You may have coronavirus if your food tastes like this

Tip: They are both very bland flavors.

While two cases are not identical, there are some symptoms that are omnipresent among many people who have contracted thecoronavirus. Some patients who reportedlose their sense of taste and smell Everything in combating Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, says the food suddenly tasted likepaper or cardboard.

For some people, losing the ether's ability is not always indicative not to be able to taste anything. There were cases in which patients reported that tasty foods suddenly tasted low. Others even claimed that some dishes have quite different. And, in some cases, patients reported this persistent symptom for months. (In touch:21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time)

There are also patients who have noticed even more drastic changes in their sense of taste and smell. For example, Katie Mchenry has previously opened his experiences with the development of Parosmia - a condition characterized asPersistent Scent and Nausea and modified the sense of taste after the fight against coronavirus - atThe BBC.

"I love beautiful meals, getting out restaurants, take a drink with friends - but now all that is gone," said Mchenry. "The tastes of meat like gasoline and prosecco have tastes like rots of rot. If my partner, Craig, has a curry, the smell is terrible. He comes out of his pores, so I have trouble to go anywhere near him. " (In touch:Genius ways to recycle your taste buds to love healthy food)

While coronavirus patients do not usually claim that foods like gasoline, there are people who have reported a food tasting such as cardboard and paper.

"All that had really strong flavors, I could not taste," Horcel Kamaha, who contracted the coronavirus in March, saidThe BBC. "I ate mainly Jamaican food and I could not taste it at all. All tasted like paper or cardboard."

Of course, much remains uncertain of Covid-19, and it is important to remember that this symptom has not been spread in all patients who have or are currently sick with the disease.

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