The director of the CDC has just said the most inspiring thing

Robert Redfield talked about the humanitarian reason of "masque".

As a political touch point, face masks have been the center of controversy this summer, with various factions promoting them to save lives and others saying that everything does the Porcrown WWorwash. A scientist believes however to "hide" - and he talked about it yesterday.The director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, spoke withDr. Howard BauchnerofAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL About the United States, he worries about the largest (Middle America, like Oklahoma and Nebraska), and urged the Americans to get their influenza. He also implored the Americans to wear their face masks, using their humanitarian sides with an inspiring message.

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"I'm wearing my mask ... to protect you," he said.

The epidemic resulted in "a big loss of life," said Redfield, highlighting what is at stake. "That's why, if there is a message from us from a health point of view public, the most important thing we can do is do everything we can do to protect the vulnerable around us, not just those of the retirement homes, but also those of us who are old who might have some Comorbidities, Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, Renal disease, Pulmonary Disease - We all have an important role to play. "Then he put his inspiring message, the one he hopes to break the skeptics:"I always say, well, the reason I'm wearing my mask, I do not protect my mask in case I'll be infected to protect you. Because I want Covid to stop with me."

He then described a heartbreaking scenario that could happen to anyone if they are not cautious. "When you're 30 years old and do not think there's a big deal" - wear a mask "if you get Covid, the problem is that if you jog through the central park and That there are two 85 years -the sitting on the bench and you have to sneeze when you go through, "and they could get Covid-19 and die. "It's an important thing we all try to control the pandemic to protect vulnerables."

Here's how you can get this epidemic under control '

It was not the first time that a leading health official encouraged empathy to promote the use of the face mask. Before having a polyp withdrawn from its vocal cord, the rendering temporarily speechless, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the main infectious infectious expert of the nation, used the same side. "A risk for you is not only isolated for you. If you are infected, you are innocently responsible or inadvertently propining the pandemic, "he repeated several times.

With regard to the security of this pandemic, Redfield reiterated his message during the interview. "We do not have to close the retail business, you do not have to lock," said Redfield. "We really need to wear face coatings when we can not keep the social distance, wash your hands and be smart on the crowds. Perfect obvious overcrowding that occurs in bars and interior restaurants, and we can Get this epidemic under control. " And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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