10 signs that you have coronavirus - but it's actually something else

It is possible that your cough, your fever or skin rash is due to something other than coronavirus.

The list of CDC's current coronavirus symptoms may seem quite simple. However, because all overlapping with many other current affections, diseases and viruses, it can be a bit difficult to know if you have coronavirus or something else. "There are many symptoms that are possible symptoms of the COIV-19, but they can also be symptoms of other problems," Matthew Cook, MD, founder ofMedical biorestry, explains toEat this, not that! Health.Here are 10 symptoms of Covid-19 that could be something else.


You have irritated eyes

businessman taking off glasses rubbing dry irritated eyes

We know that Covid-19 can attack the upper respiratory tract and sometimes irritate your eyes. "Although it may be true, dry air, dust, seasonal allergies and sun exposure are very common causes of irritated eyes," says Dr. Cook, who emphasizes that it's a great scenario more likely than coronavirus. "Patients can also have irritated eyes from food sensitivities, colds and bacterial and viral infections," he adds.


You have a breathing essence

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Another common symptom of Covid-19 is the breath breathless, which Dr. Cook supports may also be due to many other things. "Shortness of breath can be caused by asthmatic changes, heart conditions, including heart failure and relatively extreme response to seasonal allergies and food allergies," he explains. In addition, some patients may have acid reflux that can result in asthmatic changes that can cause shortness of breath.


You have a fever

woman with cold and flu bad symptoms

Do you burn? Although your first answer may be to think that it is Covid-19, a picture temperature picture is not necessarily due to the virus. "A fever is often an attempt at the immune system to increase the temperature of the body so that the temperature helps the body fight the infection," explains Dr. Cook. "Often, a virus other than coronavirus or bacterial infection can be the cause of a fever." Other causes of fever include heat depletion and heat exposure.


You have fatigue

Depressed woman awake in the night, she is touching her forehead and suffering from insomnia

In addition to fever and shortness of breath, fatigue is a common symptom of Covid-19 that some patients are worried about. However, there are many causes of fatigue, Dr. Cook points, one of the most common sleep sleep. "Viral infections can cause fatigue and is common for viral infections other than Covid-19 can also cause it," he explains. "These include chronic infections such as the Epstein Barr virus as well as other viral infections - one of the most common is cytomegalovirus. Chronic infections and stealth infections are causes of very common fatigue. These. Include gastrointestinal parasitic infections, gastrointestinal dysbiosis, high levels of mold and mycotoxins in body and chronic infections such as Lyme disease. "


You have a loss of taste and smell

Woman Trying to Sense Smell of a Candle

One of COVID-19 punching signals is a loss of taste or odor. "Although we know that Covid-19 can cause this, it can also be caused by a cold or regular influenza, sinus infection, head injury or hormonal changes," says Dr. Cook. "In fact, it is also commonly observed in Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease and can sometimes arrive from a nutritional deficiency."


You have rashes


Side rashes have been reported with a small number of coronavirus patients, but keep in mind that they are much more frequent, such as "gastrointestinal infections and a wide range of symptoms correlated with a Gut leaking, "Dr. Cook points out. Other causes GI of skin sensitivity include food sensitivities, especially gluten. This could also be due to a dysreed immune system, which can develop chemical sensitivities and sensitivities to detergents, soaps and cosmetics. "We found that this is particularly true with cases of immune system problems and gastrointestinal problems," he says. Sometimes stress is also a cause of rashes.


You have body and muscle pain

Woman suffering from backache at home

A busy body and muscles can indicate that you fight on COVID-19. However, Dr. Cook says there are many other causes of corps, including dehydration, lack of sleep and regular influenza. "We also consider these symptoms in some chronic viral infections, including Epstein Barr as well as Lyme disease," he adds.


You have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

woman in painful expression holding her belly suffering menstrual period pain lying sad on home bed having tummy cramp

Digestive problems are a relatively common symptom of coronavirus, because the virus can also attack the upper respiratory tract and also affect the lower respiratory tract. When it does, it can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. "Although Covid-19 is certainly a cause of these symptoms, the most common causes are other problems in the gastrointestinal system," he says. "There is a bacterium that lives in the stomach that can cause these symptoms, it's called Helicobacter Pylori. There are also two conditions where there is a proliferation of mushrooms or bacteria in the small intestine. This can cause Gas and bloating that can lead to higher abdominal discomfort and can also cause nausea and vomiting. They are also cases of intestinal leaks and uncomfortable abdomen. "


You have a cough

man coughing

Another very common complaint with COVID-19 is a dry cough. "Although this virus is certainly known for causing a cough, there are many other conditions, including other viruses such as other coronaviruses and flu viruses that can cause a cold," says Dr. Cook. In addition to viral infections, bacterial infections are well known causes of infections in the respiratory tract, whether in the lungs or throat. Acid reflux, asthma and COPD are also common causes for a cough.


You have a migraine

woman hold head in hands suffer from grief problem, depressed lonely upset african girl crying alone on sofa at home

The last zone associated with Covid-19 is the symptom of headaches. "Although the virus can cause a headache, headaches are usually caused by a wide variety of problems," says Dr. Cook. These include: dehydration, stress, sometimes depression and asthma As well as food sensitivities. "In addition, several classes of headaches are intrinsic to the brain, including migraine headaches and bunch headaches," he says. "We sometimes see patients who have A compression of the occipital nerve at the back of the head. The compression of this nerve can cause a headache that starts on the back of the neck and wraps around the head. Patients can also have problems with their sinuses can lead to headaches. "


How to tell for sure if you have COVID-19

Medical staff member with mask, rubber gloves and protective equipment performs Coronavirus nasal swabs to patient

If you feel the symptoms listed in this story, tell your doctor and discuss whether or not you should a COVID-19 test. Although hard to find in some cities when the virus first struck these shores, the tests become more and more available every day. However, all tests can not discover the virus. Since there is no way to be 100% sure you have the coronavirus, it is better to quarantine yourself if you think you do it.

To cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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