25 tips for a flattering belly

These effective fat blast tips are so easy, we wonder why we did not do them earlier.

So you slipped more flat bellysuperfeument in your diet. You stand dilice with your fitness plan or yoga. But if we told you that there are simple and practically effortless tricks, you can sneak into your daily life to lose weight and get this belly more flattened without even trying?

The best way to get a more flattened stomach is not only to eat less - it's also eating smarter. Read about our favoriteFlat stomach secrets Best nutritionists and food experts. Incorporate these food rituals into a meal time to lose weight and you will be on your way to meet your goals before you know. While you make these changes, be sure to try the21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Incorporate diuretics in each meal

Lemon water

This might not seem very exciting, but incorporate diuretics into breakfast, lunch and dinner can help promote a plus flat belly. "Lemons are a natural diuretic, which is often why lemon juice is recommended to be pressed in water during cleaning," says Rebecca Lewis, Rd to Hello Fresh. "Beets, parsley and asparagus are also good food sources to help us quickly move the extra water that we could be suspended when our diet has been rich in salt."


Big event? Eat a lot of products the day before

Salad with tomatoes, avocado, arugula, radish, seeds on a bowl

"This will increase your fiber intake, which will help rinse your colon waste and rid of these associated unsightly interference gutts," saysNutritional twins, Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shams, RDN, CDN, CFT and authors ofThe veggie cure of nutrition twins.


Find your magic potion

fenugreek tea

It sounds stupid, but once you have found a food or drink that seems to detox instantly, it can be thus motivating to stay on track with your other thin efforts! "Feeling bloated and full? I hate it!" Kelly Choi says, author of7 days old flat belly tea. "But tea can be helping you lose weight and make you feel less inflated. I useThis smoothy of lemon tea Fight this huge feeling of vine. "


Eat on small plates

Small dinner plates

Have you ever noticed that when you are instead of a friend for a party or waiting in a buffet that you charge more food on your plate than what you would normally be? It may be simply because you have caught a large plate, you want to stack it with just about everything. Use smaller plates is n ° 5 on our list of50 best weight loss tipsPerhaps you may have invested in smaller servingware!

"Research has shown that people consume less when they eat on smaller plates. Start Small makes it less likely that you will go for a few seconds and forces you to save once the plate is erased before jumping for seconds", declares Lisa Hayim, registered dietician and founder ofThe necessities well.


And make red plates

Red plates and mugs
Toni Cuenca / Beldshshsh

His original? Do not hit him before trying it for yourself. "Red means" stop! "In our brain! Studies have shown those who use this color plate end up eating less compared to other colors of the plate," says Lewis.


Skurn Salt Shaker

Salt shaker

The sodium will beat you and will cause your stomach to retain liquid and nutritional twins say it will even wear your fingers, your ankles and feet. And the only thing worse than your favorite jeans do not match your favorite ring, not. To reinforce salt-free flavors, experiment dried spices like red pepper flakes, garlic powder and freshly ground black pepper. Or try to add a spritz of lemon or vinegar to your favorite dish. And remember that just because it does nottaste Salty, does not mean that it is not loaded with sodium. Case in point: these20 restaurant desserts with more salt than a bag of pretzels.


Family ditch style server bowls

Salad bar buffet tongs

"Use the counter instead of turning dinner into a buffet or in a family style where it's more difficult to monitor your total consumption," says Lewis. If it's out of sight, it's easier to keep This second help of spaghetti and meatballs in mind.


Be a conscious eatery

businesswoman eating a sandwich at her desk in her office

Promote a conscious diet: "Eat in a relaxed environment, turn off the television, play music and even light candles," says Celebrity Lisa Defazio, MS, RDN. "Taking your time to eat and chew from The food for you to really taste, you help facilitate digestion and slow down, which prevents eating too much. "


And follow this chewing rule

woman chewing food

Get ready to get your count and aim to chew before swallowing. "When you swallow too quickly, you are likely to swallow air, which causes a swelling of the stomach," say the nutritional twins.


Ever eat a bag

Woman snacking

Or a box, to this case. "Sit on a plate carefully set at the table. Munching Intestant without a bag or box while you are standing at the pantry, what you want to eat skins to eat too much - typically snacks Who are usually high salt and sugar, which both lead to inflate the stomach ", say nutritional twins." Planning what you are going to eat and sitting at a predetermined part on a plate eliminates this problem. "


Festival on the food rich in fiber

Edamame beans

Fiber is essential to our digestive health and slows out of hunger cravings by fully longer. "Think of whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables," says Lewis. "Wash and cut fresh fruits and vegetables as soon as you bring them back home, so they can be caught easily and put them where they can also be easily considered a visual tail to eat more."

The shredded coconut, cocoa powder and popcorn are also surprisingly good sources of fiber to lose weight.


