If you see that while driving, turn immediately, CDC says

This common summer show presents a potentially fatal risk for you and your passengers.

With time warming and back summer Fridays on the calendar, many people are expected with road planning on Travel weekends again. Of course, you do not need to tell you thatDriving comes everywhere with risksBut there is particular urgent road safety problem this summer that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) experts want you to know. Before driving for your next trip, read more to discover the surprising danger that could put you at risk of serious injury this summer.

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If you see flood water on the road, the CDC says turn around immediately.

warning sign indicating the presence of flood water
Shutterstock / Kirsty Nadine

If you are on the road and you notice the flood water before, the CDC recommends that youturn around immediately. The flood waters can increase rapidly, and even a small amount of water can present a risk of mortality for experienced swimmers coming out of their car to walk, the health authority explains.

In fact, according to the data 2020 of the National Weather Service, over the last 30 years, the floods havecaused more deaths Whether lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, winter, or cold.

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Only six inches of flood water can make your in useable car.

car in flood water
Shutterstock / Thanatphoto

Even if the flood water in front of you does not seem particularly deep, or if there is no display shows you alerting future dangerous conditions, driving through areas with water from water. Flood presents a serious security risk.

The National Weather Service reports that as little as six inches of standing water can cause drivers tolose control of their vehicles; And six inches of moving water can bring people walking in flood waters in the fall. A foot of water can cause your car to float, and two feet of moving water can take away your car. While turning around to avoid flood water Everything is the best action plan, the National Weather Service recommends the evacuation and move to a higher ground when it is possible to do it safely if the flood waters increased around your car.

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If your car is trapped in fast motion water, stay inside.

driving car in rainy weather
Shutterstock / file404

While the safe evacuation of a car in the rising tide water is possible, if your car is trapped in fast motion water, Ready.gov, the government sponsored emergency preparedness resource American recommendsStay inside your vehicle. If the water is infiltrated and is mounted inside your car, climb on its roof.

In addition to drowning, flood waters can present the risk of illness.

Rear view of woman caressing ill man in hospital ward

The loss of control of your car or drowning are not the only security problems presents floodwater. According to the CDC, flood waters can be contaminated with hazardous chemicals and waste, and may even contain wild animals, vehicles, pieces of wood and other elements that can cause injury.

The notes of the health authority that the contaminated flood waters can put you in danger for tetanus to contract, rashes, digestive diseases, wound infections, and, in cases of rare, leptospirosis, a bacterial infection . If you come into contact with flood water, wash your body carefully with soap and water as quickly as possible, wash your clothes with a hot water detergent, treat wounds, and communicate with a professional health if you have concerns.

RELATED:If you have kept this drink in your car, do not consume, say the experts.

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