6 warning panels your diet ruins your sleep

If you live one of these people, examine more closely what you eat - and when.

Do you already wake up to feel even more groggy and lethargic that you go to bed the previous night? Yourdiet actually may be to blame. Although it's always nice to relax in the night with a glass of wine or enjoying a light night slice of the pizza, these things can cause you a night of restless sleep. So the next time you live one of these warning panels listed, it is likely that your ruin diet yourto sleep.


You feel tired.

tired female worker sitting at a desk

A feeling of fatigue could be the result of many things. But if you are tired, it is likely that your body was going on to a serious digest while you were in bed, especially with food that can cause acid reflux or stomach burns.Pizza at Pepperoni is one of the most wholesalers of acid reflux because of the pepperoni sauce and acid tomato sauce. Stomach burns or acid reflux can wake up your partially, disrupt your deep sleep and let you exhausted when you wake up.


You wake up in the middle of the night.

Man with hands over face in bed

Did you know that your body goes through a "rebound effect" after consumingalcohol? According toNational Institute of Alcohol and Alcohol AbuseIt takes about four to five hours for your system to leave your system and that your body will take time to adapt. If this process happens during your sleep, it can disrupt it. Even ifa glass of wine Seems to be a way of relaxation to end the day, you will probably not spendA good REM sleep cycle Because of this, forcing you to wake up in the middle of the night.


Your muscles are cramps.

muscle cramp

If you do not get enough water, your body is likelydehydrated and cause muscle cramps - especiallywhen you sleep. The consumption of drinking late in the night can cause dehydration, so it is important to get enough water throughout the day - or even drinking water because you sip your alcoholic beverage. Remember that keeping it earlier for a happy hour so you do not wake up in the middle of the night.

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You can not fall asleep.

sad and depressed black african American woman in bed sleepless late night feeling desperate looking worried and anxious suffering depression problem and insomnia sleeping disorder

Can you guess why? Caffeine will do it. Coffee and tea are obvious culprits, but even snacks like chocolate or apples have high levels of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that alerts yourcentral nervous system Wake up and fight fatigue. If you do not feel tired, it will be difficult to fall asleep in the first place.


You must always pee at night.

Grab toilet paper bathroom

If you feel dehydrated and drink plenty of water before going to bed, there is a good chance that you will get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Even if you drink alcohol and want to avoid dehydration and leg cramps, drink plenty of water before the bed does not stop you from going to the bathroom. Instead, try to drink asufficient amount of water Throughout the day, so you give yourself a lot of time to go to the bathroom before going to bed.


You feel lethargic.

tired woman

If your body does not cross complete REM sleep cycles, you will probably feel lethargic in the morning.Stomach pains And acid reflux obviously causes this, like alcohol consumption and serious digestion that your body can pass. If you snisset something or enjoy an end-of-evening dinner, your body will have to work by digesting your meal when you lay down.Studies Make sure that digestion and disturbances of sleep must be linked, it is preferable to eliminate late night snacks before going to bed. Because if your body has to work on the digestion of food, you probably will not have a good night's sleep.

here is40 best and worst foods to eat before sleeping.

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