14 ways your friends make you fat

Could your team be the culprit behind your expanding size?

Let's play Word Association. If I say "contagious disease," chances, you will say something like "the common cold" or "the flu". Probably not obesity. In his departure, obesity is socially contagious - an epidemic that, according to the monument, the cardiac study of Framingham and many others, spreads rapidly through social networks faster than a viral video. The researchers noted that having a friend who became obese during the 32-year study increased the probability that the participant also becomes obese by a height of 57%.

Although scientists do not fully understand how obesity spreads, they think it has to do with communities influenced on what its members perceive as acceptable to both the consumption of cheeseburgers for breakfast, of Exercise less or become simply chubbier.

Although an active social life is probably an integral part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, your group of friends could have a negative impact on your size. This does not mean that you should spend your friends completely. Although the birds of a feather tremble together, you can define a healthy example for the whole group. You can start with these55 ways to strengthen your metabolism.


You go out with a big group


When we eat with other people, we consume an average of 44% more food than we do it by taming only. Search published in the newspaperNutrition I found that eating a meal with another person was 33% larger than a tasty meal alone. It becomes scary from there. Third wheel with two friends? You look at a 47% greater meal. Catering with 4, 6 or more and more friends was associated with meal increases of 69, 70 and 96%, respectively. Although part of this has to do with the time we go to the table during the restoration with the company, another newspaper studyAppetite I found people who spent more time eating because they were reading simultaneously did not eat much more, which means that time is not the only game factor here.


You have a close friend who is naturally thin


Everyone has this friend who seems to defy all metabolic laws and maintain a thin silhouette while eating what they want. News to get you more: get out with them while they get can cause you even. A study in theJournal of Consumer Research Students had students looking at a film and a snack with a lean or overweight companion. When the thin friend Wasedate, the students were likely to follow the pursuit, but they exercised more self-control during the snack with a heavier trop.


You are married to your bestie

For better or ... bigger? Research suggest that a relationship committed has the potential to wreak havoc on your diet. A study in theAmerican Journal of Public Health analyzed impact spouses, friends and brothers and sisters played on food schemes over 10 years; Couples have had the greatest influence on the eating habits of others, especially when it came to drink alcohol and nibbling. The good news is that "the effect of halo" also applies to sound habits. A public school of Harvard has found people on a weight loss program that had the support of at least one lost partner 6.5 pounds more than those who pass only. So, sign your spouse or friend to be your partner to be fit.


The meals of the restaurant are always "cheaters"


If you want to eat healthy when you dine with a group of friends, keep a healthy business ... or order first! A study by the University of Illinois revealed that groups of people tend to order in the same way, especially when they are obliged to say their order aloud. Researchers attribute the results to the fact that people are happier to make choices similar to their peers. If you are determined to make healthy choices, get your decision and get your order first. If you are always looking to give you, consult our16 cheating meal strategies for weight loss.


You stay connected to Facebook

We want there to be an aversion button. Spend hours on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest when you could live up to engraving calories, it's a growing health concern, say health. A study of 350 students from the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland found that the more time passed on facebook, the less time they spent exercise or engage in sports. team. In particular fattening, you catch up with your social networks before you even go to bed. A study in thePediatric obesityJournal has found students with access to an electronic device in their bedrooms were 1.47 times more likely to be overweight than those who have no device in the bedroom. This increased to 2.57 times for children with three devices. Turn this catch-up session in a meeting in person and, no, not in a restaurant. Meet for team sport or physical activity to spend time with friends without watching a screen.


Your outputs always involve alcohol


It is normal to want to catch up with your crew on a few beers, especially if you are looking to relax and have fun. But if every time you go out, it's a boozy brunch or specialties of a happy hour, it could lead to weight gain. And the bigger the group of friends, the more difficulty you are; A 2015 study from the University of California, San Francisco found that people consume more drinks on time if they are with a large group. Not only does the frenzy drinking for your overall health (your poor liver!), It makes you ingest hundreds of additional calories: a vodka shot, a light beer and a glass of 5 ounce wine contains about 100 calories. But it's without mixers; Once you have added juice, soda or tonic water, you look at least 100 additional calories. If your choice drink is a craft beer or frozen concoction, it exceeds 300 calories. In addition, alcohol inhibits your ability to make good decisions, which is why the nachos or fried wing chicken plate sound like a good idea of ​​the third series of drinks. Feel free to share adult drinks with your friends, but limit it only a few tours of torque. For more advice on healthy decision-making, consult ourEat this, not that! For drinkers to guide.