Use your non-dominant hand

Man eating high fiber breakfast cereal

According to Lewis, studies show that people who use this technique reduce their food consumption of an average of 30%. "It's not as easy as it sounds and that the disturbance of our normal behavior is more aware of what we eat," says Lewis.


Be a sugar limit

Sugar in spoon

"Sugar is most difficult to monitor in our food system and leads to weight gain and bloating when it is consumed in excess," says Hayim. "There is no mandatory label for added sugar and, therefore, it is difficult to say whether the sugar occurs naturally in packaged foods or is added. A good basic rule when choosing foods, is aim for less than 10 grams per serving. "

RELATED: The easy guide to reduce sugar is finally here.


Eat first a salad

caesar salad side

This strategy makes a huge difference when it comes to losing belly fat. "[Before dinner,] prepare a salad and eat it first," says Quefazio. "Do it even before putting into your plate." This will give you a fiber-boost before starting your main course, as well as flooding your body with nutrients of vegetables.


Nosh on a ginger

ginger juice

"The addition of ginger to your foods or your drinks is a great way to reduce bloating and get you a flattering belly," says Hayim. "This soothes the digestive system, which helped him relax and [he] also works like an anti-inflammatory natural."


To develop a friendship

pickled cucumber onion salad

"Cucumbers contain quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant that helps reduce swelling and even block the abdominal region," says Hayim. They are just one of theSuperstars of Quercetin You should consider integrating your diet.


Eat asparagus

grilled asparagus on wooden surface

Just pass what he does to your urine and dig, already! "Asparagus is famous for its anti-bloating and diuretic effects," says Hayim. "It finds excess water in your body and pulls it out of exercise, mitigate discomfort and bloating. It also contains features that help good bacteria to live in your gut for promoting digestion. and the prevention of healthier gases. "


Concentrate on magnesium and potassium

banana bunches

Potassium and magnesium are a power duo when it comes to beating Bloat. "The two are electrolytes, as well as sodium, calcium magnesium and phosphate. And often, bloating is a symptom of electrolyte imbalance," says Lewis. "Bananas, potatoes, gland squash and dried fruits are an excellent source of potassium, while leafy greens (think of spinach, unemployed, Swiss cakes and pumpkin seeds are a good source of magnesium."


Spoon on sauerkraut


Or at least be comfortable with a regular staple in your diet, with othersfermented foods. "Kefir, Kimchi, Kombucha and Sauerkraut are all excellent sources of probiotics, essential to digestive health and to inform our intestines with beneficial bacteria," says Lewis.


Put your silent cell

woman near window reading phone message

And stop typing this laptop while you dine. "When you eat, just eat it. Turn off the electronics, which makes you useless and ignorant how you consume," says Lewis. "Take the time to savor food instead."


Wait just five minutes

Asian business woman looking at the watch time worried and afraid of getting late to meeting

Come on, you can gather enough courage to do it while waiting or waiting on a call, right? "Always wait five minutes before taking seconds," says Quefazio. "Drink your water - you can be thirsty instead of always hungry!"

And have we mentioned that you should drink water throughout your meal? This trick works particularly well in the office. When you think you're hungry enough for an afternoon distributor trip, wait five minutes and you walk in the block or from top to bottom of the stairwell a few times and see if you still want L 'indulgence.


Drink water as soon as you wake up

Woman hand's filling the glass of water.

You should spill at least 8-16 ounces of water, even before your coffee or morning coffee. "It helps to detoxify, wake up your body and can help digestion and stool movements," explains Hayim.

"This will help rinse the sodium and the inflator that usually accompanies it while restored on a normal hydration of the fluid losses of sweat and the day breathing in the next day," say the twins of nutrition.


Lunch on your remains

leftovers in open plastic containers

"Pack your remains for lunch the next day," says Quefazio. Too often, we are committed to cooking a healthy meal and cooked at home for dinner and leave remains for dinner another night. By exciting them for lunch instead, you make sure that you are attending the healthy restoration cycle in the next day and avoid the temptation of rapid restoration or the weakness of the unhealthy cafeteria at the office.


Real eating and clean eating

pile of fruits and vegetables
Marilyn Barbone / Shutterstock

"Eating clean and real food means eating unprocessed and pure foods," says Hayim. "When we eat cleanliness, we eat food that can be treated faster and more efficiently. We also avoid a ton of sodium added to preserve the service life, and we will become more aware of sauces, dressings and others that these. Calories, grease and added sugar. "


Read the labels

learn the labels

There are some simple rules to keep in mind: "When reading the label up and down, the first food will be the ingredient that does it mainly, and the last will be the least present in the product" , says Hayim. "Look for sugar to be as low on this list as possible." Same for other bad ingredients for you, such as partially hydrogenated oils, salt, artificial preservatives and all that ends in -Ie (which is code for "sugar").

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