Very easy! These are 6 natural ways to remove body odor
A disturbing body odor sometimes makes someone into confidence. Especially if you have romance romance, Duh! Well, actually how to get rid of body odor is very easy. How to?

A disturbing body odor sometimes makes someone into confidence. Especially if you have romance romance, Duh! Well, actually how to get rid of body odor is very easy. How to? This time we will share 6 natural ways to remove body odor. What ways are there? Immediately we discuss the first list below!
1. take a shower in the right way
The fundamental thing to eliminate body odor naturally is to take a shower in the right way. What's the way? Maybe the most common thing is to take a shower twice a day. Besides being able to clean bacteria and viruses, it is also very effective in eliminating body odor. Make sure you clean the whole area of the body, including sweat-prone areas like armpit.
In addition, choosing the right bath soap is also one of the important factors when bathing. Because body odor also arises from certain bacteria likeStaphylococcus Hominis.. So you need to choose soap that has an antibacterial label and antivirus so that the bacteria causes body odor and dead virus. Then after taking a shower, don't forget to dry the body using a towel, so that the bacteria causes the body odor is hard to multiply.

2. Pay attention to food and beverage intake
Did you know that there is a type of food that causes body odor, and vice versa, eliminates body odor. How come you can? We give a few examples. Food that can cause body odor is red meat because it has fatty acid, fish with choline content, vegetables containing sulfur, up toJunk FoodBecause it contains saturated fat, sugar, salt, and hydrogenated oil so that it can cause an odd odor less delicious. Wow, too much!
We believe that the types of food causes body odor will be avoided, so there are some foods that actually help eliminate body odor naturally. Examples are green vegetables containing high chlorophyll such as basil, high-fiber food, citrus fruit, herbal tea, and apple vinegar. Some examples of food and drinks have an effective content to reduce body odor. Another alternative is to drink mineral water regularly according to medical advice, because it can clean the poisons in the body, including the cause of body odor.

3. Use deodoran
The next natural way is to use deodorant that can be applied in the body folds such as armpit to reduce body odor. If you don't like branded deodorant, then you can try the deodorant concoction of organic and natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, apple vinegar, and coconut oil. The three natural ingredients have an antibacterial content that can eradicate bacteria that cause body odor.
But the tea tree oil and apple vinegar causes saving when applied so it needs to be tested first on your skin, or consult a dermatologist first. But the safest thing is to use coconut oil because it can be applied on sensitive skin. The way to use it is to prepare half a cup of coconut oil, a quarter cup of baking soda, and mix until evenly distributed. Then apply to the body fold area like the armpit.

4. Choose the right clothes
It turns out that choosing the wrong clothing cloth can cause the body odor, you know! Yep, there are several types of fabrics that are not recommended for sufferers of body odor. What are the types? The first is rayon fabric made from semi-synthetic fibers. This material is well known to be light, smooth, and thin, but it is difficult to evaporate sweat into the air so as to cause skin irritation and body odor. Other ingredients are silk that is difficult to absorb sweat, polyester which can make it easier for bacteria that causes body odor bully, and nylon that does not easily absorb water and sweat.
If there is a bad clothing material for body odor, of course there is also recommended to reduce body odor! What are there any clothes? The first is a cotton that can absorb sweat well because of the large fabric pores. In addition there are linen materials that have a smooth texture and wool that warms the body but does not cause body odor. Well, whatever the clothes, keep using detergent and fragrances of quality clothes!

5. Diligent shaving hair that is often closed
Heavy hair growth in the fold area of the body and frequently closed can make it more humid so that it is susceptible to a bacterial nest that causes body odor. So that the hair in the area needs to be shaved regularly so that the body odor disappears completely! But be careful, shaving hair in the armpit with a blunt hair shaver and not sterile will trigger a red lump that is quite disturbing, and irritating. So you must know the right shaving method, how?
How come it's not difficult! First, make sure the armpit is wet and clean before shaved. Then lift the dead skin cell in the armpit using a scrub gently. Then coat the armpit with a shaving cream or soap foam and start shaving the hair in the armpit from the outside inside, then from right to left. Position the palm of touching the shoulder of the same arm to facilitate the sinking process. Make sure your shaver is sterile and sharp!

6. Diligently exercise
The last way to remove body odor naturally is diligently exercising. You know, instead of exercising making the body sweat? Please note that the body odor is not from sweat, but one of them is named bacteriaHominis Staphylococcus. The original sweat doesn't smell anyway! Well, with exercise, the pores of the body will issue bacteria that cause body odor.

Don't forget to apply the above ways in complete ways to drive body odor naturally forever! Well, do you know other natural ways? If there is, let us know in the comments column!