7 messages hidden in packaged food labels

We talked with a dietitian registered on the specific things you should look for in a food label.

As you browse with articles in yourgrocery store And see food with labels such as "Heart-Healthy" and "All-Natural", it almost seems that every item in the store has a kind of healthy spin. Yet, while these front labels are trying to assert their projection food, thenutrition Food labels never lie.

In order to learn how to read the nutrition labels correctly and search for hidden messages at the front of the box, we talked with Maggie MichalzCyk, RDN and founder ofOnceuponapumpkinrd.com, on the specific things to look for in your food labels. So, the next time you're looking for snacks to do stocks, here's how you quickly make sure that these snacks are really healthy.


Look for high fibers and proteins.

label supermarket

When it comes to choosing your snacks, Michalzyck says she likes to look for higher numbers offiber andprotein. "You want the snack to give you nutrition like the protein and fiber to attach you to the next meal and not a ton of sugar," says Michaalzyck. So, if you are looking for snacks that make you feel full, look for these two things.


Pay attention to the number of sugar.

sugar ingredient list

"People should watch for sugar content," says Michaalzyck. "I would say that the ingredients of checks on packaged products - maybe you may not wait for sugar alcohols, several types of sugar and other ingredients of some packaged products, but it can There are. " Make sure to calculateHow much sugar you should eat in a day So you can calculate the appropriate quantities.


Beware of a long list of ingredients.

ingredient list

"A list of super long ingredients is a revealing sign that the product might not be healthier," says Michalczyk. "It's important to read the list of ingredients, especially especially if you have allergies or sensitivities or just prefer to say a certain ingredient. Once again, maybe you think there would never be two Types of sugar in your frozen ravioli ofJoe's TraderOnly to read the label and know that there is. "

RELATED:Your ultimate supermarket survival guide is here!


The order of the list of ingredients imports.

Reading nutrition label

Have you ever wondered why the list of ingredients on a brand is not just in alphabetical order? This is because the order of the list matters! "The ingredients are listed in the predominance of weight in the list of ingredients - the thing it has most is most," said Michalcyzk. So check what the first ingredients are to know what this article isreallymade of.


Look for high fructose corn syrup.

food label

If there is an ingredient to avoid, it'sFructose-rich corn syrup. "I say try to stay away from high fructose corn syrup in all products," says Michalczyk. High fructose corn syrup is a sweetener similar to that of sugar (derived from corn syrup) and studies have shown that the frequent consumption of this product has resulted in levels of obesity and related health problems,According to the Mayo Clinic.


See where the sugar is listed in the list of ingredients.

looking at ingredient list

Eastsugar First on the list of ingredients? You may want to put this article right! "One thing to know about the sugar content is that you can also know that sugar will be high if you look at the list of ingredients and sugar is one of the first things listed," Michaalzyck said. "So, more often than not when I see sugar as the first ingredient, I do not need to look at the rest because I will probably start looking for a different alternative."


Check calories per serving.

trans fat nutrition label

A well packaged can make multiple lots of certain products, so be sure to pay attention to thecalories By serving and what is the size that actually serving. After performing this product, be sure to measure it to realize the appropriate amount of calories.


The types of fat.

fat nutrition label

While some think that foods with fat grease is bad, it's healthy to have a good amount of fat in your food diet - fatty foods make you feel full! However, knowing that different types of fat will import when reading a nutrition label. According toMAYO Clinic, Limit your amount of fat saturated to less than 10% of calories a day. With regard to trans grease, while some trans fats are created naturally in some foods (but in very small quantities), most partially hydrogenated trans fat articles can increase blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. . In short, this could increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. In short, be beyond items with a high number of trans fat.

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