This means that a few minutes a day can improve your health

Take advice from the experts and stay healthy.

You probably think of staying healthy as something that is incredibly time-the stuff of extreme diets, expensive gymnasiums or out of a sanitization. But the truth is, there are dozens of simple and efficient ways that you can seriously improve your health in fifteen minutes or even less a day. These little dry shots, many of which are very fun, can help you strengthen your immune system, improve your mood, and the prevention of serious illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson and here we share them with you exclusively.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


To avoid too much

Happy woman eating healthy salad sitting on the table with green fresh ingredients indoors

Add a few minutes every hour of the meal.

"Eat slowly," says Griffith Mackenzie, a certified precision nutrition coach. "It will give your body time to send you satiety / fullness signals, making you naturally and voluntarily eat less food. To do this, putting your utensil between two bites, talking to people around you, chew more thoroughly, or really focus on the flavors and textures you encounter a sommelier of everything you eat. You find that you are more satisfied, do not feel plethoric, and of course start to lose weight ".


To improve your brain health

woman walking in park

Go outside.

"An effective way to relieve stress is by literally changing your point of view," says Dr. Richard Carmona, former Surgeon General of the United States and Head of Health Innovation in Canyon Ranch. "Just quietly sitting out for a few minutes can help. Nature is easy on the eyes and easy on the ears, and connecting to its calm, you can reduce your anxiety and increase the health of the brain. »


To prevent stroke

Loving Hispanic Couple In Countryside

Do it.

Studies have shown that having sex on a regular basis can help lower blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of stroke. According to a study published inAmerican Journal of Cardiology, Men who have sex at least twice a week were less likely to develop cardiovascular disease compared to men who had sex once a month. It is probably because the increase in sexual activity feel-good chemicals in the brain like dopamine and the oxytocin "binding hormone", which can lower the high blood pressure, Case 1 of The race.


To three years more live


"Have exercise snacks. »

According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThe researchers found that the people who exercise for three years just 15 minutes a day live, on average, longer than those who do not. "The new research proves that the" exercise in-case "are great ways to reduce the negative health outcomes (high cholesterol, blood glucose, etc.) found in many chronic diseases," says Kathryn Hossack explains Kathryn Hossack. , B. SC. Cat (c), owner of the integrative movement andRidewell performance. "These include short bursts to do, like 20 to 30 seconds of moderate activity, such as walking a staircase or puppets, once per hour or two in the day. It is perfect for those who work at a desk. »


To avoid a heart attack

Happy smiling caucasian blonde senior woman sitting at dining table, drinking red wine, having video call over at laptop and waving.

Speak to a friend.

The feelings of solitude and social isolation can increase the risk of a person to have a heart attack, according to a study published in the journalHeart. People who reported poor social relations had a higher risk of 29 percent of coronary heart disease, and a higher risk of 32 percent of strokes, which people with solid friendships. Reason: researchers believe that loneliness increases chronic stress, a risk factor for Ticker problems. So, take the time to spend on, call or between friends of text or family regularly.


To protect against Alzheimer's disease

Woman enjoying coffee in the morning

Drink coffee.

A study published in theEuropean Journal of Neurologyfound that people who have consumed caffeine had a "significantly lower risk" of Alzheimer's disease that non-drinkers. Why? The researchers believe that some compounds in roasted coffee can prevent the accumulation of the brain plate at the origin of Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

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To stimulate good cholesterol

Walnuts in bowl

Eat a walnut handle.

Several studies have shown that eating nuts like almonds, nuts, peanuts or hazelnuts can reduce blood cholesterol LDL ("bad"), while increasing the HDL ("good" cholesterol) - among several other health benefits . "Eating a small amount of different nuts over the day can help your health significantly in the long term," says Nikola Djordjevic, MD, "Nuts are rich in vitamins such as magnesium, selenium or copper. In addition, they are large antioxidants and can help combat free radicals in the blood that can cause cell damage and lead to a variety of diseases. »


To avoid cancer

Kale dark leafy greens hand massaged in bowl

Add vegetables-leaves to your meal.

"Most people say that a full meal is a healthy fat, a fiber and a protein, but they still forget the greens," saysJacquie Smith, a certified Nutrition Coach certified in New York. "Green Greens are the best superfood types to add to each meal. They are packed with antioxidants, BB vitamins, vitamin C and K and fiber, which facilitate digestion and prevent inflammation. That finally prevents chronic diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. "


Protect against Parkinson's disease

Frozen blueberries

Eat bays.

According to a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), the high flavonoid content in berries, apples and oranges help remove the disease. The study participants who consumed the most flavonoids were 40% less likely to develop Parkinson's disease.


To prevent depression

Write down recipe

Make a gratitude list every morning.

