protected against DNA damage in lymphocytes, white blood cells found in the lymphatic system, in men after four weeks of consumption of a liter of soy milk a day. To add more of this milk to your diet, try bursting it in oatmeal, coffee, smoothies or hunting it alone.


Spinach + tomato

Need another reason to burn a salad for lunch? According to a study in theEuropean nutrition newspaperEnriching your diet with spinach and tomato can help your DNA withstand oxidative damage. No wonder our two made our list ofSuperfoods, you should eat every day!



Roasted broccoli

Whether you roast broccoli like a dinner, plunge it into hummus, or simply climb it, these mini-trees have seriously restorative powers. In fact, a study published inMutagenis I found that the participants who have eaten about 8.8 ounces of cutaneous broccoli daily for ten days have experienced increased protection against DNA damage, particularly among those exposed to free radicals, such as smoking. .


Fruit juice

Pouring orange juice

Fruit juice, stuffed sugar tips you buy at Bodega, do not benefit from your body at all. But if you justify quality products at home, you could actually repair your genetic code. According to a study in theNutritional Biochemistry JournalParticipants who drank two types of polyphenol rich fruit juice experienced a reduction in DNA damage. The two juices contained a mixture of apple, mango and orange juice, while a juice had aroma berries, blueberries and boys added and the other brewing also contained green tea, of the Apricot and lime.


Green tea

Green tea

We know that green tea is a natural fat and a size cylinder, but what else is this infusion capable of? A study published inThe Journal of NutritionFound that whistle four cups of green tea daily was effective in decreasing DNA damage in strong smokers. If you plan to write down the trick on the reg (as you should!), Try these Ways to melt fat with tea ; # 8 is brilliant!

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