23 surprising diseases that can hit younger than you think

Alzheimer's can strike much earlier than your golden years.

Certain diseases andhealth conditions Are not usually typically at the tip of our mind until we reach a certain age. Osteoporosis and Alzheimer's? These do not come until you reach the status of grandparent, right? Not exactly. Although some of theMost deserving diseases and conditions have come to be associated with these 60 years and over, most health problems are not elderly. These are some of the most surprising diseases that hit more young people - in some cases,a lotyounger than you think.

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's Diseases That Strike Younger

According toNational Institute on Aging (NIH),Alzheimer's disease-A degenerative condition of the brain that implies a loss of progressive memory and short-term - is typically diagnosed after the age of 65. However, he can also hit earlier than that.

The NIH notes that Alzheimer's Alzheimer's Alzheimer's disease - which affects people aged 30 to 65 - accounts for less than 10% of Alzheimer's cases in the United States. According toElroy Vojdani, MD, a practitioner of functional medicine and founder ofMedical regenerate In Los Angeles, the following factors may increase the risk of a person in this form of early dementia of dementia: "genetic,Diabetes, heart disease, a history of pre-cerebral trauma / concussion, poor oral hygiene, a poorly transformed carbohydrate nutrition, a lack of exercise,a lack of quality sleep, sleep apnea and chronic use of anti-anxiety or sleep medications. "

Huntington's disease

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People who are not in the medical profession tend to associate neurodegenerative conditions with the natural aging process. However, Huntington's disease - a genetic condition that causes nerve cells in the brain to decompose - can come to any age. Whilesymptoms mainly manifests between 30 and 50 years, theAlzheimer's association Said that people can also experience them from two years or up to 80 years.

Cerebral accident

Woman in a hospital bed

According toCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), a stroke is one of the main causes of death in the United States, killing about 140,000 people each year. And while your risk ofa cerebral vascular accident Increases as you get older, you are not safe at any age.

The CDC says that 34% of those who had traits in 2009 were less than 65 years old. In addition, a 2017 study published inJama Neurologyexamined data on traits between people from 18 to 34 between 2003 and 2012; The researchers found that there was a picture of 66% in the traits of young women and a 75% picture of young men.


women's health issues

Most people do not worry about theircardiac health Until they are a lot, much older. But while increasing age, it's a risk factor, theCDC Notes that heart disease becomes more and more common among young adults. High Hypertension, High Blood Cholesterol,smoking, obesity and unhealthy food models can all put a person, whatever their age, at a greater risk of heart disease.

And cardiac crises


According toCleveland Clinic, age was one of the biggestRisk Factors of Cardiac Diseases For men and women. However, although the state previously reaches people with more than 50 years and women over 65, he now becomes a question for people aged 20, 30 and 40 years old.

"One of the main risk factors is the increasing incident of type 2. Diabetes are now found that heart attacks occur in young men aged only 25 or 35," cardiologist "Luke laffin, MD, explained to the clinic of Cleveland. "Not enough young people take their risk factors seriously, but we need to be aggressive about changing risk factors or the heart attack rate in young people will continue climbing."


health issues over 30
Shutterstock / Minerva Studio

Most people think of osteoporosis as an illness of an elderly person. And while it's moreCommon after 50, the disease can affect younger people, too, especially premenopausal women from twenty, 30, and 40, says theNational Foundation for Osteoporosis. Because of this, it's never too early to start taking care of your bones forReduce your riskAnd you can do it simply by increasing your vitamin D and your calcium consumption.


Woman with Lupus

With symptoms like joints Achies and swollen ankles, you hardly care about a disease like lupus affects young individuals. However, asHoward Smith, MD, an expert in rheumatological and immunological diseases, explained at theCleveland Clinic, "Maternal women-13 to 49 years old are much more likely to be affected. If you are a woman without a family history of lupus, your chances of getting lupus are about one to 400. If your parents Or a brother have lupus, your chances jump to one on 25. "


Man with Gout Diseases That Strike Younger

People tend to associate gout with the elderly, to see because it is a form of inflammatory arthritis that causes serious pain and tenderness in the joints. The disease can strike earlier, however, usually due to a main reason: obesity. According toFoundation of arthritis, Having more weight on your body puts you at a higher risk, which leads to it to develop at a young age.

Rheumatoid arthritis

man experiencing leg pain while walking diseases that strike younger

Although the average person starts to feel symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis until they reach their 60, it is possible to develop the younger disease. And it's especially the case for women: according to theRheumatoid Arthritis Support NetworkWhile men generally know rheumatoid arthritis later in life, women can develop it at any time between 30 and 60 years old.

Parkinson's disease

woman alone on bed sad

Although people usuallyDevelop Parkinson's disease after 60 yearsThis can also grow much earlier. In fact, Parkinson affects children under 50 so often that he even has his own name: Yount OnSt Parkin (YOPD) disease. According toParkinson FoundationThis type of Parkinson affects 2 to 10% of one million people with disease in the United States. Children and adolescents can also experience juvenile parkinsonism. It's rare, but it happens.

