A major side effect to sit too much on the couch, says a new study

You know that a sedentary way of life is bad for your body. A new study shows how bad it's for your mind.

Everyone knows that driving a sedentary lifestyle will not do any favor. In view of your daily running session or your Hiit, do not deal with long and healthy walks, or just do not move in a significant way is just some of the shortest and safer paths.weight gain, sustainableback and shoulder pain, finally develop heart disease and diabetes, and recent research published in theJournal of Sports Sciences-Poor mental health likely to spiral in depression.

Moreover, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign and published in theInternational Journal of ObesityThere is yet another dark effect to sit on the couch for long periods that you should be aware of:You will do your reach and make you a lot more vulnerable to distraction.

To conduct their study, scientists have followed the models of movement and daily habits of overweight or obese adults for a full week via accelerometers. They put the participants through a series of tests "measured their ability to multiply and maintain their attention despite distractions" along the way.

"Several studies have examined the relationship between different types of sedentary behaviors such as visualization of television and cognitive functions in children and adults,"observed Dominika PindousPh.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University, who oversaw the study. "The relationships they have observed have varied with the type of sedentary behavior. These studies have mainly measured sedentary behaviors during leisure. Few studies have examined the relationship betweenprolonged sedentary time and cognitive function. "

When the study concluded, scientists had discovered "that people who spent more sedentary time in 20-minute or more fights were less able to overcome distractions."

"We used EEG recordings to measure the electrical potentials generated in the brain while participants participated in tasks that challenge them to focus, ignore distractions and flexibly pay attention between tasks. "Explained Pind's. "Our essential conclusion was that people who have spent more time in prolonged sedentary fights were more easily distracted."

That's not all. The researchers also observed what has been known for a long time:Sedentary behavior for longer periods is associated with a higher risk of heart disease and early death. "People who do not engage at least 60 minutes a day of moderate physical activity to vigorous and are sitting for eight hours or more have increased health risk", the notes of the study.

Do not forget that keeping your sharp brain and your body in good health, you must get away from your sofa-or desk for exercise throughout the day. If you encounter difficulty working in a low way in your own routine, read it, because there are some easy training movements that you can do at home in 30 seconds or less (yes!). And for healthier life tips from the advanced lines of science, make sure you are aware of theAccording to science, a major side effect of walking every day, according to science.



Man planking

In just 30 seconds a day, the planks performed will help you see results on four major muscle groups: ABS, arms, triceps and core.

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woman doing squats outside

Let's face it: you can make squats anywhere. "Squats are perfect for toning your thighs and your booty and you can do them without equipment", tone the founders Karena Dawn and Katrina Scottonce explained ours. "Just make sure your feet are hip width and knees do not exceed your toes throughout the move. This will help prevent injury."

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Wall sit

According to Matt Sauerhoff, the owner of the Liv method, one of the fastest and simplest movements you can do quickly is a simple wall squat or wall. "Start with your back against the wall and heels around a foot of the wall. Fold your knees and slide the wall until your legs create an angle of 90 degrees," he says. "Make sure that Your knees are lined up on your toes / laces. Tap your heels in the floor and focus on the contraction of your abs, press your lower back in the wall so that it is flat. Hold for 30 seconds. "


Anywhere of pumps

Woman doing pushups at home

Yes, as their name suggests, you can do it basically anywhere. Simply find a hard surface like your kitchen countertop or even an ottoman or sofa. With both hands on the surface, move away so that you are in a high push-up position. Push yourself until your arms are folded at 90 degrees. Push and do ten times more.

For greater workout inspiration, see how This workout is an incredible fat burner, according to a superior coach .

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