7 "diet hacks" that do not actually work

It's not because it works for someone else does not mean that you should fall for these traps to follow.

When it comes todiet, sometimes, it can be confusing to know what advice to turn to. Looking at the internet or cookbooks, hundreds of plans are to be chosen with its own disciples affirming that it does miraculous work. But sometimes they are just wrong. For all as manyDiet hacks It is there, there is a big handful of them who do not actually work and do not lead to sustainable healthy changes for people.

"Most of these things work for people in certain circumstances," says Corian Yandel, health coach and owner ofMaximum Performance Fitness Center In root, Wisconsin. "There are billions of people in the world [and] [and] there are things that will work for people. What we eat to mention is that they will not work for everyone , then when we try a new hack diet, you do not know the entire way of life of that person. "

Here are some diet hacks, you should probably avoid and for healthier food tips, make sure you check out our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Keto diet

Table of keto diet foods on a table

No bread, no pasta, limited fruits and vegetables - for some who are not a way to live at all. For others, it's a way of life. TheKeto diet Has become one of the most popular schemes in recent years with followers who claim to lose books faster than they could not imagine. Some, including VINNY Guadagnino of MTV's "Shore de Jersey", swear by the diet, with Guadagnino even even a recipe book approved by the Keto.

Despite the large number ofeggs Let those who follow the Keto regime consume, it is not all that it is cracked to be. According to an article published by theMedical Center of the University of ChicagoThe KETO diet could result in low blood pressure, kidney calculations, nutritional deficiencies as well as disordered manuals.

For regime hacks that actually work, check10 diet hacks that you have to try now.


Juice cleans

Juice cleanse plastic bottles

In theory, aJuice cleans This looks like a change of oil for the human body. You pump your body full of juice until it is completely cleaned, and in the process, you probably lose a few kilos. Juice cleans, and otherDetox dietare popular means for people to try to lose weight - a main character of the movie "Girls" "Cranberry juice drinks only at cranberry cocktail to try to lose weight while she unfortunately unfortunately the amount of sugar In each bottle. It's not just this ineffective diet, although juice does not work.

Although many people think they can detoxify their body through their diet, it is a process that is already done by the liver, filtering and neutralizing toxins before their expulsion of the body. According toHealthJuice juice juice can also let you feel low and can have a negative impact on your metabolism.

In addition, most store juices are loaded withadded sugars. here isSweet juices on grocery shelves.



healthy plate

Despite all you have heard, it is possible tocarbohydrate and be healthy. Like other regimes, it's more on thepart of the carbohydrates On your plate, against if there is at all. According to Yandel, carbohydrates also have a lot of advantages for the body.

"Carbohydrates are your short-term energy and are also your cerebral fuel for your thinking process," says Yandel. "That's why you are very stressed and you are very overwhelmed, you feel like you if you need more sugars because your brain goes through these carbohydrates a little faster if your day is less hectic."

So yes, do not be afraid of carbohydrates, especially these24 best healthy carbohydrates to eat weight.


Intermittent fast

fasting diet

A common misconception is that it goes without eating during a period will result in fast weight loss.Intermittent fastis a diet hacking in which the cyclist participants between steps to eat and not eat. The plan does not specify what you should eat, it focuses more on what the dieter eats. The truth is that, according to Yandel, intermittent fasting does not work because of its focus on "when" instead of "what".

"Intermittent fasting has been created to helpIntestine problems, "Yandel said." It's great forCure our intestine And give it time to relax for people who have intestinal problems, but if we are still eating 4,000 calories in our eight-hour window, there is no difference to eat in a larger window. "



small salad plate

A quick solution when you try to lose weight consists of eating less and less, but it could be one of the worst diet hacks because of the disastrous consequences that could take your health. Rather than eating small quantities, Lammersfield says she believes thatPeople who want to be healthy should change the tracks they eat and severely limit the amount.

"For my patients who want or lose weight, I recommend that you adopt one of the regimes that have proved effective," says Carolyn Lammersfeld, R & D and Vice-President of the Integrative Services of Cancer Treatment Centers. 'America. It included theMediterranean diet, the American Heart Association Diet and theDiet as some of its recommendations. There is certainly a reason why the Mediterranean diet is constantly evaluatedThe best diet for weight loss!


Only eat cabbage soup

cabbage soup

Cabbage It is ideal for the feast of St. Patrick, but some dedicated Diangeves treat the vegetable as if every day on March 17 and choosing only to consume a cabbage soup. TheCabbage soup regime is the one whoseverely limits caloric intakeThat's why a lot that follow him see a sudden weight loss usually lasts seven days.

"These plans, especially if they rely on a limited number of food, can be nutritional or unbalanced inadequate," says Lammersfeld. She added that plans like this are usually ineffective in the promotion of long-term health and fitness.


Do anything fast or easy

Plate of salad compatible with the DASH diet.

With diets, it is hopeful to think that by cutting different types of foods or passing through a crash diet, you can quickly lose weight and get your dream body, but it's also a thought Very unrealistic. While leaving the shape can sometimes be a fast-shaped process is more difficult and requires real and real job. Yandel saidOne of the largest dissuasive means that diesel people are discouraged by a lack of quick results.

"Understanding expectations in relation to reality is the first step," says Yandel. "If my expectations are that I'm going to lose 30 pounds in 30 days and it does not happen, most people abandon and feel like a failure and are at fault. We have to change this culture. And these perceptions . "

Instead, take the time to focus on these14 tips to reduce inflammation to lose weight faster, according to RDS.

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