5 Strange restaurants forces you to social distance

Restoration establishments go long lengths to find their guests in their dining rooms.

The owners of restaurants arebeyond Eager to recover customers in their dining rooms and restart the income engine that will maintain their business to operate. Yet the CDCRecently issued guidelines are remarkably normative in how food institutions can be repaired, particularly with regard toSocial distancing guidelines Keep guests and security staff.

There is no doubt thatThe restaurants are turning of the economic disaster come from the coronavirus pandemic. While some pivoted on delivery and exit, the vast majority of independent and even national restaurant chains are in saying Straits. There is a real need to get guests in their place of business, but how to do it with social distancing?

We need the mother of the invention, we should not be surprised that creative reflection and out of the box to launch a successful restaurant leads to a little creative and, well, well,unique, solutions to social distancing.

1. The plex'ateat! Having a plexiglass bubble covers your seat.

This concept advanced by Frenc Interior DesignerChristophe Gernigon, Which is at the origin of the project, called plex'ateat. "I was worried about restaurateurs. I then thought of a device that would allow us to find conviviality around a table, but without taking a risk," he explained at the French exitCNEWS. Gernigon would have had the idea of ​​coming "an armchair discovered in a store concept in Asia, overlooked by a bell, which allowed you to listen to discreet music." Take a look at stifling bizarre (or strangely great) design below?:


Yes, BOOZE BUMPERS! Bar & Grill fish is a popular Maryland bar uses wheeled bumper style tables for customers to use appropriate social distancing and stay six feet other than other clients with libation. Are customers a kind of ridicule bearing the bumper table? Perhaps it probably does not matter if these guys enjoy a cold outside with their friends. To major evils the great means.

3. Filling tables with inflatable dolls?

The use of the yellow caution band to block the restoration tables did not use the owner of South Carolina Open Hearth Restaurant, but she always wanted to keep her clients separated. "I'm afraid to put this yellow band on the cabins and to make everyone thinking it's a condemned restaurant or things are in bad shape"Paula Starr Melehes said to a local television channel. So what did she do? She installed inflatable dolls on several stands on her dining room. Kind of scary? Maybe, but not less frightening than the crime scene!


4. Eat in tiny, closed glass houses?

While eating outdoors seems to be a sure way to be a sure way to cancel the spread of the virus, a Dutch restaurant takes an extra step by implementing "small glass cabins built for two or three people, creating intimate coconons on a public patio ". According toReuters:

Servers carry transparent gloves and face shields and use a long plank to bring dishes into glass cabins to ensure minimal physical contact with clients.

Although the concept is being tried solely for the family and the friends of the staff of the Eten restaurant, which is part of the MediaMatic Arts Center, it certainly has the glamorous air, because the guests enjoy an enlightened meal by Candles with a view of the water.

"It's super-comfortable, it's really comfortable, it's nice and the food is delicious," said Janita Vermeulen, who was invited to a dinner with his roommate.


5. Puffulate empty tables with mannequins

The Little Washington Inn deals with socially distanced and rare dining rooms by adding dineflates to adjacent empty tables. The advantage of this strategy is that it gets closer to a crowded and joyful dining room. The wrong side? It's scary like hell.


These can be strange and drastic measurements, but when we consider The surprising ways of a restaurant occur in its neighborhood They begin to make sense like a last ditch effort to keep customers coming. For more information on the future of Ding Out, check These 8 new things you will see like restaurants ROUVENT .

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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