Popular drinks proven to provoke high cholesterol, according to science

If you need to lower your numbers, you may want to stay away from them.

The blood test indicating that you haveHigh cholesterol levels is almost always followed by a warning from your doctor to cut fries and getting exercise. You can even get a prescription for cholesterol lowering drugs. However, while these cheeseburgers and fried chicken are almost always to blame for your high cholesterol levels, yourConsumption habits Also play a huge role in the negative assignment of your cholesterol numbers. That's why it's important to keep these drinks that cause a high cholesterol level if you are trying to reduce your numbers.

Before entering popular drinks delivering the worst affront to your cholesterol levels, examine the types of "lipoproteins" that circulate in your blood and how they influence your risk of cardiovascular disease. There are two: low density or LDL lipoproteins, so-called"Bad" cholesteroland high density or HDL lipoproteins, the "good" cholesterol. Too much bad LDL and not enough of the good HDL leads to a higher risk ofcardiopathy and stroke. Almost a third of American adults have a high cholesterol, according to the disease control and prevention centers (CDC). And these worst drinks caused by high cholesterol do not make your body of favors.

Triglyceride, another type of blood fat, deserves to be mentioned because having high triglyceride levels when combined with a high LDL and a weak HDL, is a recipe for fat deposits on the walls of the artery Who narrows and stiffen them, causing a disease called atherosclerosis. What you choose to eat and drink influences your LDL and triglyceride levels. Exercise can raise your right HDL, which eliminates excess cholesterol from your blood. For a snapshot of worst drinks causing high cholesterol, read it. And for even healthier alcohol tips, make sure to consult our list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.



chocolate milkshake

Eating a lot ofsaturated fat Can increase the amount of LDL cholesterol in your blood and reduce the right HDL cholesterol. The effect occurs immediately, even after a single high indulgence, like a milkshake, according to a 2017 study published in the newspaper.Laboratory survey.

Scientists from the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) at Augusta University gave 10 healthy men, an entire milk milkshake, whipped cream of heavy and ice cream containing 80 grams of fat and 1,000 calories or a 1,000 calorie cereal meal. Four hours after the meal, the researchers gave blood tests and checked the endothelial function of the subjects, that is to say the flexibility of their blood vessels. Only cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty acids of milkshake drinkers have been considerably high and their blood vessel test showed a reduced endothelial function.

Scientists have attributed the compromised ability of blood vessels to expand high levels of DFO, an enzyme that normally turns red blood cells in small Spikey cells that strengthen the arteries and can destabilize the accumulation of the plate, which can lead to a heart attack or heart attack. Cerebral accident.

"You examine what a loud fat meal does blood health -" said the co-author studyRyan A. Harris, PhD, a vascular physiologist's prevention institute of MCG Georgia, in a liberation.

Make sure to reread our list of theBeverage habits that shorten your life, according to science.


Soda and sweet drinks

pouring soda

Sweet drinks like soda, fruit drinks withadded sugarsSweet teas and other people also affect your blood cholesterol. What can come as a surprise is how little it takes to make a negative impact. When you look at science, this is probably considered one of the worst drinks that cause a high cholesterol level.

A 2020 study published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationData analyzed by more than 6,000 people over a period of 12 years and determined that adults who drank one or more sweet drinks each day had a greater risk of developing a high cholesterol level. More specifically, the study revealed that regular drinkers of sweet and sweet beverages had a higher 98% chance of developing a weak HDL, good cholesterol that helps to rid the blood of the bad LDL cholesterol, and a chance. 53% more high triglycerides, a type of blood fat that is unhealthy at high levels.

The study shows a solid proof that consume too much sugar affects your cholesterol, one of the key components of metabolic syndrome related to cardiovascular disease, say to researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center of the USDA. Jean Mayer on the aging of the University of Tufts, from the University of Boston and the University of Boston. University of Duke.

Related:13 drinks that shorten your life, according to science.


French press coffee and espresso

french press

Do not worry. All coffee are not associated with an increase in cholesterol levels. It depends on how it is brewed. A powerful cholesterol lifting compound called Cafestol is located in the highest levels in boiled cafes as a French press and espresso. Decaffeination does not reduce the CafesTrol, however, the compound is eliminated by paper coffee filters, report researchers from the Netherlands and Baylor College of Medicine to Texas in a 2007 study published inMolecular endocrinology. Scientists say the Cafestol increases cholesterol by disturbing a receiver in the intestinal tract that regulates lipoproteins.

However, in order to have negative effects on your body,You would need to consume five to eight non-filtered coffee cups a day to raise your "bad" LDL cholesterol, according toHarvard Health.


Smoothies with coconut oil


The "super-bovood" trend of "superfood" which is often added to smoothies and coffee is high in saturated fat; A single tablespoon contains 12 grams of cholesterol lifting tips. A meta-analysis of 2020 clinical trials inTraffic Suggests that coconut oil consumption for two weeks can raise LDL cholesterol of 10.5 milligrams per deciliter compared to non-tropical vegetable oils.

Coconut oil Also raised the good HDL cholesterol, the study found. The American Heart Association advocated long by replacing healthier greases like olive oil for saturated fats. Reduce the high carbohydrate content of your smoothies can also help. AReview of clinical trials, in which polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats were consumed instead of carbohydrates decreasing the levels of evil LDL and increase the protective HDL cholesterol.

To verify15 worst food for high cholesterol To learn what you should limit eating if you are concerned about your levels.



Beer mugs table

You have probably heard that having a glass of wine from time to time and can then help raise your good levels of HDL cholesterol. But that's not a reason to start drinking. Consume more than the recommended drink per day for women and two for men can negatively affect cardiac health. Alcohol is known to increase triglycerides, a type of blood fat like cholesterol, andstudies Show clearly that high alcohol consumption, especially occasional battles of heavy drinks, has a significant impact on blood fat ratios and is associated with cardiovascular disease.

Do you want to avoid a double cardiac problem? Simply say no to this more and more popular cocktail: bourbon infused bacon, which can raise triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Before your belly to the bar, read41 Alcohol Ways Ruine Your Health.

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