They peer pressure pressure

"Come on, a dessert will not kill you." Seems familiar? If it is a common sentence that you hear from your friends, you are more likely to take away the books. Even if your Pals do not realize that their teasing are actually a pressure on peer, it is difficult to say no to a group of people you like. The more people you surround yourself, the more difficult it is to resist peer pressure.


They are heavier than you


Although many physiological factors can affect your weight, lifestyle definitely plays a role in obesity. You are not just what you eat; You are also what your friends eat. If you go out regularly with more overweight people than you and you have unhealthy habits, like raising workouts and eating more processed foods, it could erase you. As important as maintaining your friendships is, be sure to stay strong in your healthy habits and goals.


They do not exercise

Of course, go to the cinema or dinner of sounds more fun than, say, hit the gym with your friends. But if your friends have more sedentary activities, it could have you pack on the books. A study by the University of Aberdeen revealed that people are more likely to exercise and grow stronger if they have a buddy to go with. So make sure you choose sweat activities to do as a group, whether hiking, cycling or registering for a spin class together. You are all much more likely to stay engaged and you will burn much more calories than you would during a cinema night.


They are not favorable

As great, think your friends are, they could sabotte your healthy eating habits without even realizing it. If you make more efforts to order lighter menu items in restaurants or wake up early to hit the gym, it's hard to meet these goals if your friends are not favorable. If you are around people who discourage your healthy lifestyle, you are more likely to fall from the wagon. Make sure to repeat your friends how important your goals are - no, you do not want to divide the onion rings and yes, you must go to bed early. If they are still blotting, it might be time to surround you with people who have your best interests.


They have bad eating habits


It is much easier to resume unhealthy eating habits if you are constantly around them. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Public Health I found that people tend to reflect what their friends do, especially when it comes to eating and getting out of the dining room. You are more likely to choose the refined carbohydrate option on whole grains, nibbling on the free chips and salsa, or order serve if the people in your posse do. This can all lead to ingest additional calories (and put additional weight). Even if your friends make bad choices, make an effort to think about yourself and make the health healthy.


You like to stay late

Partying until all night hours can be one thing when you are in college, but when you get older, it can really wreak havoc on your health - and your size. A wake forest study revealed that people who sleep five hours or less one night have 2.5 times more belly fat than those who sleep the 6 to 8 hours recommended. Research also found that people who do not sleep quite often often wants unhealthy comfort food the next day and eat more calories than usual. Take advantage of your time, but make sure you go go to bed at a reasonable time.


They have a resentment of your success


You never notice that a friend who continues to try to sabotage your efforts, no matter the difficulty of protesting? It could be jealous of your weight loss success. When people feel unsafe and jealous of your weight loss victories, they might try to hang out with them, leading to unhealthy habits that will make the battery weight. Make sure to brush the negative comments and tell the saboteur how hurt their shaping for your overall success.


You drag with your BFF work


Having a bestie office can make your job really nice and help the long day to succeed much faster. But this can also be a disaster recipe, especially if you try to lose weight. How many times your PAL at Peer work has you squeezed to eat a single cookie in the break room, or dividing one of these decadent cupcakes? Mark with your BFF at work happy hours also means that you are more likely to stay chatting ... and drinking more Boozy drinks. The lunch trips could lead to overinding, without realizing it, even if you think you make a healthier choice. Research published in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper I found that people end up consuming on the same amount of calories at full-service restaurants and fast food seals - about 190 more calories than normal - but people ingules more sodium and cholesterol in Sit-down locations. If you want to have your work with your work wife, opt for something to go; The same study revealed that people have eaten only 120 additional calories when they ordered to go out rather than eating in the establishment. For more foods that make you big, do not miss this list ofThe 50 instantaneous foods on the planet!

Categories: Weight Loss
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