6 current habits that increase your risk of dementia, say doctors
If you do one of them, it's time to rethink your routine.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD) can be subtle and easy to miss , which makes it difficult to identify signs of cognitive decline. (For example, did you know that depression can be an early symptom dementia?) What more, some of our commons, Daily habits can have a deep effect on our brain health.
More than 10 million new cases Dementia is diagnosed worldwide each year, according to Alzheimer's Disease International: it's about one every three seconds. And since dementia has no remedy, the best approach to fighting ADRD at the moment is to make lifestyle choices that can help reduce your risks.
You do not know where to start? Read the rest for six common habits - which may not seem linked to brain health - which doctors say they contribute to cognitive decline and dementia.
Read this then: Your risk of double dementia if you got this, says a new study .
1 Be antisocial

Speak, listen, laugh, confide ... these things Are not only good for your social life, they also affect your general well -being - and that includes your brain health.
"Stay socially committed Can help protect against the disease and dementia of Alzheimer's later in life; It is very important to maintain a solid network of family and friends, "advises Verna R. Porter , Md, Neurologist and director Dementia, Alzheimer's disease and neurocognitive disorders of the Center de santé de Providence Saint John in Santa Monica, California. "Connect regularly with others, face to face, is important." Porter adds that "social connections can also be improved through volunteer organizations, to join various clubs or social groups, depending on group lessons (for example in a gymnasium or a community college) or go out in the community (by Example, go to the cinema, the park, the park, museums and other public places). "
2 Neglect your oral hygiene

The next time you think of jumping your routine from nocturnal wire and brushes, think again. You might not realize that there is a link between bad oral hygiene and cognitive decline , but make sure to brush and filter your teeth regularly Easy Way To keep your brain healthy. Research "suggests that bacteria that cause gum disease are also associated With the development of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, in particular vascular dementia ", reports the National Institute of Aging (NIA).
Of course, this is not the only reason to brushed and dental silk part of your routine. "Dental and oral health is an essential part of your global health and your well-being, "explains Healthline." Poor oral hygiene can cause dental cavities and gum diseases, and has also been linked to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. ""
3 Be sedentary - both physically and mentally

Vernon Williams , Md, sports neurologist and director of the Center for Sports Neurology and Pain Medicine of Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute of Los Angeles, California, notes that there is "a lot of information on" brain exercises "to improve neurological function and brain performance ".
Learn something new and challenge you with crosswords And other brain teasers are indeed good for your cognitive health. But "many people may not realize that Real physical exercise , in particular these exercises designed to build a lean muscle mass, can have a significant positive impact on the quality of life of a person, "explains Williams.
Do you think you need an expensive gymnasium subscription or a personal coach? Be careful again. You can collect the advantages of the exercise with Just 20 minutes of the exercise per day, according to to a January 2022 study Published in Alzheimer's and dementia: the newspaper of the Alzheimer's association .
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4 Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health Almost too many ways to count. This increases your risk of "cancer, heart disease, stroke, pulmonary diseases, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (MPOC), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis", according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , as well as "tuberculosis, certain eye diseases and the problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis".
In addition, "smoking Increases the risk Vascular problems, including cerebral vascular accidents or smaller bleeding in the brain, which are also risk factors for dementia ", according to Alzheimer's society, which also reports that" toxins in cigar smoke the development of Alzheimer's disease. ""
5 Skiming on Sleep

The effects of the burning of midnight oil go far beyond the tomorrow's feeling. "Sleep is not something you need to sacrifice if you want to improve the health of your brain," warns Williams. "The study after the study has shown that even an hour or two less sleep every night for a few consecutive nights can have effects on the brain which last longer than these few days of disturbed rest."
Williams warns that sleep deprivation "can endanger you by driving or working", and can also cause depression. If you have chronic insomnia, many tips and tips can help you sleep better, including the implementation of a Night bedtime routine and Make your bed in the morning.
"Make brain health a priority by sleeping a priority," urges Williams.
6 Drinking

Drinking is another habit that can have long -term negative effects Your brain health . The notes of American drug addiction centers This alcohol consumption Can cause accidents, such as falls, which lead to head injuries.
"People who drink or drink a lot are more likely Develop dementia And be diagnosed at previous ages compared to non-experiences ", explains the site, adding that" high long-term consumption also exerts people at increased risk of developing Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (week) ... a condition that Share certain symptoms with dementia. ""

If this happens after your vaccine, the FDA says you should call 911