If could be a choice regime for overweight women

A new study shows that overweight and obese women have lost the most to do if and eat a controlled diet.

There is a handful of fashionable people, good reputation, people follow and see positive results on, includingKeto, Paleo,Tout 30, andintermittent fast. Now, arecent study Published in the newspaperObesity I found that intermittent fasting is an effective way for overweight women and obese to drop excess weight. Technically, if it is not a diet that asks you what to eat, but rather a food plan that tells youwhen Eating, and this involves engaging in a cycle to eat and fast within a specified time. Look at the difference? This study showed that women have not only lost weight, but they also improved their overall health.

Who participated in the study?

A total of 88 women aged 35 and 70participated in this study, led by researchers at the University of Adelaide in South Australia. Each had an IMC that fell in the range of 25 to 40 years (overweight with morbid obese) and followed a typical Australian diet composed of 35% fat, 15% protein and 50% carbohydrates.

How did the study work?

All participants were divided by four groups and monitored for 10 weeks:

  • Women who have thrown intermittently and consumed 70% of their caloric consumption.
  • Women who have attached intermittently without cutting calories.
  • Women who have reduced their daily caloric consumption but are not quick in an intermittent way.
  • Women who have not restricted their diet at all.

The result?

The obese women of the first group mentioned above (those who cut their daily calories of 30% and made an intermittent fast) lost the most weight, after falling about 1 to 2 pounds during each week, they participated in the study.

The two groups of women whoattended by intermittently Alternated between fasting and eating every two days. Thus, participants would have lunger and then quickly start a quick 24 hours. When this cycle is complete, they would be allowed to eat inside this 24 hour period. Then the fast cycle would resume, and so on.

What other information has been concluded from the study?

Overweight and obese women who participated in this study were more than melting pounds. "By adhering to a strict schema of fasting and an intermittent regime, obese women have reached significant weight loss and improvements in their health, such as the decrease in markers forcardiopathy"Said the leader Dr. Amy Hutchison of the University of Adelaide and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (Sahmri).

The study also showed that intermittent fasting is more effective than continuously as a result of a restrictive regime. Of course, more research needs to be done to crack the code on the most effective ways ofweightlossBut this study shows how if it could be beneficial to improve the health of obese and overweight women.

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