9 controversies of the largest McDonald of 2020

These scandals swung the quick giant to his core.

This was a difficult year for McDonald's, andnot only because of the pandemic. Thequick-giant Has been interrupted with prosecutions engaged by employees, franchisees and investors on alleged irregularities, including racial discrimination and sexual fault. The company also attracted its fair share of bad press relating to itsmenu items and linkedmarketing strategies, as well as itsSupply Chain.

Here are some of McDonald's's biggest controversies have been involved in this year.

Do not miss these8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.


Sex and seed

Finished last year, McDonald'sDrawn his head of management, Steve Easterbrook, for the cavoration (to politely) with a woman employed. Easterbrook Pasteadmitted His relationship with this employee reflects a bad judgment. The company ended with Easterbrook "no cause", allowing Easterbrook to receive aGenerous starting package. The company has named a new CEO, Chris Kempczinski, but everything was still quite.

The day after the Easterbrook orchard, theThe head of human resources has resigned in the middle of rumors that he and Easterbrook were cultivated a company "celebration"Involving alcoholic outings during which high-level frameworks would bedrink heavily and sometimes ended up compromising positions With Staffers (more on the benefits of this below).

By August of 2020, McDonald has learned at leastThree other employees with whom Easterbrook had business and that there wasPhotos and emails Backing up claims. In addition, one of these employees had exploited his sexual relationship with the Estabrook inA price of stock options worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, which, from a legal point of view, would mean that McDonald's presented preferential treatment for employees who capitulate "Macho Guy" culture.

Oh, and we mentioned that Easterbrook's starting package was worth more than$ 40 million? McDonald's has sinceprosecuted Easterbrook For the return of the departure package, which the company claims that it would never have agreed to know all the facts. And to speak not to know all the facts in December, a group of investors called for the resignation of two members of the board of directors for "bungling" the initial investigation which led to the decision to pay a compensation of EasterBrook, according toBloomberg News.

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If you c-suites something. . .

In April, two McDonald employees, on behalf of another 5,000, continued the company for $ 500 million allegingSystemic sexual harassment In the form of "the appearance of the opposite" whenever the employees made claims alleging inappropriate behaviors - and even retaliation against employees to complain at all.

"The company has known it for years," said one of the applicants in a statement and the case seems to be in progress.

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One billion small lies


In September 2020, McDonald'swas continued By dozens of old owners of black franchises claiming the discriminated company against the breed by deliberately placing them in "lower locations" that hindered benefits and growth. In November, civil rights prosecutor,Daryl Parks (You could recognize his name because he represented the families of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown), joined the law firm leading to the legal battle and should play an important role in the prosecution in the future.

McDonald's is currently fighting the allegations, claiming that she would never do such a thing because he has a direct interest in ensuring the success of all his franchisees.

However, it is far from the only trial of racial discrimination, the Burger Flinger is confronted.Three black employees of a lakeland, FLA. Site Perhaps it was right to continue McDonald's back in July to submit them to a "racial hostile work environment" and punishing them to collect complaints. And onesimilar trialWas presented by employees of Rock Island, sick.


An "impossible" situation

impossible vs beyond burger texture

When Mr. McDonald announced, he was entering the factory-based burger game with his own more omnipresent.Burger without meat, the question of everyone was: who on earth is the hamburger without meat from the chainsupplier? McDonald seemed to fuel the debate with ambiguous statements, including the one it made in a November investor update presentation, which stated that McPlant would be "designed exclusively for McDonald's".

Always stranger, McDonald has arrivedgood-knownfordo not make one's own food. Add to drama is the fact thatBeyond meat (manufacturer ofBeyond hamburgers), Might haveswornThis has just spent time and significant money co-creating the new McPlant cakes. WhenEat this, not that!You requested McDonald's clarification, the company responded to the presentation of the November investor update. And around and around us go.

To learnHow can a plant-based plan protect you from the disease.


The many Mecuflurry Mishaps

It is a contale worthy of a case study in an entry-level economy manual: the popularity of the McFlurry is exceeded only by its unavailability. For reasons and apologies McDonald's customers could not really care about less, McFlurry machines are notoriously Finky and a good time, they do not work at all.

In 2017, McDonald announced a major deployment of new machines that promised to be more reliable, but the status of this deployment remains uncertain. In October 2020, a group of franchisees tired of waiting and formed a crack team to find a solution. Later this month,Eat this, not that! reported This Kychn software company had created a device to act as "moumure of soft servers". McDonald's did not adopt, but some franchisees use it with some success.

Do not fall for theseThe biggest myths on McDonald's.


Goodbye, today's breakfast, we barely knew ye

mcdonalds egg mcmuffin and breakfast burrito in wrappers

Although many people jump breakfast, many others are happy to eat breakfast food at any time of the day (take a look at these25 breakfast recipes for dinner and see if you are not attempted). To the greatest pleasure, McDonald's started offering a breakfast throughout the day in 2015. Now, to their grief,McDonald's has taken everything. In response to COVID issues facing catering operators, McDonald's has put a temporary place on McGriddle for dinner.

But it turns out that the movement was not so temporary at all. In June 2020, the National Owners Association (NOA), a group of about 80% of franchised locations, voted against the establishment of the service in the foreseeable future. The limited menu and the ease of exploitation allow our teams to focus on the flamboyant fast service, "Blake Casper, President of NOA told the decision of the decision.

Steadfast All-Day-Breakfasters are mourning, but there issomepossibility A Mickey D neighborhood go to Voyou and throw a hotcake on the hot plate after 10:30, at least from time to time.Here is all the McDonald breakfast menu, classified by a nutritionist.


Million McNugget Dollars


In September, a man of FloridaPursued McDonald's for an injury he has received while biting in aChicken mcnugget in May. Apparently, McNugget contained a bone almost an inch long. Hitting this bone with his teeth, the man experienced an "unbearable pain of the jaw". A few days later, he discovered that his touched tooth was cracked at two places. Finally, we heard that McDonald investigates, and the case was still waiting.


Soundy Soda

There is simply no way to cover that this. McDonaldsLong-standing soda supplier has slipped money under the table to scientists in exchange for the rewriting of thetoxic truth about sweet drinks.

Paper published in August 2020 in theNutrition of public healthNewspaper revealed thatCoca-Cola has provided the financing of an "independent" studyon the factors contributing to the problem of America's obesity. Not surprisingly, this study was the subject of an inadequate exercise for the obesity epidemic and minimized the role of sweet sweet drinks.

The document also revealed that disease control and prevention centers have been involved in fraud, citing evidence of communication between the agency and a former Coca-Cola leader to convince the World Health Organization to promote the same message within the food industry. here istruthon what happens to your body after drining soda.


Kerfuffle coronavirus

McDonalds employee mask

In May, five McDonald employees launched a class of law in class against golden arches so as not to adopt appropriate COVID-19 security regulations and thus endangering employees and their families. According toReuters, McDonald did not provide a disinfectant, gloves, masks and adequate notification when a positive tested employee.

McDonald tried to negotiate with employees. When it failed, the company filed a removal motion. That toofailed. In November, McDonald announced that it wasImplementation of improved security measures for its employees and customers. As of December 21, however, the case against McDonald's is still wound.

And for more, check these 108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic .

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: McDonald's / News
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