Take the time to write ten things you are grateful in your life, no matter the small or the base. It could be your health, your morning coffee, the ability to pay the mortgage (or reimbursed your mortgage). This simple exercise has been demonstrated to improve mood. "Gratitude focuses on the good and the vouchers and the positives of life," saysDr. Catherine Jackson, a certified clinical psychologist and Certified Council of the board based in Chicago. "The research suggests that the brain literally produces more dopamine, a well-being mettotransmitter, when gratitude is expressed. A grateful mind will allow you to be less stressed and feel more positive emotions. While thinking about what You are grateful for is good for the brain, studies show that writing writing has even greater benefits. "


To save your joints

Pouring orange juice

Have a glass of orange juice.

This is one of the best ways toFoundation of arthritis Says that you can help prevent debilitating articular disease. Studies have shown that vitamin C consumption reduces the risk of developing osteoarthritis.


Keep your ocular health

Playing video game

Play video games.

Seriously. By a study published in the newspaperNeuroscience, adults who have played a lot of video game acts have told their 20% vision. "Action Video Game Play modifies how our brain deals with visual information," said the study co-author Daphne Bavier, a brain and cognitive science professor at the University of Rochester. "After only 30 hours, the players showed a substantial increase in the spatial resolution of their vision, which means that they could see numbers like those of a more clear eye diagram, even when other symbols Cluttered. "


Losing weight

author at home writing in journal

Follow your meals.

In a March study published in the magazineObesityThe researchers have discovered that people who have followed their meals - save them on paper or online, with an application like the loser - for at least 15 minutes a day have had the most success of losing weight.



happy woman enjoying summer outdoors

Get 15 minutes from sun.

"Fifteen minutes of sun can naturally help strengthen vitamin D levels, which help the health of bones and immune function and can also keep the circadian pace in synchronization," said John Mr. Martinez, MD, primary care physician at Mesa, California. "I find that the 15 minutes of the sun contributes with patients with insomnia for this reason."



Mature Man With Digital Tablet Using Meditation App In Bedroom

Meditate for 15 minutes.

A 2018 study published inThe positive psychology diary found that only 15 minutes of meditation can have the same positive effect on your mood and well-being as a holiday day.

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Happy woman with her arms outstretched

Breathe deeply.

"Few people pay attention to their breathing. However, getting attention to your breath for at least ten minutes a day can reduce stress and increase relaxation," Jackson said. "Slow, deep and constant breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, reduces heart rate and relaxes the mind and muscles. It also triggers your neuron in the brain to calm down. In a stressful situation, the brain needs this Extra oxygen to help it clearly think about solving or causing the problem calmly. "


Reduc your blood pressure

Beans legumes and pulses

Eat beans.

Or legumes, if you are mean. A study published in the newspaperClinical diabetes have found that participants who eat slightly less than a cup of legumes every day for 10 weeks saw "a significant decrease" of systolic and medium arterial blood pressure.


Lower your blood glucose

Safe outdoor activities with face mask

Make a short walk.

"People who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance can reduce their blood glucose level after meals by making a 15-minute walk," explainsNANCY WOODBURY, MS, MS, RD, LD / N, Certified Diet Nutritionist in Boca Raton, Florida. "The contraction of the greater leg muscles causes an excess of blood glucose directly into muscle cells, regardless of the action of the secreted insulin of the pancreas. If your pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or that your Muscle cells are resistant to the action of insulin, exercise can help you reduce your blood sugar. In addition, a physical activity that builds muscle mass will increase your ability to use or storing blood glucose produced from the Metabolisation of food with carbohydrates, so you can eat more. "


To protect your feet

Foam roller plantar fascia treatment in physiotherapy studio

The Plantar Fascia extend.

"Your plantar fascia is the fabric that supports your arches. If we were not actively in the morning, we pose the risk of developing an inflammatory disease called Plantar Fasciite," says Dr. Benjamin Tehrani, a podiatrist atSpecialists of the King's foot and ankle in Los Angeles. "A simple log massage of the lacrosse on the foot sole of the feet will go around. Position yourself on the back and place the ball of the lacrosse on the heel. Move slowly the ball on the ball of your foot, being safe to push against the ground with your feet and feel the ball stretching in the fascia. It helps to break the scar tissue or muscle that muscle has become tired of walking or standing too often or simple wear. From our feet. This helps eliminate lactic feet muscle acid, allowing our feet to become more energized and ready for the day. "


Soothe an irritable intestine


Practice relaxation techniques.

In apilot studyAt the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Cody Medicine Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Boston Beet Israel Medical Center, 48 adults with irritable intestine syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory intestine disease (IBD) participated At a nine-weeks program focused on stress reduction and other healthy behaviors included a relaxation training to be practiced at home for 15 to 20 minutes each day. They felt not only better - they had fewer gastrointestinal symptoms and researchers have discovered positive changes in genes involved in their stomach conditions. "The relaxation response has reduced the expression of a number of genes directly related to the key inflammatory processes of the IBD. Although the IBS mechanisms are less well defined, they probably involve a stressed response, which could also be improved by the practice of relaxation, "said Towa Libermann study investigator, Ph.D.


Strengthen your memory

woman doing sport exercises on morning sunrise beach in sports wear, healthy lifestyle, listening to music on wireless earphones holding smartphone, smiling happy

Listen to music.