Kidney disease

young man with stomach pain
Shutterstock / Aaron Amat

Although one of the main risk factors for chronicleskidney The disease (CKD) is over 60, children and adolescents can also be affected. In fact, it is probably much more common than you think only for a child to go down with CKD: according to theNational Foundation of Reins, more than 5,700 children under the age of 18 had an end-stage renal disease (ESKD) in 2016.

Colon Cancer

woman upset at the doctor's office diseases that strike younger

In the past, you do not have to fear to get a colonoscopy before your 50th anniversary. However, research has shown that there has been an increase in colon cancer diagnoses among young adults. In a 2017 study published in theJournal of the National Cancer InstituteResearchers found that colon cancer rates for adults aged 20 to 29 increased 2.4% per year in the mid-1980s until 2013.

Rectal cancer


Colon cancer is not the only type of cancer that is rising among young adults. The same study of 2017 also found that in adults aged 20 to 29, rectal cancer rates increased 3.2% per year from 1974 to 2013.

Lung cancer

chest pain

Since smoking damage over time, theCDC Note that the majority of lung cancer cases are observed in the elderly. That being said, however, there are still young people diagnosed with a lungence cancer each year.

According to the same CDC data, many 30-year-olds and 40 were diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States in 2016. and in a 2012 analysis published in the journal.Contemporary oncologyResearchers found that 7% of lung cancer patients were under less than 25 years, while in previous peer group studies of less than 25 people with lung cancer imposed only 2% of the subject. Subjects.

Prostate cancer

prostate cancer

Most men who develop prostate cancer are diagnosed after 65, depending on theAmerican Cancer Society. However, previous research has shown that younger men can get this type of cancer too. An article in 2014 published in the journalNature Opinion Urology Note that each year, 10% of prostate cancer diagnoses in the United States occur in men under the age of 55, probably because ofgenetic.

Thyroid cancer

reasons you're tired

Although thyroid cancertends to manifest for men in their 60s or 70s and for women aged 40 or 50, theAmerican Cancer Society Says that it is also one of the most common cancers observed among young adults. In fact, the organization notes that "thyroid cancer is [more] generally diagnosed at a younger age than most other adult cancers".


melanoma skin cancer, skin cancer facts

During your risk of melanoma, the most murderous type ofskin cancer, increases as you get older - the average age of diagnosis is 63-theAmerican Cancer Society says it can happen much earlier than that too. In fact, it is not at all rare for those under the age of 30 to obtain it: Melanoma is one of the most common types of cancers observed in young adults, so do not hesitate to get Bizarre moles verified.

Pancreatic cancer

Man with Pancreatic Cancer Diseases That Affect Men

More ... than80% of pancreatic cancer cases We see in those aged 60 to 80, but he can still hit earlier. According to a report of theNational Cancer Institute, about 8.4% of the new cases of pancreas cancer between 2012 and 2016 were observed in people aged 45 to 54 and 1.8% were between 35 and 44.

Non Hodgkin lymphoma

Woman Touching Her Neck in Pain {Heart Disease Symptoms}

Non-Hodgkiny lymphoma (NHL) is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States and the risk of developing this increases as you get older. But while more than 50% of cases are 65 years old and over, theAmerican Cancer Society Note that it is also one of the most common cancers in children, adolescents and young adults.

Breast cancer

Doctor Screening for Breast Cancer Heart Risk Factors

As a women's age, their risk ofbreast cancer Increases, with 67 being the median age of diagnosis, according to the non-profit organizationSusan G. Komen.

However, this does not mean that the youngest women can not also have breast cancer. According toCDCAbout 11% of new cases in the United States occur more than in those 45 years and under. Those who have close relatives who have had breast or ovarian cancer, those with Mutations from the BRCA, and those who are ashkenazi Jewish heritage are particularly sensitive.

Crohn's disease

asian woman experiencing stomach pain

Although Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammatory disease involving diarrhea, cramps, abdominal pain and weight loss - can occur at any age, it appears most often when people aged 15 to 30, depending onJohns Hopkins Medicine.

Hemorrhagic rectocolite

Yakobchuk Videosla / Shutterstock

Ulcerative colitis - an inflammatory intestinal disease that causes wounds and inflammation in your big intestine or much younger knocks than most people are waiting. "Patients can get a ulcerative colitis fundamentally throughout their lives" colorectal surgeonJeremy Lipman, MD, explained at theCleveland Clinic. "It's really rare in young children under 10 years old, but the typical person is going to be 20 or 30 years old, or maybe in the 60. It does not usually affect the very young or very old."

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCO)

Sad Woman Lying on a Pillow

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCO) - a condition that comes from hormonal imbalance - can affect the chances of a woman to have a child and increase his risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and uterity cancer, says theCleveland Clinic. And although most women discover that they have PCOs in their twenties and 30 years, it can happen much younger than that. According toOffice on Women's HealthBetween 5 and 10% of women aged 15 to 44 present it, and this can affect any woman who went through puberty. And for more on truths and lies of women's health, read on the30 health myths of worst women who will not die.

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