Never do that if you want a good sleep, tell health experts

This common habit is a recipe for launching and turning.

Charles A. Czeisler, Ph.D., MD, Head of Sleep Medicine Division at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Harvard Medical School and one of the world's greatest experts in sleep science, a times whatExplain In serious terms, how we live a global sleep deprivation epidemic that the world has just not changed.

"It's like] we are in the 1950s with smoking," he said. But instead of cigarettes hurting our health, it referred to our smartphones, televisions and tablets, whose shorter wavelength lights reset our organic clocks and repel our areas of individual time and our collective leaps every day with Disastrous consequences for our sleep. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

"When I was growing up, 2-3% of the population slept less than six hours; now, it's 10 times more likely," he explained. "We have increased by an order of magnitude our exposure to light per capita. Take all people died on 9/11 times as much as a lot of meters in the motor vehicle hangs each year in the United States at the origin of the United States Sleep deprivation. There are about 60,000 debilitating wounds on the highway [caused by underweight drivers]. And we get more overweight because we sleep less. As sleep has fallen, the linden have increased. When You do not have enough sleep, your brain goes in the fashion of famine. "

But keeping your phone nearby - Who, according to Czeisler, will delete the release of neurons "Promotion of sleep" and the release of melatonin of the body, the chemical of your body that makes you somnolter, everything in "activation of neurons promotion Excitement "-What is only one thousands of things that could affect your sleep. (Note: If you sleep with your nearby phone, we advised you to move it to another room.)Alcohol andcaffeine Too bad to your quality of sleep, with anxiety and depression. If you are notexerciseIt is likely that you do not sleep either. If you are a usual mediser who practices 30 minutes a day, five days a week,New research indicates that you can actually know a more poor sleep.

According to several studies and health experts, there is another thing you could do that you are not aware of sleep hurts:You simply eat your dinner too late. When you eat, the answer to insulin your body strikes gear. If you ride too close to your time of rest, it can encourage the feelings of sleep and throw the natural pace of your body.

"When we eat late at night, the muscles that digest and metabolize our food must continue to work when they should rest"observe Kate Watts, MS, RDN, LDN, CDE, a dietician in the nutrition of cone health and diabetes management. "It can delay your ability to fall asleep and can prevent you from getting the deep and relaxing sleep stadium, you have to feel refreshed the next day."

According toThe Mayo ClinicYou may want to avoid eating a great feast before losing because of the potential risk of stomach burns. When you lie down after eating,Scott Gabbard, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Clinic of Cleveland,Explain For oneself, "[you] [] lose the effect of gravity that helps maintain the contents of the stomach down", which leads to your food and body fluids to return to your esophagus. When this irritation occurs, it simply makes it more difficult to sleep better.

It should be noted that the snack, however, does not necessarily produce the same effect. According to a study published in theNutrientsJournal, there are advantages to have a light snack before bedtime. "Indeed, negative results have been demonstrated in response to large mixed meals in the populations that consume a majority of their daily food consumption during the night," says the study. "However, the data starts to go up to suggest that negative results are not consistent when the food choice is small, dense nutritious, low energy consumption and / or simple macronutrients rather than large mixed meals."

Researchers note that 150-calorie smoothies, "rich in protein" are effective in improving "the synthesis of muscle protein at night, morning metabolism and satiety" in healthy men. So, if you do not want to go to bed with an empty stomach, keep a nutrient-rich protein snack.

If you have trouble sleeping these days, make sure you're up to speed 17 foods that are all but guaranteed to destroy your sleep, say health experts . And do not forget to Subscribe to our newsletter To get the latest wellness news delivered directly to your inbox.

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