The frightening side effect of mixing protein and sugar

You may want to rethink this post-training snack.

If you already taste the fruit juices - or even worse,a soda-With your dinner rich in protein, you can undo the gains you worked so strong for the gym. According to a new study in the newspaperBMC Nutrition, Drink a sweet drink with a high protein meal can spell a series of problems. "We have seen that about one-third of the additional calories provided by the sugar sugar drinks were not spent, the fat metabolism has been reduced and it took less energy to metabolize meals. This metabolic efficiency decreased Can "start" the body to store more FAT, "explained Dr. Shanon Casperson, leader of the study of the Human Nutrition Research Center of the USDA-Agriculture.

To achieve this discovery, researchers recruited 27 adults of health and fed health and nourished their breakfast and a lunch composed of 15% of protein one day and, on another day, gave them breakfast gave them breakfast. and a lunch composed of 30% protein. The participants soaked a sweet drink with one of the meals and a sugary sweet drink with the other meal.

The researchers have discovered that the addition of a sweet sugar drink at meal has decreased the grease distribution after consumption of eight percent. "Our conclusions suggest that the sweet drink with a meal affects both sides of the energy balance equation. On the side of the admission, the extra energy of the drink has not made people. feel more popular. On the expense side, the extra calories were not spent and the oxidation of fats has been reduced. The results offer a glimpse of the highest perspective on the potential role of sweet sweet beverages - the most great source of sugar in the American diet-by weight and obesity, "said Dr. Casperson. Although the study did not cover protein powders, we can not prevent us from asking if a powder of High sugar canceled the advantages of the protein. Walking on the safe side, opt for a eaten consumption! - Truck approved in our report onThe best and worst protein powders.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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