According to a study published in theAlzheimer's Disease JournalAdults with self-observed cognitive impairment who listened to 12 minutes of music every day for 12 weeks showing a decrease in a blood biomarker of aging in the blood, as well as improvements in memory, mood, of the Sleep and cognitive function. Further studies have found that listening to music or playing a musical instrument improves memory in healthy people.

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Improve your relationship

Retired couple walking in a park under quarantine during coronavirus outbreak

Go for a walk together.

"As a fitness staff, I prescribed fat loss failure training sessions for years, but as a personal fitness trainer, I also recently discovered the activity resolutely Inadmissible to take a walk with my wife every night, "says a personal trainer and nutrition advisorMatt Edwards. "At first it was just to burn calories and you will burn a ton of calories walking, but I started noticing these other fresh advantages creeping in: without television, work, telephone or other distractions calling for our attention, my Woman and I talk. That's good. Really nice. It's a quality time you can just devote to your romantic partner, and that can get closer. "

He adds: "No distraction also means that you are completely present in the moment and the emotional benefits of mindfulness, a practice that promotes the fully present being, is felt immediately."


Improve the health of incidents

Woman at stove

Cooking with whole foods.

This is the recommendation ofDr. Terry WahlsClinical professor at the University of Iowa. "Use ingredients, unfattered, processed foods. Industrial foods are filled with sugar, salt and food additives that interfere with our microbes in our intestine. Food additives and emulsifiers that are frequent in industrialized foods increase The risk of developing leaks, or increased intestinal permeability. When a person has a leaking intestine, inflammation increases with a higher risk of autoimmunity and chronic diseases. I can make a meal in a Fresh or frozen vegetable stove and meat or vegetarian protein source for these that does not eat meat-in less than 15 minutes. This will have a profound impact on your health and health of your family today hui and far in the future. "


Strengthen your bones


Make a short bursting of high intensity exercise.

"The exercise is becoming more and more important because we get older," said Anthony Kouri, MD, orthopedic surgeon at the University of Toledo University. "Many people think that the only way to benefit from the exercise is to do so for a long time. However, research suggests that high-intensity exercises in short bursts can improve bone mineral density. Osteoporosis is due to a bone low mineral density and is a serious health concern, especially for women. It is a maximum factor of 90% of hip fractures. It is often asymptomatic, but can lead to devastating injuries to An older age when our bodies are the most vulnerable. "

He continues: "Recent research suggests that women who participate between 1 and 2 minutes of high-intensity weight activity each day have better 4% bone health than women who make less than a minute of physical activity . In addition, women who have done more than 2 minutes of this type of exercise had better bone health by 6%. These activities include running, jogging, dance, stair climbing and the tennis, among many others. "


Improve your concentration

Middle aged woman sitting in lotus position on a carpet in his living room. her eyes are closed. she is in the foreground


"Although meditation is not a healing, all of this helps laser the aging of the brain, acts as antidepressant and helps to improve depression and anxiety," said Jackson. "It has been found to increase the gray matter in the hippocampus, which is important for learning and memory and reduce the volume of brain cells in the amygdala, a brain area responsible for fear and stress and Improves attention and concentration. "

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Improve your mobility



"Extending for 15 minutes a day can have advantages such as the best health of bones and mixed, an improved balance, better flexibility and mobility," says Dr. Thanu Jeynapalan, Clinical Director of the Yorkville Sports Medicine Clinic in Toronto. "Stretching a few minutes a day will do wonders for your long-term health."


Reduce anxiety

Woman writing in food journal with egg toast carrots coffee on table

Write in a newspaper.

"Logging for 15 minutes, or 3 pages in full hand, can really help you get everything that escapes you in your mind and pose it in a physical entity," says Carla E. Campos of15 minutes of creativity. "Although it initially felt like an intense exercise, with time, you will start to feel better and better to put all your thoughts, not scripted and without modifications, paper."


Keep your weight

Young waiter wearing protective face mask while serving food to his guests in a restaurant.

Pause before this second help.

"Wait 15 minutes after your initial plate before coming back for more," saysMoore hammer, a race trainer in Los Angeles. "It can be just enough time to make you feel full and give up unnecessary calories."


Lower your cholesterol

woman selfie with dog

Pet your dog.

That's right. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLA large study showed that cholesterol owners and lower triglyceride rates than non-owners - and these differences were not explained by diet, smoking or body mass index (BMI)! Scientists do not know why. They believe that the calming effect of dogs can reduce blood pressure, reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Two standing legs.


Improve overall health

Happy girl waking up in the morning turning off the alarm clock in her bedroom

Design a sleep ritual.

"It does not need to be something chic - something as simple as soaking in a bath for 15 minutes before losing, spraying lavender oil on your pillowcases before you sleep, or engage in a short full duration before helping you help you sleep better, "saysAmanda L. Dale, a certified personal trainer and a sports nutritionist. "And better sleep leads to better control of the appetite, reduced inflammation, a reduced impression of depression and a risk of lowered heart attack."And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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Tags: Health Tips / News
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