The Department of Health warns of this holiday food

The sandwich is particularly popular in the Midwest.

Holiday festivals are fertile ground for foodborne diseases. That's the fact that we are preparing more food at homekitchens or simply have more remnants to handle, cases of food poisoning usuallyincrease in November and December. A special holiday tradition in Midwest prompted the Wisconsin Ministry of Health to make a public mediumfood safety.

Thousands of Wisconsinites consider raw meat sandwiches, also calledcannibal sandwiches, a holiday tradition in their households. But the consumption of raw meat is never safe and experts sound at the alarm to eat a food that can cause serious digestive problems. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

"Many Wisconsin families consider them as aholiday Tradition, but eating pose a threat to Salmonella, E. coli O157: H7, Campylobacter and Listeria Bacteria that can make you sick, "wrote the Department of Health in aFacebook Post. "Remember that the chopped beef must always be cooked at an internal temperature of 160 ° F."

Sandwiches are often served with raw onions reminiscentsteak tartare, the high-end raw meat dish that sills from France. Culinary historic aside, the US Department of Agriculture offered a safer alternative to prepare cannibal sandwiches or similar raw meat dishes that includes cooking protein.

"If cannibal sandwiches are a tradition in your home, try this safe alternative: Cook the chopped beef with the same spices and the same fillings up to 160 ° F, and served on bread or crackers," has declared the agency in ablog. "You may be surprised to see that it has a better taste when cooked! Do not mention, you will not risk going to the hospital with each bite."

So, basically, simply put the raw beef!

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