18 foods that Tom Brady never eats

Brady sticks to an anti-inflammatory diet, then he avoids these foods.

Sunday, Tom Brady made the story. At 43, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Quarterback is the oldest player playing in a Super Bowl. He also had more appearances in the big game that any other player in the NFL history at 10-7 of whom he and his team took the title of championship. Although it is given that hard work and Brady's training play an important role in its success over the years, there are other lifestyle changes that it has done who has helped the Quarterback stay in shape and Agile in recent years.

Thanks to Alex Guerrero, Brady Personal Trainer and Brady Corporal Coach, the Quarterback would sleep at 9 o'clock. and focuses a lot on its flexibility. But perhaps the most important (and unconventional) change is adhering to an anti-inflammatory regime.

With the help of the Personal Chef of Brady (Old), Allen Campbell, the Quarterback has developed and follows a strict plant-based plan that leaves many popular foods.

"My philosophy is that a plant regime has the power to reverse and prevent the disease," Campbell said in an interview with theBoston Globe In 2016. (after the interview is released and after having helped Brady write hisNutrition Manual TB12CampbellSeparate parts with the quarterback.)

Brady meals consist of about 80% of herbal foods and 20% of animal-based foods, according to oneTB12 Blog Post. But there is a lot of food - both plants and animals - that Brady avoids, and he attributed this avoidance to a lot of sporting performance.

We reviewed interviews with the Brady Personal Officer alongside blogs on his personal website, TB12, to find the 18 Foods Brady never eaten. Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.



Pesticide spray

"I make conscious decisions to buy local and organic and stay away from GMOs and thinking about the future of the planet and the future of humans," Campbell said.

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strawberries in plastic container

Brady does not eat strawberries for a nutritional reason - it just does not like the smell, according to the blog TB12.


White sugar


"I'm trying to avoid eating everything in a box or bag, as well as foods containing white flour or added sugars," says Brady in aTB12 Blog Post.


Refined carbohydrates

Bleached white flour

"I'm trying to limit cereals, white bread, white rice, pasta, cakes and cookies. Less inflammation is the key to me, "says Brady in a blog post.




In its 2016 interview with the Boston Globe, Campbell said that Brady does not eat this highly transformed additive.


Non-organic food

rice and vegetables

Campbell said he only cooking with organic foods and often shops in the farmer's markets or whole foods. This means that all conventional products or meats are out of the table.


Iodine salt


"I use pink himalaya salt like sodium. I never use iodized salt," Campbell said. Although Brady does not eat iodized salt, nutrition experts recommend that an iodinated salt a staple in a healthy diet, so many people do not consume enough of nutrient, which is essential to a healthy thyroid.


Canola oil

Rapeseed canola oil

"Fats like canola oil turn into trans fat," explains Campbell. Instead of vegetable oil, Cambell uses olive oil and coconut oil. (In touch:What happens to your body when you eat olive oil)



halved cherry tomatoes with knife on cutting board

One of the most famous parts of the Quarterback regime is its escape from tomatoes and neckshades. "[Tom] does not eat nicshades because they are not anti-inflammatory," says Campbell. "So, no tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms or eggplant. Tomatoes become from time to time, but just maybe once a month. I'm very careful tomatoes. They cause inflammation."

Nicshades are a botanical family of plants, calledSolanaceae, ExplainUC Davis Integrative Medicine. The term "nightshade" was invented because many of these plants prefer to grow in shaded areas or often flower at night. These foods contain chemical compounds called alkaloids, that some say cause inflammation but thathave not been scientifically proven to do so.

This means no pasta sauce, no pizza, no salsa!



yellow peppers

Sweet peppers are another night shirt that Brady does not eat. This also includes pepper peppers, so probably, BRADY avoids hot sauce. Many experts criticize the release of this vegetable, because it is incredibly high in vitamin C. However, there are other foods rich in vitamin C and a blog article on TB12 recommends consuming such foods. "Consider completing with 600 mg vitamin C a day if you are not able to regularly consume these rich nutritious foods,"Blog Remarks.



sliced eggplant

Campbell called Auberggplant as another nicshade that Brady avoids. Another NightHade Campbell did not listed is the white potato; However, it is likely that BRADY always consumes soft potatoes, according to aTB12 Blog Post.


Mushrooms & fungus

White baby bella mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet uv light

The Campbell classified mushrooms as one of the numbers that Brady does not eat, however, the mushroom is not technically a nighthade. Regardless of this fact, BRADY does not eat them or any fungus.


Coffee and caffeine

moka coffee

Campbell Safe or any food containing caffeine among those that Brady do not consume. It means that he will not have to experience one of theLaid side effects of drinking too much coffee, according to science.




As dairy can be inflammatory to a population with intolerance or lactose sensitivity, Campbell says it is not in the Brady regime.




Gluten can also cause inflammation in people sensitive to protein. For this reason, Campbell explains that Brady avoids food containing gluten. "[I use] Tamari because we're keen gluten for everything," he says. It means bread, anything with wheat, barley (so it means no beer), rye, crackers, bagels, flat seals, tortillas, cakes, cookies, donuts, Bretzels, pancakes, pasta, cereals and protein bars.



drinking alcohol

In addition to avoiding beer because of its gluten content, Brady jumps on any alcohol. "Write it can do a toll on your health, your performance and your ability to recover,"TB12 Blog Post Remarks. "Alcohol is a double Whammy: it can be both inflammatory and dehydrating."


Processed meats

bacon slices closeup

Most processed meats are cured of preservatives likeNitrates and Nitrites. These ingredients have been linked to cancer and foods processed like hot-dogs, the lunch chair and bacon are associated with a myriad of health problems, explains aTB12 Blog. "It is better to avoid the meats processed as much as possible."

However, Brady is not extremely strict about this rule: "If I fear the bacon, I have a room. Same thing with a pizza. You should never restrict what you really want. We are humans, here for a life, "Quarterback saidThe health of men.


Fried food

French fries

Forget fries and potato chips. "No matter how much you like fried chicken, fried foods are an inflammation nightmare. Food cooking at high temperatures needed to fry to produce something called advanced glycation finished products (ages), which have been demonstrated for contribute to chronic inflammation, "said aTB12 Blog Post. For more, see theseDangerous side effects of eating fried foods, according to science.

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