What is the most popular coffee order?

Americans can not have enough of this creamy drink.

If we told you to name the most popularCoffee order in the country, what would you say? Coffee with milk and sugar, maybe? Maybe iced coffee? No, cold brewery. Wait, scrape that,nitrobrew.

If one of these drinks came to mind, you are mistaken. According toSpecialized coffee association andSquare, a credit card processing service, the most ordered coffee beverage between June 2017 and June 2018 was actually the traditional latte. The Americans drank more than 67 million slats during this period. Now it's impressive!

Although the latte did not seem seeming to the choice of the most riveted coffee, it is one of the most versatile drinks, its ability to adopt many different flavors and customizations. This type of flexibility greatly applies to American coffee drinkers, which usually require two add-ons to their coffee order. Here are the 4-1-1 on the popular drink.

What is a latte, and how is it done?

For those who do not already know, a latte is a creamy espresso drink. In fact, it is creamy that its other espresso-loaded counterparts, such as cappuccino and macchiato. There is a reason for most hot drinks to be steamed milk. That the piping the hot milk is poured on the top of a spin of espresso then surmounted by milk foam, which is usually plotted in beautiful arts - most often a heart or a complexRosetta in the shape of leaves.

What is the story of the latte?

The latte isseveral centuries Old, having origins in Italy. The full name of the drink is "coffee with milk, "which means quite literally from the coffee of milk. In Western countries, however, the Caffe party is abandoned. Pro Tip: Make sure you say the full name of the drink in Italy, otherwise you may find yourself with a Glass of hot milk. A little disappointing, right?

Is there a difference between a cappuccino and a latte?

Yes, there is definitely a difference!The cappuccino Is the brotherly twin of the latte, if you want. Although the two hot drinks consist of a single espresso, steamed milk and milk foam - in this exact order, could we add-the difference is subtle, but it completely modifies the texture Drink. A cappuccino is prepared with less milk but much more milk foam, which gives it the desired foam finish. A latte, on the other hand, is much creamy and smoother because it has more steamed milk.

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What are some of the wildest slat flavors?

Basically, all that is sweet or herbal can be infused in a latte. Do we even need to mention thePumpkin Spice Latte, more often nicknamed the "PSL?" Salt caramel, lavender and lemon can also be slat flavors. There was even a unicorn latte invented by Café BrooklynThe end.

It is possible that after reading this article, you can feel inclined to change your coffee order to a custom latte. Simply make sure you have at least $ 5 ready to go to your portfolio - at the US, average milk costs$ 4.16.

And now that we have our drinking order for our nextStarbucks run, it's time to decide what to get out of theBreakfast menu, too much…

Categories: Groceries
Tags: coffee / Drinks / News / tips
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