The 12 biggest food trends this year

From oat milk to fat foods, consumers could not get enough of these trend topics.

Back in 2010, the cupcakes were all raging, the macaroons were beginning to appear in aleady and it was starting to happen to people to put aEgg above all. Nearly 10 years later, on the cuspid of a new decade, we can laugh at these days and how these foods are currently.

Again, has changed a lot? Yes, we had no idea of ​​oats at the time, but we were also all aboutBacon. (Then it was a kind of internet even on the best food of all time. These days, it's all the way to do with theKeto diet Like something else.) But oat milk is not the only thing that would surprise us at the end of the second decade of the 21st century.Cheesebboards I went from party food to art and food delivery expanded to include all of an arsenal meal kits at fast food.

The biggest trends in 2019 food can also talk to us about where we are about to go in the 2020s: more plants, faster cooking and less waste. A lot of trends, like spike selectzers, "bleeding" veggie burgers, andoatmeal Also built years of existing trends in a new and sometimes unexpected way. We do not know what the test of the time and which we will laugh in 2029, but it is also part of the pleasure. Which of these 12 tendencies will we love in another decade and which we will make laugh? Only time will say.



Oatly Original oat milk
OATLY USA / Facebook

A few years ago, if you were asking for breast milk milk, your Barista could have a look at a total confusion. By 2019, however, oat milk has become an alternative to current milk in fashion coast coastal cafes. Many of this is due to Oatly, which was launched at the US in 2016 and has experienced tremendous growth every year since then.

An alternative to milk for vegans, people who are intolerant to lactose, or anyone attempting to live a more-based diet on the plant, he has also become popularAlternative to almond milk. This looks more like the dairy, and it also requires much less water to produce, making it a greener option. Given the interest for greener choices, plant-based plans and our general love of all thingsCoffeeIt is amazing that oat milk has been one of the greatest food trends in the past year.



CBD oils in wooden spoon and glass bottle

The CBD has developed in recent years, although the explosion has resulted in many night windows and less than renowned sources. But in 2019, we also saw many new businesses release a new generation of CBD products. More sophisticated than older products you could find on the shelves of a new well-being store, they draw new people to the trend. If CBD water in Instagram user-friendly packages will earn on legions of new fans, but more and more food and beverage companies release their own products from the CDB every month.



shred of biltong spilling out of white bowl

Given the popularity of high protein snacking, it is not surprising that companies introduce more Jerky foods - like the US market. One isdutong, a meat dried in the air, sliced ​​from South Africa.

Although it is still a relatively rare addition to American shelves, it's easy to see how an international version of a popular snack could have a massive call. After all, American style yogurt opened the Greek yogurt doors, Skyr, Labne and more. Brands likeBrooklyn Biltong andKalahari Biltong Are available on Amazon, so it's never easier to get their hands on these tasty meat snacks.


Herbal burgers

impossible burger ground beef
Courtesy of burger impossible

Once upon a time, you had to go to a very small handful of restaurants in New York or Los Angeles.Burger, a plant-based hamburger supposed to "bleed". Then, in 2019, you could get it in Burger King. Or Red Robin. Or QDoba.

Although Veggie Burgers has been on the market for years, the impossible burger has inaugurated in a new generation of herbal meat who are, well, meat. They aim for meat eaters as well as vegetarians and vegans, and they attracted the attention of their ability to use a range of eaters.


High seas foods

High protein keto breakfast of bacon and eggs

High fat schemes seem to appear every few years. First of all, there was Atkins. Then there was paleo, and now we have the Keto diet. (While some things are the same, there is also the keyDifferences between Keto and Atkins.)

And as with so many food trends, it is not totally new: the versions of these are since 1920, but the Keto regime has acquired popularity in recent years. Although it is difficult to imagine Keto's interest stay strong forever, it is not difficult to imagine another low protein and low carbohydrate diet nor.


Conscious packing of eco

reusable grocery bag with fruits veggies spilling out

As for herbal burgers and CBD,Ecological packagingis nothing new, but it becomes more and more public. As awareness of plastic waste has spread, people are looking for alternatives. And they also find more and more options: companies such as Stasmer, a manufacturer of silicone food containers, are now on the shelves of anthropology (We tried them!).

In addition, a bar is more likely to give you a straw of paper than in past years. It's not just things you can buy, either. Stores like entire foods have committed toCut plastic wasteAnd a zero-waste movement wins steam on social media.


SELTZERS with spikes

pomegranate lemon alcoholic seltzer mixed drink in small glass

2019 undoubtedly was the summer of the Seltzer with spikes. Although it was not the first summer it was available,He had popularity This year. The Boozy Drink seems to be a perfect storm of food interests: an alternative of gluten-free beer and something that plays on the recent popularity of non-alcoholic selectors. And after some summers on rosé, we were ready for a change and spent in Seltzer.



wine and cheese board

Once upon a time, you may have seemed sophisticated if you put brie and gouda on a plate with a little salami. These days, however,cheese The boards are on new heights. The boards can vary very heavy trays with some cheese corners to a meat explosion. Anyway, they usually fill the entire plate with a large panel and things tend to be pre-trenched (then reorganized articously) for an even easier snack. Some cheese enthusiasts are even in placeTable building course anddelivery services.


Adult snack

Healthy snack options in refrigerator section at Walgreens

The days when adults could be satisfied with the cervical gas station or snacks marketed towards children. Foods between meals become much more adults, flavor packaging, even ingredients. Mushroom serky, food-foot-go foods that feel like adult lenders, and even gourmet marshmallows will not make you feel too juvenile if you buy them when asnack Hits tie. And while new categories of food products such as puffs of natural cheese will not be embarrassed adults to put them home, the kids are probably going to love them too.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.



Chicken air fryer

Fryers have been introduced in Europe in 2010 and have made huge benefits in the United States over the last two years. Last spring, some10 million had sold in the United States. over a period of two years. And air fryers certainly pay attention to theSnapAnother convenience device that has been considered tremendous growth in recent years. Pot Instant even published his own version of the air frounder, theInstantaneous vortex.

Air fryers promise crisp foods cooked quickly and less fat. But the experts are not convinced and it's easy to imagine that many of these 10 million new fryers pick up dust in a garage in a few years.


Even easier meal kits

containers of ready made breakfast with strawberries blueberries waffles oatmeal chia pudding

Blue Apron, Hello Fresh and plated any shine on the stage over the last decade, the promise to make dinner easier by sending easy instructions to follow. But now, the meal kits focus on ways to make it even easier, focusing on meal options under 30 minutes each week or with pre-chopped ingredients.

Tovala, a more recent meal kit company, even sells an intelligent oven that analyzes cooking times.Daily harvest, which started with smoothies, also continued to expand its delivery services to include easy-to-prepare oat and chia bowls. AndTeller and hatch Offers free frozen meal deliveries in an instantaneous pot.


Millennium cookware

trendy cooking pots with lids and cutting boards
FatyPlace / iStock

Millennials love a good disturbance, but how to disrupt something base like a plate or a Dutch oven? This dilateral has not stopped brands likeYear and day,Made in,Great Jones, andEquipment to try.

Most of these lines offer high-end products at prices that are not necessarily cheap, but are always lower than the former custody classics like CREUCET. Partial investment, part Instagram Fodder, it is a market that shows no signs of slowing down.

There is no saying how many of these trends will always be 10 years old for now, but at least for this year, they led the pack.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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