If you notice this with your audience, it could point out dementia, studies warn
This change in your audience could express problems for your brain.

As we get older, many of us tend to focus on the physical changes we can see in the mirror. We locate wrinklesand gray hair, but may not notice other more subtle changes that could be red flags for our health and longevity. For example, recent studies have shown that a specific hearing problem could indicateThe start of cognitive decline. Read the rest to find out what it is, when you may notice it and what steps to take then if you do.
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Hearing loss can affect brain function.

AccordingLancet,,Eight percent of dementia cases can be attributed to hearing loss and a 2019 study published inNeurologyI looked at the link betweenhearing loss and start of dementia. The researchers examined more than 16,270 participants and concluded that hearing loss was associated with an accelerated cognitive decline, cognitive disorders and the development of dementia, especially in people aged 45 to 64. Long -term risks of dementia.
There are two main types of hearing with weakened faculties: peripheral hearing loss and central hearing loss. Peripheral hearing loss occurs due to problems with the structure of the ear, while central hearing loss is caused by problems with the hearing nerve of the brain and sound centers. Peripheral hearing loss is also classified asHL lowered and driver, the sensory being the most common form. This type of hearing loss is often caused by natural aging or exposure to noise which damages the inner ear or hearing nerve, while the conductive hearing loss is caused by damage or blockage in the outer or medium ear, preventing the sound from making your way through the structure ear.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
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Hearing problems should not be ignored.

Signs of peripheral hearing loss may vary considerably.Symptoms may include Pain in one or both ears, dizziness or dizziness, ring in the ears (tinnitus), and a feeling of pressure in one or both ears, as indicated by webmd. "Peripheral hearing loss can start slightly, where some sounds or tones seem softer or more difficult to distinguish," explainsHope LANTER, a audiologist atHear.com. "The signs may include difficulties in hearing in noisy [environments], the difficulty in distinguishing speech, voices sounding stifled or mumbled, and asking others to repeat themselves."
Launch adds: "Hearing loss can seriously interfere with your quality of life, leading to feelings of isolation, frustration, embarrassment, higher stress and anxiety. Consequently, early intervention is essential to be proactive and ensure the best possible result. "
Peripheral hearing loss could be an early sign of dementia.

If you experience peripheral hearing loss symptoms, you may beHigher risk of dementia, according to a 2020Lancet Commission report. Why? Because peripheral hearing loss increases"Cognitive load" on the brain. Essentially, your brain must work harder and use more energy on hearing processes to the detriment of essential brain functions, such as cognition and memory. In addition, experts hypothesize that peripheral hearing loss can lead to social isolation,Another potential contributor the development of dementia.
"A common misunderstanding about hearing loss is that it only affects the ears. Our ears and brains work together to understand the sounds of speech and treatments, and when someone suffers from hearing loss , his brain must work harder, "says Lanter. "It can be more difficult to follow conversations when you have to listen to lounge, read the lips or use additional context indices to get the message. This additional stress on your brain can put you at an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia."
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Visit your doctor if you feel hearing loss.

Early detection of peripheral hearing loss is essential to delay progression and the beginning of dementia. Even a light hearing loss canDouble your risk of developing dementia, according to a 2014 study published inAging mental health. The study also revealed that people with severe hearing loss presented a five -time risk of developing dementia.
If you noticeChanges in your hearing, the first step is to reserve a consultation with a hearing care specialist. They are better able to assess your hearing, recommend a solution and put you on the path of a better quality of life. A specialist can recommend hearing aids, which can reduce considerablyCognitive decline and risk of dementia due to hearing loss. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Audiology found that carrying hearing aids in the first three years of a diagnosis of hearing lossRISCE OF REDUCED DEMUSION 18%, depression and anxiety of 11%, and injuries linked to the 13%fall.
"Appropriate hearing care is vital for a healthy life," said Lanter. "Hearing loss can often occur slowly over time, and some people may not realize that they have trouble hearing until someone attracts them to their attention. The best prevention is therefore an early intervention. "